Call in purely positive divine energy by invoking help from the angelic realm.

Working with angels is one of the easiest and most effective ways to bring about positive change.
It truly couldn’t be simpler: just ask for angelic assistance, then trust it to arrive.
Here are six places to start.
1. Ask Archangel Michael to clear, shield, and protect your energy.
Archangel Michael’s energy is searingly bright and intensely protective. Simply asking him to clear and shield your aura with fiery white light is a wonderful way to protect yourself from negative energy of all varieties. You can ask him to stay with you all the time, but I also like to refresh this invocation at least once every 24 hours.
2. Ask Archangel Metatron to bring clarity to your mind and align you with divine timing.
Archangel Metatron’s energy is like a pillar of light, connecting us with the cosmic, heavenly realm while simultaneously grounding us in the golden light at the core of the earth. And he is SO organized! Call on him any time you feel overwhelmed by details and feel his help arrive instantly, sorting everything out and illuminating priorities with a focused beam of clarifying light.
3. Ask Archangel Chamuel to harmonize you with your romantic partner, or to steady your heart for romance.
Archangel Chamuel specializes in opening and harmonizing the heart. Request that he surround your heart and your partner’s heart in spheres of pink light, and then request that he harmonize your hearts to complimentary frequencies. Or, if you’re not in a partnership and you’d like to be, you can request that he steady your heart for romance and tune it to the frequency that will most effectively manifest an ideal partner.
4. Ask Archangel Jophiel to awaken you to your own beauty and the beauty around you.
This archangel is all about beautification: of your consciousness, environment, and life conditions. She attunes us to the divine frequency of beauty so that we see it within us and around us. Because of the metaphysical law that states that what we focus on expands, this in turn brings even more beauty into our lives and the world.
5. Ask the angelic realm to open channels of abundance, and to surround you in the energy of lavish prosperity.
We can always request help from all of the angels in general, for example to remove obstacles and open the floodgates to our natural state of abundance and wealth. Request this support, and imagine channels of golden light being freed up, rushing toward you, and then swiftly surrounding you in a golden, sparkling, wealth-magnetizing sphere.
6. Meet your personal guardian angel(s) and open a conscious channel of communication.
Each and every one of us has one or two angels who act as liaisons between our human realm and the realm of the Divine. Close your eyes, relax, and center yourself. When you feel ready, request conscious connection with your guardian angel(s). See or sense them in your mind’s eye, and be willing to hear, see, or know their name(s). Feel and express gratitude for this connection, and inwardly express your intention to check in with your helper(s) throughout the day.
The angels are always near. Cultivate a relationship with them and experience blessings on every level you are.
Did you try one of these six angelic invocation techniques? How did it go? Please share in the comments.
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I’ve conversed with my guardian angels. One of them looks like Keanu Reeves! I asked him about it and he just stared at me. I felt like he was trying to be serious and brush off what seemed like a silly topic. The other guardian angel looks like Gerald Butler but more muscular and darker skinned.The one that looks like Keanu Reeves is quiet and serious, the other one is warm and fatherly. I have also seen Arch Angel Micheal and he looks like Brad Pitt in the movie Troy. I think AA Micheal is a lot handsomer though. AA Micheal talks in a clear strong calm voice. I enjoy seeing and hearing the expressions and reactions when I do or say silly things to them. Whenever I’m a little lost or lonely I feel them near comforting me. I believe