Here are 10 gemstones that will help you receive angelic guidance and support.
These 10 crystals are aligned with the angelic realms, and can help us enlist the guidance and support of angels.
After setting the intention to connect with angels, place one of these crystals on an angel altar, wear it or keep it with you, or hold it in your hand while you meditate. (Or, choose from my 10 Best Ways to Use Crystals for Healing and Manifestation.)
1. Amethyst
Amethyst helps open the crown chakra to align us with the Divine and remind us that we are one with All That Is. In addition to helping us connect with angels, amethyst and amethyst gem essence help heal addictions, soothe anxiety, and recharge the physical body.
2. Angelite
With the word “angel” imbedded in its very name, angelite is particularly attuned to angels. Angelite helps with receiving intuitive guidance and messages from the angels. It also helps us vocalize the angel messages we receive.
3. Apophyllite
Instead of calling angels to you, maybe you’d like to pay the angels a visit instead. If so, get yourself an apophyllite. Apophyllite and apophyllite gem essence are excellent for help with astral travel to the celestial realms.
4. Aquamarine
With a high, clear, purifying vibration, aquamarine can help detoxify mind, body, and spirit. Aquamarine and aquamarine gem essence align us more closely with the angelic realm to make it feel easier and more natural for us to connect with angels.
5. Celestite
Celestite (also known as celestine), is as celestial as they come. Celestite and celestite gem essence help with divine orchestration, divine timing, and purifying challenging karma. Additionally, meditating while gazing at a celestite is a powerful way to attune to the celestial and angelic realm.
6. Clear Quartz
Clear quartz is another spiritual detoxifier. By holding and emanating divine energy and purifying white light, clear quartz and clear quartz gem essence help raise or personal vibration and open up a clear channel to angels and the Divine.
7. Kunzite
Softly pink kunzite is deeply healing to the heart chakra. By soothing and dispelling old pain and heartache, kunzite and kunzite gem essence open us up to the loving, harmonizing vibrations of the angelic realm.
8. Larimar
Known as the “stone of joy,” larimar is reminiscent of the bluest of blue skies. Like angels themselves, larimar and larimar gem elixir remind us that there are infinite possibilities and that we can indeed manifest the feelings and conditions that our heart desires.
9. Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is both gentle and powerful. It softens harsh energy and smooths discordant vibrations, bringing healing to the body and relaxation to the mind. In this way, rose quartz and rose quartz gem elixir dispel anxiety and stress and open us up to the healing and guidance of the angels.
10. Sunstone
Radiant, sunshiny sunstone brings confidence and reminds us of our divine mission to spread healing and love. It lightens and brightens our mood by dispelling heavy, stuck, or challenging emotions and powerfully connecting us with angels and our Infinite Source.
Purify, activate, and elevate your vibration with crystals, and connect with the power and magic of angels.
Did you work with one of these crystals to help you connect with angels? How did it go? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments.
I currently have an angel altar and have been calling on angels and divine intervention daily. I searched for angel crystals to find this top 10 and was pleasantly surprise to realize that my altar has many of these beautiful crystals! Since I started calling on the divine with the help of crystals I’ve certainly felt the presence of the divine celestial light beings and have been receiving continuous signs and guidance. I encourage any and all to call on Angels, their love and purpose is to help us. I was just given another perfect Angel stone SERAPHINITE! its a must have for the Angel collection!
Thanks for sharing your list Tess. Much Love.
Casey, great tip! And thank you for sharing about your beautiful experience.
Here’s no. 11:
This gorgeous feldspar mineral is a powerful protector, and with it, communicating with Angels is a snap! Works especiallY well in its white/clear form, or pink, but any colour of Petalite will help.
Oh, nice! Thank you for sharing.