Improve your wealth vibration and call more money into your life now with these five simple practices.
I’m intrigued by money. Money, in and of itself, is absolutely fascinating to me.
Why? Because it’s energy.
Or, you might say, it’s an invisible, intangible, mutually agreed-upon conceptual framework that significantly defines our modern world and individual life experiences.
Which is literally like nothing else.
As I wrote in Little Guide to Money Magic:
“More than any other human belonging, money appears and behaves like energy. Actual physical money is made of paper and metal, and that paper or metal is not especially valuable in and of itself, but rather is valued for the currency that it symbolizes. And money in our bank account is an intangible number with no physical properties at all. But at the same time, money provides for all our physical needs. It’s an idea or concept of value that we’ve all agreed upon. Without that agreement – that a dollar is valuable and a certain number of dollars can pay the rent or buy groceries – money would not have value. (Even gold has nothing but an agreed-upon value: it’s just a pretty metal that reminds us of the sun.) As vital as money is to modern life, it is actually a pretty ethereal and woo-woo thing when you think about it.”
…So, you know, interesting. Right?
When you consider money as energy, or as a concept, imagine how powerful it can be to consciously shift your energy and change your concept around money. I find it amazing just how quickly I can begin to call more money into my life experience exclusively by doing just that.
In this post, you’ll find five practices that will attract more money into your life. I make that claim confidently because these money manifestation secrets have worked for me over and over and over again.
But there’s no need to take my word for it! Try them out for yourself. (And then remember to come back and let me know what happens in the comments.)
Money Attraction Secret #1: Be Mindful of Money
Too often, magical and alternative spiritual teachings seem to promote money mindlessness. They imply that you should throw caution to the wind and spend with gleeful abandon. This, my friends, is not wise.
Instead, honor your money. Keep an eye on it and don’t waste it. Notice what you spend it on. Notice where it comes from. Look for deals. Wait for sales. Don’t buy stuff you don’t actually want or need. Have some degree of organization with your money management. Create a budget or do your finances weekly or monthly. Look at your bank statements and credit card charges every month and make sure you recognize all of them.
Money is energy, yes, but it’s also practical. It’s related to every aspect of your real world well-being. Your responsibility around money shows that you respect it. A respectful relationship is the only kind that is mutually beneficial.
Treat yourself to luxuries, sure, but never mindlessly. It would be reckless to unnecessarily place yourself in a position of worry around money. Instead, cultivate a sense of calm around it. This will lend itself to the grounded vibration that will help you steadily attract more and more money over time.
Money Attraction Secret #2: Clear Your Clutter
“Tess, you always tell us to clear clutter. To hear you tell it, clutter clearing is the cure for everything!”
Well, my dear grumpy, imaginary reader, you’re damn right. It is the cure for everything. And you’re damn right that I’m always telling you to do it. Look, I’m not trying to come up with flashy-fresh new content here. I’m just telling you what works.
And what works is clutter clearing.
Here’s how clutter clearing works when it comes to attracting wealth:
Stuff holds energy. When you let go of the stuff you don’t love, use, or need, you’re improving your vibration, which makes you more magnetic to the energy of money. You’re also creating a vacuum for wonderful, fresh new stuff (including money and other fundamental resources) to flow into your life experience. Ok? Ok.
Money Attraction Secret #3: Receive Fully
In The Trance of Scarcity, Victoria Castle writes, “If we receive fully, gratitude follows naturally…Gratitude deepens the pleasure of receiving and makes us eager to accept more and more good things into our lives.”
I love how she defines gratitude as a natural side effect of being receptive. Because it’s true that an attitude of gratitude is an excellent way to increase your money magnetism. But all too often, the command to “be grateful” can come across as a way of guilting us. Like, “What’s wrong with you! You should be grateful!” Or, “Stop complaining about your [possibly very real] problems! Just be grateful and shut up.”
Instead, as Victoria Castle recommends, consider that we naturally feel grateful when we allow ourselves to receive. Then, gratitude stops being an airy-fairy spiritual platitude and becomes something very real: enjoyment of the luxury that already surrounds us.
How do we allow ourselves to receive? We slow down. We notice our breathing. We notice the way our body feels on the earth or in our chair. We listen to the subtle sounds around us. We bake cookies and savor them. We look at the way the light dances across the surface of a lake. We light a stick of incense and enjoy its scent.
And when someone offers us something? A compliment, a meal, a bouquet? We smile. We take a deep breath. We say thank you. And we receive it. Fully.
We might not do these things all the time, but we make a practice of them. We introduce them again and again into our daily experience.
Eventually, receptivity becomes a habit. And so does gratitude. And then more cash starts flowing in.
Money Attraction Secret #4: Believe in an Abundant Universe
I have read The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron literally more times than I can count. But when I read the following passage again recently, I was nonetheless intrigued and delighted anew.
[Note, if you’re allergic to the word “God,” like I am, you can just mentally replace the word with “Universe” or “Spirit” or “Goddess” or “All That Is” or whatever you like.]
“For many of us, raised to believe that money is the real source of security, a dependence on God feels foolhardy, suicidal, even laughable…
‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all things will be added to it,’ we have been told, often since childhood, by people quoting from the Bible. We don’t believe this. And we certainly don’t believe it about art. Maybe God would feed and clothe us, in a pinch, but painting supplies? A museum tour of Europe, dance classes? God’s not about to spring for those, we tell ourselves. We cling to our financial concerns as a way to avoid not only our art but also our spiritual growth. Our faith is in the dollar. ‘I have to keep a roof over my head,’ we say. ‘Nobody’s going to pay me to be more creative.’
We are awfully sure about that. Most of us harbor a secret belief that work has to be work and not play, that anything we really want to do – like write, act, dance – must be considered frivolous and placed a distant second. This is not true.
We are operating out of the toxic old idea that God’s will for us and our will for us are at opposite ends of the table. ‘I want to be an actress, but God wants me to wait tables in hash joints,’ the scenario goes. ‘So if I try to be an actress, I will end up slinging hash.’
Thinking like this is grounded in the idea that God is a stern parent with very rigid ideas about what’s appropriate for us. And you’d better believe we won’t like them. This stunted god concept needs alteration.”
While we must of course be respectful of money (See Money Attraction Secret #1, above), it is also powerful to look at what we expect about the Universe (AKA the Divine, Spirit, and God/Goddess/All That Is) and all the unseen support It provides.
I believe we are so powerful, our concept of the Divine actually defines our experience of the Divine. In other words, if we think the Divine wants to send us on a tour of Europe – I mean, if we really believe it – then it is so.
We can use hypothetical questions to shift our concept of the Divine by saying to ourselves, “What if the Universe wants me to be happy? What if the Universe wants me to spend every day doing things I love, and all the while also wants to send lots and lots and lots of money my way? What would that look like? How would it feel?”
…And then we can step into the feeling, and then the vibration, and then the reality. Because that’s how magic works, y’all.
Money Attraction Secret #5: Do This Door Ritual
Finally, we’ve got my go-to money spell. With all the above secrets going for you, this front door ritual is the sparkly-gold icing on the cake.
…Well, what do you think? Did these money attraction secrets speak to you? Have you employed any of them before? Did this post give you any new insights into these ideas? Do you feel inspired to go out and attract some wealth? Let me know in the comment section below!
Also remember to come back and let me know when and how this stuff starts working for you.
#3 is going to be the best feeling ever!
It’s so true especially if you have an office, I just did #3 last week and already have a new momentum and energy in the room and in me.
This reading is just confirmation that yes it is so good to do it!
Love your blog!
Thanks, Lore! ❤️
I love your writing! Informative, cheeky, practical, and magickal all rolled into one. I nearly laughed out loud at your statement to imaginary readers then stopped in my tracks when I got to the part about, “if we receive fully, gratitude follows naturally…” and read it again. And again. I love to give but I forgot that I have found it hard to receive. I miss people giving back, actually (the pandemic has made it extra hard with my health issues). And then you mentioned The Artist’s Way, a book I adore and now want to read again!
Since I am constantly getting rid of things – case in point, something benign as a pan my ex and I shared – and I actively keep a budget, I guess I can soak up the others and get on that spell!
Thank you!
Christina, thank YOU! It means a lot to me to receive this encouragement. I’m so happy to hear this post inspired you to receive, and to reread The Artist’s Way. 😊
You’re a metaphysical badass. 🙂
I love it. Your writing is very charming and soft AND YET has TEETH right where it needs to.
These 5 Methods are great, some reminders of things I should be keeping up with and others brand new perspectives I’m going to start playing with immediately.
I will tell you the technique you call hypothetical thinking (I think that’s how you stated it) has been extremely useful for this grumpy and real-not-imagined reader. I first saw this notion on one of your videos and instantly the whole “what if” approach resonated with me. I have applied this simple and powerful diddy (that’s my lingo for spell, operation, etc., just anything short of a ritual) to many challenges and opportunities since the day I caught your video and it’s really helping me iron out what has been a challenging year or so of battling the self-doubt-devils and negative-expectation-gremlins.
Thank you so much for your great content and for the interesting magical signature you burn into the ether as you work.
DISCLAIMER: With regards to the hyphen-abuse (dammit there I go again!) readers of this comment were exposed to, let me assure everyone that none of my hyphens have been forced to work without pay, denied food, or otherwise harmed or mistreated. I just get on kicks where I use them too frequently, but I like to think it keeps them in shape and helps mitigate the rampant societal issue of hyphen neglect, whereby far too few of these wonderful punctuation marks are used daily in content that badly needs them.
Cheers yo.
BTW as a native Appalachian, I applaud and approve of your classy usage of “Ya’ll”.
Ash, haha! I love this. Thanks for your compliments and hilarious disclaimer, and I am so grateful for your approval of my usage of y’all. Sometimes I feel so drawn to use it, but a part of me worries that people from California are not allowed.