When the Knowledge and Self-Cultivation (Serenity) area of your bagua area is activated, you feel more present, clear, aware, energized, focused, and balanced. There is breathing room around everything else. Here's an overview of the Knowledge and Self-Cultivation area of your bagua. If you don't know where this area is, you can discover it in this post. Well, pull that out because today we're going to be looking at your serenity area, also known as "knowledge and ... continue reading...
Search Results for: clutter
What Rooms Go Where? Feng Shui for Room and Area Usage
As you assess your floor plan and think about how you use the space and the feelings it gives you, consider the activities/energies that are ideal for each area. In this post, we'll take a moment to look at your feng shui floor plan, and assess how you can best use the space based on the nine life areas. For some of you - especially those of you in smaller spaces like studios or one bedroom apartments - this will not take long because you don't really have that many options for what to do ... continue reading...
Feng Shui for Your Baby
Try These 4 Simple Feng Shui Tips for a Creating a Nourishing Space for Your Baby Like a sunrise or a seedling, our precious little babies and toddlers are exceptionally magical. After all, they have only very recently emerged as waves on the shore of time from the ocean of the infinite. Gazing at them, holding them, and being with them, we get to peer into the truth of things more easily, and see that, like them, we are all innocent, and deserving of respect, love, protection, and all the ... continue reading...
Feng Shui and Your Astrological Sign
Learn Your Sun Sign's Unique Feng Shui Signature and Employ Astrology to Arrange Your Home Your astrological sign can tell a lot about how you interact with your home. Certain domestic tendencies and traits belong to each of the signs. Do you recognize yourself in your sun sign's description below? Aries You're a grass fire and you need space to spread and burn - in the form of open area to dance, exercise, or just let your fiery energy have space to breathe. I know clearing clutter ... continue reading...
Feng Shui Basics for Absolute Beginners
Follow These 9 Simple Rules and You'll Be Ahead of the Feng Shui Game It's simple but it's true: if you love where you live and you feel good when you're home, you have good feng shui. And, if you're wondering how you can love your home even more, there are a number of totally accessible feng shui basics that can help you get there. For example, here are some major feng shui principles you can employ yourself - super easily, and right away. 1. Clear your clutter! If you don't love ... continue reading...