Get stuck energy moving, cleanse your aura, and fine tune the vibration of your home on Halloween.
Here are 3 purification rituals that will work wonderfully on Samhain. Do one or do them all.
Samhain Road Opener Ritual
To get stuck energy moving, get out of a rut, and open up doors of possibility in your life, try this one.
Open every door in the house, including doors to the outside. (You may need to do this in stages if you have pets or small children you need to keep safely inside. If so, that’s fine. Just open as many doors as you can for the ritual and open the other ones afterwards.)
If there’s anything preventing a door’s full range of motion (i.e. something on or behind the door), remove it so the door can open as far as possible.
Stand in a central or comfortable location in your home. (This could be your altar, living room, kitchen, foyer, or anywhere else that feels right to you.)
Close your eyes, center yourself, and call on the Divine in a way that feels powerful for you. Say to the Divine:
I know that you have the ability to open doors where there seemingly are no doors, and I thank you for doing that now. Thank you for illuminating my path and showing me the way to thrive. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Then safely light a bundle of dried desert sage. Carry a dish beneath it to catch any burning embers. Then safely cleanse every threshold with the smoke. Extinguish the bundle. (Or, if you have sensitive human or animal family members, you can substitute with a mister of rose water, and very lightly mist each threshold.)
Thank the Divine once more. Smile and feel joyful expectation for all the blessings in store for the days and weeks ahead.
Samhain Deep Aura Cleanse
Light a white candle in your bathroom and dissolve one cup Epsom salt and one half cup sea salt to a warm bath. (You can use a shower if you don’t have a bathtub, but skip the salt.)
Stand with your palms directed toward the water. Envision diamond-white light coming down into the crown of your head from above and golden white light coming up into your feet and legs from below. See and sense this light merging at your heart area and moving down your arms, out your palms, and into the water. See the water filled and surrounded with golden white light. Say:
Great Goddess of the pure and glowing moon, thank you for filling this water with vibrations of purification. Please align this water with your power to deeply and thoroughly cleanse. Thank you.
Soak in the water for at least 20 minutes, or take a shower for as long as you usually do. (Be sure to stay hydrated with drinking water if you soak for a long time.) Breathe, relax, and feel stuck and heavy energies lifting and dissolving. Sense yourself transforming into light. (Feel free to clean your physical body while you’re at it.)
Thank the Goddess and dry off.
Finish by safely wafting sage smoke or waving a selenite wand around your body to further purify and fine tune your personal energy field. Extinguish the candle and get dressed.
Samhain Home Tune-up
Does cleaning house on a holiday seem wrong to you, no matter how weird of a year this is? Well, then, you can go ahead and skip this one if you want, or come back to it on a different day.
Otherwise, start this Samhain purification ritual by giving your home a thorough physical cleanse. Clear clutter, organize, clean the windows – the whole works. Or at least as do much as you can comfortably fit into the time you have. Take your time and sense that you’re fine tuning your vibration and the vibration of your home as you go.
As you may be aware, Samhain is sometimes called the “Witch’s New Year.” So whatever you decide to release will represent old, stuck energy you’re not choosing to carry with you into the fresh new cycle ahead, whether it’s books you’re never going to read again, lipstick that never looked quite right on you, or dust bunnies behind the couch. (If you have stuff to donate, you don’t have to actually donate it on Samhain. Just make plans to donate it soon.)
Next, grab a pot and a wooden spoon. While moving in a counter-clockwise direction through each room and area, bang on the pot with the spoon. (Do this softly if you have animals or children who might be startled.) Feel and sense that you are breaking up stagnant energy and creating a clearer and more positive vibration as you go.
Now, using a bell or a chime of any kind, visit each room or area of your home in turn. Stand in the center of the room and ring the bell or chime. Or, if you don’t have a bell or a chime (or if you prefer) you can chant the sound “Om.” Either way, feel you’re sending vibrations of love and luck throughout your space on the currents of sound.
Finally, stand in a central location in your home, or really anywhere that feels right. Close your eyes, hold your hands in prayer pose, and call on the Divine in a way that feels powerful for you. If you’d like, you can also call on any beloved ancestors or deceased loved ones you like to connect with during this time of year. Ask the Divine (and your loved ones on the other side, if applicable) to bless your home with positivity and sweetness, and to bless the fresh new cycle ahead.
Imagine a sphere of opalescent white light filling and surrounding your home. In your mind’s eye, see it gently rotating in a clockwise direction to seal in the energy. Sense that your home is protected, safe, and filled with joy.
Thank the Divine. Thank your ancestors.
Are you planning to try one of these Samhain purification rituals? Or do you have any questions about any of them? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
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Funny, I did a lot of this without even reading your post! 🙂 Perhaps some day my partner will get on board with the power of energy and really rock my world!
…until then, onward and upward together we go!!
We were on the same wavelength! Re: your partner, have you seen this video post?
I will clear my home and my body this weekend. After years of hiding my power and wanting to be small I am ready to come out of the broom closet and fully embrace this part of me. I have gained so much insight from your podcast and website and books. Thank you!
Michele, I love it! Go for it! And I’m happy to hear my work has given you insight.
Love the simplicity of all these ideas. You come from another world.
Thank you ~
I’m a big fan of simplicity! Glad you are too. Thank you for reading and connecting.