As you assess your floor plan and think about how you use the space and the feelings it gives you, consider the activities/energies that are ideal for each area. In this post, we'll take a moment to look at your feng shui floor plan, and assess how you can best use the space based on the nine life areas. For some of you - especially those of you in smaller spaces like studios or one bedroom apartments - this will not take long because you don't really have that many options for what to do ... continue reading...
What the Bagua is in Feng Shui and How to Draw It
Just what is the bagua map, exactly? And how can you draw it over your floor plan? In the Taoist form of alchemy that we call feng shui, there is a mathematical and magical construct known as the bagua. In Western mystery traditions it's known as a magic square (a square in which each row adds up to the same number) or, more specifically, as the square of Saturn. In fact, the bagua/square of Saturn is present in some form in the mathematical and spiritual traditions of countless cultures, both ... continue reading...
9 Feng Shui Ideas for Outdoor Spaces
Bring positivity and beauty to your front yard, back yard, or other landscape with these 9 feng shui cures for outdoor spaces. Feng shui is all about good vibes. As you may know, in feng shui, the word for vibes (actually life force energy) is chi. Naturally, one of the most important feng shui considerations is choosing a place to live where the very land itself possesses positive chi, and then increasing the positive chi quotient as much as possible. But if where you live doesn't ... continue reading...
Super Powerful Ritual for Love and Romance
Whether or not you're currently in a romantic relationship, this love spell can help open your heart, get you into your body, and turn up the volume on your romantic magnetism. Romance Master Ritual INGREDIENTS 2 sticks vanilla incense 2 red roses 2 pink candles 1 pinch dried damiana (herb) A bottle of red wine (really any red wine that's cheap enough that you don't mind pouring a whole bottle in your bath.) 2 small lepidolites (crystals), cleansed in cold water and sunlight A ... continue reading...
The Perils and Pitfalls of Positive Thinking
Don't Fall into One of These 3 Positivity Traps Positive thinking - simple as pie, right? Think good thoughts, good things happen, end of story. Actually, not quite. ...My first brush with the concept of positive thinking couldn't have been more stereotypical: it was the book The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. When I was a freshman in high school, my dad gave it to me in hopes that it would help me to stop being such a gloomy teenager. And it did! What's more, it ... continue reading...