Employ these botanicals in your magic for wealth, prosperity, and abundance.
This is an excerpt from my new book, Little Guide to Money Magic: Everything You Need to Know Including Money Spells.
Plants are rooted in the fertile earth and are nourished by the flowing wealth of water and the sparkling golden light of the sun. In turn, plants nourish, comfort, house, and heal us. All of this means that plants in general are powerful allies for money magic. But there are some herbs that are especially suited to help us magically call in more wealth.
Here is a list of classic herbs for money magic: botanicals that call in abundance and vibrate at the frequency of wealth.
If you want to employ a magical herb or two but don’t know where to start, pay attention to your intuition while reading the following descriptions. Notice which herb or herbs sound the most enticing to you. Or if you go to an herb shop or a store with bulk herbs available, you can open the jars and see which scents relax, uplift, and inspire you the most.
Allspice has a sweet, fiery energy that ignites success, sparks luck, and kindles your financial fire.
Avocado has a luxurious energy. It nourishes the spirit and helps you know and trust that you deserve the good things in life.
Bamboo is energizing and can help fuel your enthusiasm for your work. Its swift upward growth promotes expansion and self-cultivation, both of which support financial success. Bamboo also improves your luck.
When it comes to botanical money magic, basil is a classic among classics. Eating basil, smelling basil, gazing at basil, and bathing with basil leaves can all help you align more fully with the frequency of wealth.
It’s helpful to work with the scent of cedar, or to spend time with living cedar trees, when you are healing from trauma around the topic of wealth or consciously shifting your beliefs and expectations around deserving good things. Cedar is strengthening, fortifying, and reassuring. It reminds us that the universe supports us and thriving is our natural state.
This is my favorite cedar incense.
Even though chamomile’s energy is soothing and soft, it’s a powerhouse when it comes to helping us heal and feel at home in the world. Chamomile’s straightforward, sunshiny energy will brighten your mood while opening you up to receive all the blessings and beauty life has to offer.
No list of magical money botanicals would be complete without cinnamon. Cinnamon will raise your vibration, draw the sweet things in life, and activate your finances with its fiery kick.
Work with clove when you want to begin to see yourself as affluent, elegant, and rich. Clove has a depth and gravity that helps you respect yourself and in turn expect wonderful things to flow into your life .
Clover possesses a gentle, understated power that helps us feel worthy, valuable, steady, strong, and comfortable being who we are. While these qualities might not sound particularly potent when it comes to money magic, believe me, they are. Try working with clover (leaves or blossoms) in your money magic when you feel exhausted mentally or physically, or when negative self-talk seems to be draining or overwhelming you. You will be surprised by how powerful it can be.
If you’ve ever had a cup of coffee, I don’t need to tell you the financially motivated reason that many businesses provide coffee to their employees free of charge. In addition to boosting focus and stamina when brewed into a drink (which may or may not agree with your sleep cycle and digestion), coffee beans themselves can be useful magical ingredients in charm bags for wealth and success, particularly when hard work and enthusiasm figure into the equation. And you can always add a coffee bean or two to any charm bag to help speed up the results of your magic.
(Have you tried this mushroom coffee? It’s amazing.)
Even though the energy of money is not always gentle, pleasant, and beneficent, the flowering plants in the daisy family (including chamomile, also listed here) represent the aspects of the energy of money that are gentle, pleasant, and beneficent. When your small donation of money makes it possible for a child in need to have access to a surgery that restores their eyesight, for example, you witness the constructive, wholesome, nourishing aspect of money that daisy emanates. Consequently, if you are weighed down by negative feelings about the less wholesome aspects of the energy of money, and you believe these feelings are holding you back from receiving money, daisy can help. Planting fresh daisies around your home or bringing fresh daisies into your space will help open you up to money’s positive potential to heal and bless.
Even when dried, dill retains its vibrant green hue. Like its color, dill’s taste has significant depth and dimension. Magically it’s an herb that helps us internalize the expectation of wealth and the feeling that we deserve wonderful things in life. Add dill to your food, plant it in your herb garden, or add a sprig or a pinch to money sachets to attune to the frequency of lasting and constantly expanding wealth.
Like other fiery herbs, ginger is activating. Work with ginger in your money magic when you want to get stuck finances moving or happily move things forward in your job hunt or career. Ginger also has a cleansing, invigorating aspect, so you can also employ it to help you release debt or clear out old, challenging patterns around money.
Green Tea
I love green tea as a wealth-drawing herb. I also just love green tea: it’s delicious and nutritious and provides a gentle energy boost. Loose-leaf green tea in particular actually resembles crumpled-up cash. (My favorite is gunpowder green.) Create the simplest of potions by brewing a cup and empowering it with your wealth-drawing intention.
Honeysuckle is a luck-boosting botanical because it gets energy moving in the most positive of ways. If your finances, career, or motivation (or all of these) have been feeling sluggish or stuck, try taking honeysuckle flower essence or planting honeysuckle in your yard so you can inhale the blossoms’ scent.
One of the first money spells I ever did involved hyssop oil. While I can’t seem to remember anything else about that particular spell, what I do recall is hyssop’s deliciously vitalizing herbal scent. Hyssop essential oil is an excellent remedy for times when you feel burned out, exhausted, or drained by the topic of money or work. It helps restore your focus and restructure your boundaries so you can bolster your courageous heart, rediscover your direction and enthusiasm, and move forward with confident decisiveness.
Jasmine is a beautiful flower with a sweetly sensual scent that helps get you out of your head and into your body. This in turn attunes you to the vibration of luxury so that you can open up to all the abundant blessings the universe wants to bestow.
This is my favorite jasmine incense.
Like a carefree summer vacation, the vibration of lemongrass is one of sweet and blissful wellbeing. It’s an energy you want to hang out in forever. If you notice yourself thinking of yourself as an unlucky person or as one of the have-nots, lemongrass can help shift that belief pattern so that you not only believe you deserve the good things in life but also expect them. Lemongrass also cleanses the spirit and focuses the mind, so it’s helpful if you feel drained, ungrounded, or overwhelmed.
With its cool, sweet, and invigorating freshness, mint helps raise your wealth vibration while clearing the way for money to appear. One of my favorite everyday prosperity spells is simply adding a few drops of spearmint essential oil to a bucket of warm water and using it to wash the outside of my front door.
Acorns, oak leaves, and oak flower essence all possess the strong vibration of prosperity in every sense of the word, which includes health, wealth, happiness, luck, and all-around wellbeing. In numerous ancient cultures, the oak tree was considered an arboreal emissary or representative of thunder, the sun, and even the Great God himself. Oak can help you stand in your power so that you can courageously manifest your heart’s desire.
Eating oatmeal might sound like the most mundane of activities, but if you empower the oats with the intention to manifest wealth, your morning bowl of oatmeal can become a nice little spell. Oats—and grains in general—were synonymous with abundance to many of our early agricultural ancestors. To this day, eating oats nourishes the body and connects you to the abundant energy of the earth. And if you’ve been looking for your life path, wild oat flower essence can help you envision how you’d like your career to look and inspire you to take steps toward making that vision a reality.
Orange (or Tangerine)
If you pay attention, peeling and eating an orange is a multi-sensory journey into the wealth-drawing vibration of this powerful botanical. With its bright and happy color, flowing water in the form of juice, and the actual taste of sunshine, an orange is almost literally bursting with the energy of joyful abundance. (Tangerine has similar magical properties.)
I know some of you hate patchouli, and others love it. (Is there any in between?) I happen to be among those who adore the scent of patchouli, but if you don’t, go ahead and skip this one. There’s never a need to work with botanicals you don’t like. That being said, patchouli is among the most grounding of scents. It’s almost as if dirt itself were made into a perfume. This is why it can help us connect with the abundant energy of the earth, which is engaging, sensual, and fertile. If this description appeals to you but you dislike patchouli, check out vetiver instead.
Pine trees are naturally abundant. Where they grow naturally, they often grow in great profusion. And, as anyone who has ever lived or vacationed among pine trees knows, this sweetly scented evergreen tree bestows a sense that you are safe and all is well.
Rosemary is a wise herb that will happily lend magical power when you respectfully request it. While dried rosemary and rosemary essential oil can be useful, fresh rosemary is the most potent form of this herb to work with. Add a sprig or a few leaves to any prosperity sachet or bath to give it an extra boost of power, wisdom, and strength.
Sage is an herb of equanimity and calm. Add a pinch of fresh or dried sage to a prosperity sachet or bath if you’d like to cultivate the patience, knowledge, and intelligence to make wise financial decisions and investments. You can also cleanse your magical space with sage smoke before performing any ritual or spell to clear the way for divine energy and wisdom to flow in. Or you can cleanse your home or business (including the threshold of your front door) with sage smoke to invite more wealth and abundance to flow in.
Vanilla is earthy, warm, and sweet, making it a natural fit for money magic. It harmonizes the body and mind in the most loving and comforting of ways, bringing you into pleasant alignment with the luxurious abundance of this earthly plane. If you’re a baker, you know that vanilla is an ingredient in pretty much every cookie, cake, and brownie recipe, proving that it brings unrivaled dimension and depth to our experience of the sweet things in life.
When I was really ready to let go of my money problems and embrace prosperity consciousness for real, I performed a ritual that employed the scent of vetiver (in essential oil form) as the main ingredient. Vetiver is among the most earthy and grounding of scents, making it a great substitute for patchouli (for those of you who need one). If the topic of money brings up fears and insecurities for you, you might want to diffuse essential oil of vetiver or wear a perfume oil that contains it.
Did you enjoy this post? Do you have any other favorite wealth-drawing botanicals you’d like to share? Please speak up in the comments below.
You may also like The 24 Best Stones for Money Magic.
You are such a wonderful person. God richly bless you for sharing your knowledge with us. I love plants . I just qualified as a master herbalist and really enjoying working with the herbs.
Irene, congratulations! What an accomplishment. And thank you for your kind words.
This is all such great information!! I just received the book in the mail and I can hardly wait to start reading it and doing the exercises.
This blog is so very useful though! I resonate with so many of the herbs listed. And quite a few of them grow wildly all around where I live, in beautiful Central Oregon! I’m so excited to read this book and the first two of the Practical Magic series!
Tess you’re Goddess! Thank you so freaking much for the abundance of free resources you share endlessly! As well as keeping your books at a very affordable price. Oh and the Oracle decks too! I appreciate you so so very much!
Sending you so much love and light,
Emily, thank you for this encouraging comment! And for getting the book. I hope you enjoy it. And cool to know you’re in Central Oregon – I imagine that’s a magical place to live.