Now is the time to work magic for fairness, peace, and bridging the cultural divide.
It’s a transformational time in history, and magic workers have a role to play.
In the United States especially, we are currently being asked to examine our history of systemic racial oppression, both within ourselves and within our culture at large.
If you’re reading this, there’s no doubt that you have already heard the call – not just to work magic but also to take action in the physical world.
Below, you’ll find ideas for doing both.
Spell to Protect Protesters
To help protect protesters from physical and legal harm, light a white candle on your altar or another flat surface.
As you light it, say, “The protesters illuminate injustice and bring healing light to our world.”
In a clockwise direction, create a circle of salt around the candle.
As you do so, say, “The protesters are safe within a protective circle of light.”
Now relax in front of your altar. Close your eyes and visualize protective white light surrounding each and every protester, first in your state, then in surrounding states, then in the entire country.
Call in Divine support in any way that feels powerful to you.
Say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. Blessed be. And so it is.”
As for physical world support, here’s a list of places you can donate to support protesters.
Spell to Promote Fairness and Justice
To help bring about justice for victims of racially motivated murder and violence, and to help stop this pattern from recurring in the future, pull the Justice card out of your tarot deck and place in on your altar.
Light an orange or yellow candle.
Say, “Great Goddess, I call on you. I invoke your fairness. I invoke your balance. I invoke your healing. I call on you to bring justice to those who have been victims of racism in our culture. I call on you to bring justice to their families. I call on you to support our culture in eradicating this dynamic once and for all. Great Goddess, I thank you.”
To take your justice work into the physical world, here’s a helpful list of petitions to sign, charities to support, and places to donate.
Spell to Help Eradicate Racism in Our World
To help speed up the unraveling of structural racism in our world, light a bundle of dried white sage (so it’s smoking like incense).
Waft the smoke around a globe while slowly spinning the globe in a counterclockwise direction.
As you do so, say, “Racism and racist ideologies: unwind, unbind, unravel. Dissolve and dismantle. Cancel, clear, and delete. Erase, erase, erase.”
Extinguish the sage by sealing it in a jar or running it under water.
Anoint the globe with essential oil of spearmint.
Say, “Peace, harmony, fairness, I call on you. Descend. Permeate. Light and lock.”
Envision a grid of light encircling the world, bringing restructuring and healing on every level.
In the physical world, contact your local officials to voice your support of legislation that will help end police violence.
Spell to Help Eradicate Racism in Yourself
Many White people, myself included, have felt drawn to honest self-examination lately. We feel compelled to identify and clear out the old patterns of racism we have picked up by being raised in a racist culture.
If you’ve felt this too, place a small glass of water on your altar or another flat surface. Add three drops of Walnut Flower Essence.
Hold the glass in both hands and say, “I am willing to honestly look within and to shift my consciousness in ways that eradicate racism and remnants of racism within me. I commit now to doing this for myself, my culture, and all future generations.”
Now call on the Divine in a way that feels powerful for you and speak words from your heart to invoke Divine support in your mission to eradicate racism within yourself. Imagine Divine light descending and filling your consciousness and entire being.
Drink the water.
For the next 28 days, take 2-3 drops of Walnut essence per day, under the tongue or in your drinking water.
And, to support this shift in the physical world, read Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad. (It’s a 28 day journaling challenge.)
Are you going to try one of these spells? Or do you have other ideas to share? Please speak up in the comment section below.
Thanks Tess for advocating the abolition and rectification of racism not just in USA, but beyond. I hope justice prevails in that matter.
Thank you for reading, and for sharing my passion for this issue. I hope the same.
Thank you so much for posting this so quickly. I have been searching for something like this. Love and light <3
Glad it’s helpful. Love and light to you too!
Dear Tess, thank you for these inspiring options for magic workers to contribute globally, from our villages, across our countries and into the world. This is specifically what I have been looking for. May we all contribute to bring justice, understanding and love to our planet. Thanks for sharing your light and your love. Blessings, Alex
Alexandra, thanks for your encouragement! And thanks for lending your magic to the cause.
This is one of the best articles I’ve seen so far with spell specifics on this topic. Thank you so much for making this!! It’s exactly the thing I’ve been looking for to make myself useful!
But I have a question, in the last spell listed what could I use in place of the walnut oil? I’m highly allergic to all things walnut and just wanted your recommendations before taking to Google 😄.
Hope you’re well and safe.
Hi Caitlyn! Thank you! Well, flower essences (like the one I linked to in the post) don’t actually contain the physical plant, but rather the energetic vibration of the plant, which is why they are even made from toxic flowers in some cases. That being said, if you still (understandably) want to steer clear of anything with the word “Walnut” in it, I am getting that blackberry would be a good one for you.