Make magic with the power of the Midsummer Sun.
At the Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer and Litha, the sun is at its pinnacle and magical energies are at a peak.
Here are six simple Summer Solstice spells that work with the energy of the sun, making them highly appropriate to perform on this most magical of days.
Increase Your Radiance
You will need:
- One red rose
- A mister of rose water
Wake up before the Midsummer sunrise and place a single red rose on the earth as a love offering to the sun. As the sun rises above the horizon, feel your skin drinking in its magical light. Mist entire body, including your face and hair, with rose water. Place one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly and send yourself compassion and love as you continue to merge with the magical light of the sun.
Supercharge Your Success
You will need:
- A sunstone
- A paper and pen
- Sunlight
When the Midsummer sun is high in the sky, hold a sunstone in your right hand, allowing it to soak in the light of the sun. Feel, sense, or imagine the light of the sun as well as the bright and positive energy of the sunstone filling your entire body and aura. As you hold this vision, feel as if the success you desire is already manifested. Feel gratitude for this condition. Thank the sun, the earth, and the Divine.
Write out the conditions that signify success to you. Make sure to write them in the present tense, as if already true. Then fold up the paper (folding it toward you each time). Go inside and place the paper on your altar. Set the sunstone on top.
Open Up Your Creative Flow
You will need:
- A moving body of water (natural or manmade)
- A paper, pen, and planner
- Sunlight
At any point during the day of the Summer Solstice, visit a moving body of water, such as an ocean or stream. If there’s no natural body of water in your area, even a canal or public fountain will do. Relax and enjoy the sunlight sparkling on the water as you also tune into the water’s fluidity and flow. Sense these natural elements within you: the flow of water within your body and the spark of fire of your spirit. Just like moving water and sparkling sunlight, your creativity is a natural force that flows from you in abundance. Feel grateful for this.
Close your eyes and listen deeply to how your creativity wants to be expressed. Silently ask the elemental spirits of water and the spirit of the sun to support you in expressing your creativity freely. Then thank them from your heart.
When you get home, make a plan for how you will take concrete action on letting your creativity flow. Write it down and block off the necessary time in your calendar.
P.S. I also recommend this book for creative flow.
Heal Your Body Image
You will need:
- A moving body of water in which it’s safe to immerse yourself, or a bathtub or shower
- Sunlight
Healing your body image can take time, as our body image is influenced by years and years of cultural programming and media propaganda. But you can certainly perform a ritual in order to declare your intention and begin to turn the tide. And Summer Solstice is a great time to do it.
If you have an ocean, lake, waterfall, or stream nearby that it’s safe for you to dunk yourself in, do so. Wearing a swimsuit or something else you don’t mind getting wet (or going nude if appropriate and desired), completely immerse your entire body, including your head. (If it’s a waterfall – again, only it’s safe to do so – stand under it like it’s a shower.)
If you don’t have an appropriate beach nearby, draw a bath with cool or tepid water and dissolve 1/2 cup of sea salt in to it. Light the bathroom with candlelight. Then dunk yourself completely in the bath. (And if you don’t have a bathtub either, light the bathroom with candlelight and get into a cool or tepid shower for a minute or two.)
Whatever method of water cleansing you choose, feel and imagine that you are cleansing yourself of old limiting beliefs and stories about how your body is supposed to look.
Then (dressing first if you need to), go outside and stand in bright sunlight. Feel the light soaking into your skin and energy field. Close your eyes and ask the sun to clear away any old painful emotions related to your body image. Also ask it to recharge you with positive and supportive new beliefs, stories, and emotions, and to inspire you to think of and relate to your body in supportive and loving new ways. Do your best to sense this happening. Then feel gratitude and give thanks to the sun.
P.S. This book is excellent for helping you heal your body image and this book was a vital part of my journey to healing my relationship with food.
Release Old Relationship Energy
You will need:
- Sunlight
If you’ve ended a relationship recently and you’d like to get all the leftover energy from that relationship out of your aura, Midsummer is a great time to do it.
Begin by clearing your home of gifts you received from this former partner as well as items this person used to own, photos or mementos that remind you of them, and anything else that seems to hold their energy. (If this was a very long-term relationship, and you shared a large number of items, you can let this be more of a symbolic gesture. In other words, you don’t have to get rid of all the furniture or anything. Just weed out the most sentimental items or choose to release a few key items that seem to symbolically hold the energy of your relationship.) Donate, give away, recycle, or throw out as appropriate.
Then go outside and stand or lie in sunlight. Breathe, relax, and tune into the immense power of the Solstice sun. Ask the sun to remove all energetic cords of attachment to your former partner. Also ask the sun to remove old, unwanted emotional patterns related to this person.
Finally, if this is something you desire at this time, ask the sunlight to clear the way for beautiful new romance to come into your life. Feel yourself absorbing the radiant power of the sun in such a way that you become even more divinely magnetic to love than ever before. Feel gratitude.
Attract Love
You will need:
- The petals from one red rose
- 2 red heart-shaped candles
- A lighter or matches
- A plate
- Sunlight
If romance is your intention, you might as well use all this magical energy to attract the love you desire.
First, go outside and empower the candles in the Summer Solstice sun. Do this by holding one in each hand and bathing them in sunlight for just a minute. (We don’t want them to melt.) Ask the sun to fill them with sweetness and the energy of irresistible magnetic attraction.
Go inside and place the plate on your altar. Place the candles next to each other in the center and scatter red rose petals around them. (You don’t have to use all the petals. Just follow your intuition and definitely do not create a fire hazard.) Now, relax and settle in. Breathe and center your mind. When you feel ready, invoke the Divine in any way you prefer and speak aloud an invocation of gratitude for all the wonderful feelings and conditions you will feel in the relationship you are summoning now. Say this in the present tense, as if this romance is already in your life in this moment. For example, you might say something like,
“Great God, Great Goddess, All That Is, thank you for this wonderful relationship with this person who I love so much and who loves me too. It’s so great how we get each other’s jokes and laugh so deeply together. I love how we are so attracted to each other and so tuned into each other physically. I love how unique and creative this person is, and how they inspire me to be even more of myself. This person is beautiful to me in every way and I feel beautiful in their eyes also. It is a deep joy and delight and I am so so grateful. Thank you.”
Do your best to conjure up the feeling that this relationship is already present in your life and feel even more gratitude. Light the candles. Gaze at the flames and stay in this sweet and romantic energy for five minutes or so. Then extinguish the candles.
Return to your altar daily, light the candles, and gently gaze at them for five minutes or so, once again feeling the joy of this magical relationship, doing your best to feel as if it’s already present in your life. Repeat daily until the candles are all the way burned down. Once the wax is hardened, dispose of it. Place the rose petals outside on the earth.
(For lots more love spells, check out my book Little Guide to Love Magic.)
Blessed Solstice everyone! I hope you enjoy these spells.
If you try one of them, let me know how it goes in the comments! And don’t hesitate to chime in if you have any questions or other thoughts about this post you’d like to share.
I remember my dad always saying that without the sun, he wouldn’t be as powerful and vital as he is . He had a lion’s mane of thick healthy hair till the day he passed. He lived till 100 years old, and kept his mind and body strong. He practiced meditation, connecting with plants, trees, cats. He claimed that the sun made weak men strong and he said that my mother’s golden sun kissed skin made her more beautiful and radiant. My parents always said that a little sun brought many blessings to them.
It’s so true. The sun shines on all of us, but we can work with it consciously to gain benefits.