Sending Seasonal Greeting Cards Can Be a Magical Act with This Simple Holiday Ritual
Energetically speaking, what we send out comes back to us multiplied.
So, when I send my Yule cards, I like to fill them with beautiful, blessing-filled energy so that I am not only sending blessings to my loved ones, but so that I’m creating a boomerang effect and sending multiplied blessings back to myself.
In addition to being fun, this is a wonderful way to fill the coming new year with extra abundance and luck.
It makes sending holiday cards into a little prosperity spell and love ritual. And it’s simple! Here’s how to do it.
Before you write your cards, hold a red candle in both hands and direct positive energy into it, perhaps by visualizing golden light and/or feeling and expansive, loving feeling in your heart. Then light the candle. Write each card consciously and lovingly, and as you seal it, feel that you are sealing in your positive wishes for your loved one.
When you have a stack of sealed envelopes, sit comfortably with your spine straight. Hold the stack between your two palms, so that your hands are in prayer pose at your heart. Close your eyes, relax, and send beautiful, positive energy and well-wishes into the cards, perhaps in the form of golden light. See this energy/light expanding to fill and encompass your entire body and aura. Say or think something like,
What I focus on expands.
What I send out comes back to me multiplied.
I focus on love and light.
I send out blessings and abundance.
I open my heart to give and receive love, and all good things.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Blessed be. And so it is.
Then walk to the mailbox and drop them in.
Did you try this ritual? How did it go? Please share in the comments below.
You may also like these 5 Little Ways to Work Magic this Yuletide.
Thank you for connecting! I love this ritual too, so I was happy to share.
*yay* Thank you Mrs Tess! I can't wait to get started on them now. Happy Friday!
This is lovely, thank you.
Oh, cool, Ola! So glad you liked it. Thanks so much for reading!
Oh, thank you, this is wonderful, I had never thought of doing this. I have been putting off writing my Christmas cards, maybe it was because I had to read this post first :).