Keep your car’s energy clean, vibrant, and sparkling.
Keeping your car in good physical shape is so important. But vibes are important too.
Here are some great ways to bless, cleanse, protect, and generally tend to the energetic well-being of your car.
General Car Blessing
I have a friend who, while in India, witnessed a “car puja.”
She met someone who had recently acquired a new car. Guess what he did next? He invited over everyone he knew to fill it with flowers and sing chants around it.
Which, of course, I totally love.
If you have a new car and your friends are woo-woo enough, why not give something similar a try?
Otherwise, or additionally, or really any time you want to bless your car, you can do this car blessing ritual.
If you car isn’t already sparkling clean, wash it thoroughly, inside and out.
Now, open all the car windows and doors and mist your car with a white sage spray. Generally move around from corner to corner in a counterclockwise direction. This will remove stuck energy and challenging vibrations of all varieties.
Next, mist the interior thoroughly with rose water while moving in a clockwise direction. This will fill the car with sweetness and love.
Now place a three to six red, white, or pink roses near the center of the interior of the car in a vase (making whatever arrangements necessary to be sure they will not spill). Also place a clear quartz point near the roses.
Close the windows and doors.
Call on angels and/or the Divine in any way that feels powerful for you.
Standing outside the car, place your palms on the top or the outside and close your eyes. Take some deep breaths and imagine bright golden-white light coming up from the core of the earth and down from the infinite cosmos. See the light entering your feet and moving up to your heart and entering your crown and moving down to your heart. Mentally send the light down your arms, through your palms, and into the car.
Visualize and sense the entire car filled and surrounded by a sphere of inexhaustible, bright, golden-white light.
Express gratitude for your amazing good fortune at having this wonderful car.
Consciously invoke all the qualities and conditions you’d like it. For example, you might request and affirm that your car continually runs safely and well, that it’s protected and surrounded by angels, and that you simply love to drive it.
Finish by expressing even more gratitude, perhaps by saying, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. Blessed be. And so it is.”
Leave the roses in the car until the next day and leave the quartz in the car to anchor the positive energies you invoked. (Every week or so, cleanse the crystal by setting or holding it in sunlight for a minute or two.)
Simple Car Cleanse
First, if it’s not already clean, physically clean your car, inside and out.
Then, invoke the divine in any way you choose. Request support with clearing your car of any and all stuck or challenging energies.
Finally, simply mist the inside of your car with rose water, a sage spray, or another freshening herbal mist of your choice. (Feel free to make your own if you’re crafty that way.)
Angelic Car Protection Charm
Angelic energy is swift and protective. And angels are great with mechanics and travel.
So get yourself an angel charm for your car. (Any charm you like will do.)
While the moon is waxing, place or hold it in bright sunlight for a minute or two to charge it up.
Then, hold it in both hands. Say a quick prayer earnestly invoking angelic protection for your car at all times.
Hang the charm from your rearview mirror, attach it to your visor, or hook it on to your keys.
Road Trip Charm
Here’s a fun little charm to bless any road trip and make it extra magical.
Cleanse an aqua aura quartz by placing or holding it in bright sunlight for a minute or two.
Hold it in your right hand and empower it with the intention to have a fun, safe, and harmonious road trip.
Request the presence of a special “road trip angel” to protect your car and keep a watchful eye on every aspect of your travel.
Thank the angel for being there. Then, keep the crystal in your car for the entire trip.
Everyday Car Safety Invocation
It’s a good idea to work a quick and thorough car clearing and protection into your daily meditation.
You don’t have to be in your car to do so. You can do such a car clearing remotely, while sitting in your house, or wherever you normally like to meditate and pray.
Begin by calling on divine energy to completely clear your car of any and all stuck or challenging energies, and to surround it in a sphere of golden white light.
Next, call on 6 angels to surround the car and keep it (and everyone in and around it) perfectly safe.
Request that St. Christopher (the patron saint of travel) also watch over the car and keep it and everyone in and around it perfectly safe.
Express your gratitude to all these divine helpers.

Radiant: Embracing Your Power and Beauty at Midlife drops June 2024! Pre-order it here.
Did you try one of these car magic practices? Or do you plan to? Or do you have any questions or comments about them? Please share in the comment section below.
You may also like these 5 Charms for Safe and Harmonious Travel.
Hi ive bought a car in 2016 from an a place that sells pre owned car, the car didnt even last sux months with me it got into the accident while my bf who is an ex now driving it. I tried fixing the car bit by bit, it took me 5 years to finally fix it cause i was not working back then. I got a job now its running but the problem is everything thing seems to be a blockage when it comes to it. I love my car but its like the is a nagative energy holding it for me not to go forward. How can i protect my car and remove this bad spirit?? Please help ☹️😢
Nomawethu, I’m not totally clear on what the problem is now. Is it not running well? Or is it a feeling you have about the car? Or…?
We had an old black car I named “black beauty”. It looked like a black horse and was my husband’s car. The car started getting run down and my husband lost interest in maintaining her, so he got another car and decided to give “black beauty” away. I prayed, did clearings , and blessings, lovingly envisioning her going to a nice family of a mechanic. My husband lost the title to the car and our building manager told us to move that car out or it’ll be towed out at our expense. My husband panicked and called a place where they would take cars without title and tow it for free, since our battery was dead and safety check expired. I was okay until I found out it was a scrap yard! I was so upset at my husband for mindlessly getting rid of the car! The weirdest thing happenned that evening, my husband realized that he forgot to take out his gate key and work entry windshield sticker. So he called the place and they said that he could pick it up on Monday, Even weirder, the person that worked there asked if they could have the car, since it still runs and asked my husband to get a duplicate order of title and sign it over to him. My husband was puzzled, he found out that the guy he spoke to was a mechanic with a family looking for a nice car just like this one!!! I was so happy. The visions came true. “Black Beauty” was gonna be okay. I continue to send reiki to “Black Beauty” and protection and abundance for the mechanic who adopted her. My husband was amazed at how the universe conspired to make my vision come true no matter what.❤️🙏🚗🚘
Beautiful! This reminds me of Marie Kondo’s relationship with her cell phone in The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. When we love “inanimate objects” they really do feel it and respond,.
All great suggestions! Thank you! 😊
How can I remove a memory that someone saw in my car? It’s a disturbing memory for my husband. Can that be done?
You can certainly clear the energy related to the memory with space clearing (as described in the article), and your husband can work to heal the negative effects of it with meditation and deep breathing exercises.
Love this!