Discover the healing and mystical properties of over 100 trees.
Trees are symbols of the interconnectedness of life and represent the interwoven web of everything magical.
Here’s a quick reference guide to the healing, magical, and metaphysical properties of more than 100 trees.
While this is a simple overview, in my book The Magic of Trees: A Guide to Their Sacred Wisdom & Metaphysical Properties, you’ll find an in depth exploration of each of the properties listed.
Divine Authority and Spiritual Leadership, Divine Petitions, Fidelity, Immortality, Psychic Abilities, Protection
The Air Element, Connection with the Otherworld, Environmental and Land Healing, Invisibility and Concealment, Masculinity, Physical Healing, Protection
Beauty, Fertility, Goddess Energy, Grief, Hidden Treasures, Hope
Blessings and Abundance, Eternal Youth, Feminine Power, The Five Elements, Love, Self-Acceptance, Sweetness, Unicorn Alignment, Wand Making
Advanced Magic, Broom Making, Fairies, Justice, Protection, Wand Making
Ancestry and Heritage, Cleansing and Healing, Family and Community, Mitigation of Heat
Beauty, Hair Growth, Healing, Love, Magic Wands, Rebirth, Sexual Attraction, Vitality, Wealth
Duality, Fertility and Potency, Luck, Representation of People and Divinities
Ancient Awareness, Divine Communication and Blessings, Generosity, Grounding and Earth Wisdom, Knowledge, Natural Abundance, Spiritual Power, Sustenance, Transitioning to and from the Spirit World, Travel
Bay Laurel
Fame, Masculinity, Prosperity, Protection from Harassment and Unwanted Advances, Success
Healing Our Deepest Wounds, Sensitivity
The Divine Feminine, Healing Depression and Anxiety, Renewal and New Growth
Enlightenment, Fertility and Masculinity, Healing, Nature Spirits, Rainmaking, Protection, Wisdom
Consecration, Healing, Purification, Protection, Sacred Space
Getting Stuck Energy Moving, Starting a New Project or Endeavor, Wish Granting
Healing Dreams, Honoring Past and Future Generations, Nourishment
Embracing Uniqueness, Esoteric Studies, Expressing Creativity, Spirit Summoning
Breaking Spells, Clarity and Focus, Sacred Space, Strengthening the Energy Field, Wisdom
Chaste Tree
Attracting Bees, Sexual Balance
Divine Orchestration, Goddess Energy, Love, Power and Strength, Sweetness
Abundance, Attracting Animals, Relieving Worry, Transforming Karma
Cinchona (Fever Tree)
Digestive Suport, Emotional Clearing and Detoxification, Protection, Relaxation
Abundance, Goddess Energy, Productivity
Attraction, Luck, Fame
Crepe Myrtle
Longevity, Love
Clarity, Emotional Healing, Longevity, Writing and Speaking
Boundaries, Dog Communication and Healing, Healing the Emotions, Love Divination, Miracles, Physical Healing
Dragon’s Blood Tree
Activation, Clearing, Cleansing, Hex Breaking, Love, Moon Cycle Support, Protection
Blessings, Fairy Communication, Feminine Power, Graceful Shifts and Transitions, Healing, Intuition, Magic, Music, Protection
The Divine Feminine, Healing Depression, Nymphs, Transitions
Empress Tree
Expansion, Love, Rebirth
Abundance, Cleansing and Clearing, Fame, Healing Depression and Raising the Spirits, Physical Healing, Repelling Insects, Stress Relief, Soothing Grief
Attraction, Divination, Fertility and Potency, Grounding, Luck, Magical Power, Remote Communication, Travel, Vitality
Abundance, Rebirth and Regeneration, Shadow Work
Divine Protection, Harmony and Ease, Prosperity
Ancient Wisdom, Hope, Luck, Protection from Fire, Wealth
Embracing What Is, Fairy Communication, Heart Healing, Protection from Vampires, Weddings, Wishes
Communication, Immortality, Dowsing, Magic, Wisdom
Cleansing, Fire Magic, Secrets and Mysteries, Shadow Work
Childbirth Support, Land Nourishment, Protection from Legal Difficulties, Transitions
Energy, Fairies, Positivity, Protection, Victory
Boundaries, Enthusiasm, Protection, Solving Puzzles
Nourishment, Sweetness, Tortoise Alignment
Beauty, Healing, Music, Scholastic Success, Wealth
Joshua Tree
Protection, Purification, Shapeshifting, Transmutation of Challenges
Blood Sugar and Appetite Regulation, Healing, Survival, Terraforming
Acclimitazation, Beauty, Clairvoyance and Intuition, Divine Alignment, Forgiveness, Healing and Regeneration
Altered Consciousness, Divine Masculine, Integrity
Lunar Alignment, Fame
Confidence, Protection, the Realm of Heaven
Bliss, Cleansing and Clearing, Vitality
Heart Healing, Protection, Sleep, Stress Relief
Boundaries, Neutralizing Negativity, Sweetness
Integrity, Sustainability, Wisdom
Ancient Wisdom, Feminine Power, Lunar Magic, Stress Relief
Healing, Fire Magic, Magical Wisdom
Appreciation of Beauty, Directing Energy, Fun, Harmonious Sweetness, Positivity
Creativity, Healing
Comfort amid Challenges, Cosmic Oneness, Wholeness and Healing
Healing, Smoothing Transitions
Love, Passage Between the Worlds, Peace, Wealth
Divination, Healing, Manifestation, Prosperity, Strength, Victory
Beauty, Diligence, Healing, Peace, Wealth
Happiness and Joy, Masculine/Feminine Balance, Partnership, Sweetness
Pagoda Tree
Earth Alignment, Healing
Cleansing, Transforming, Transitions, Divine Masculine, Fertility, Nourishment, Peace, Relaxation, Victory
Palo Santo
Aligning with the Divine, Clearing, Creating Sacred Space, Healing, Meditation
Paradise Tree
Environmental Healing, Physical Healing, Wealth
Parasol Tree
Good Fortune, Harmony
Health, Immortality, Protection, Positive Energy
Cooling the Emotions, Good Spirits, Paradise, Wands
Abundance, Immunity, Sustenance
Clarity, Divine Harmony, Healing, Purification, Releasing Guilt
Pink Silk Tree
Happiness, Sensitivity
Communing with Spirit, The Divine Masculine
Breaking Love Spells, Immunity to Love Spells, Influence
Abundance, Holiday Magic, Boundaries, Getting Stuck Energy Moving, Strength
Activation, Expansion, Portals, Prayer
Facilitating Communication, Resolving Arguments, Soothing and Smoothing
Bee Blessing, Feminine Power and Wisdom, Healing Shame, Land Healing, Love
Redwood (Sequoia)
Abundance, Earth Wisdom, Healing, Protection, Protection from Fire
Divination, Hearth Goddess Energy, Love Goddess Energy, Protection, Travel
Blessings, Healing, Love, Past Life Healing, Protection, Sensuality
Creativity, Health, Prosperity
Silk Floss Tree
Attraction, Femininity, Flight, Spiritual Awakening
Ancient Wisdom, Goddess Energy, Healing, Protection, Purification, Spiritual Refreshment
Activation, Grounding, Protection
Sweet Gum
Creativity, Father/Daughter Relationships, Personal Power, Tarot
Ancestral and Earth Wisdom, Land Alignment
Sycamore Fig
Divine Alignment, Magical Authority
Connection Between Heaven and Earth, Spiritual and Emotional Purification
Tree of Heaven
Adaptation to Urban Living, Beauty, Survival, Winning
Tulip Tree
Attracting Gifts, Dazzling Charm
Endurance, Transmutation
Deep Breathing, Focus, Pain Relief, Passage Between the Worlds, Relaxation
Expansion, Health and Healing, Mother Goddess Alignment, Wealth
Joy, Love, Goddess Energy
Divine Masculine Support, Death, Directing Energy, Ghosts, Lunar Alignment, Pain Relief, Personal Empowerment
Witch Hazel
Charm and Attractiveness, Finding Water, Intuition
Death, Rebirth, Eternity, Hallowed Ground, Longevity, Shamanic Visions
Go into lots more detail and depth with The Magic of Trees: A Guide to Their Sacred Wisdom & Metaphysical Properties.
I’m blown away! My friend and I were walking in the Metropark yesterday and we came upon a HUGE Catalpa tree in glorious full bloom. We saw it at the same time (I’m sure it called to us!) so we walked over to it and smelled the flowers fallen on the ground. It was so tall that even the lower branches were beyond our reach. I told her how when I was a young child, there was a Catalpa tree outside my bedroom windows. My twin brother and I used to pretend we were smoking the “cigars.” It was magical, and lots of faeries around (I realized later). Then I happened to Google the spiritual meaning and found you! Catalpa: Embracing Uniqueness, Esoteric Studies, Expressing Creativity, Spirit Summoning. My friend told me that this could be the definition next to my name in the dictionary! I grew up in an abusive alcoholic family dynamic so creativity and intuition were squelched early. It’s taken me years, no, decades to work through it all. But I believe Catalpa held the energy for me until I cleared the psychic debris. How wonderful! This truly is tree magic at its finest!! Thank you for the confirmation!!!!!
Michelle, amazing! Thank you for sharing this! 🙂
Tess, at the risk of being wordy, I must share more about Catalpa. I had a healing dream where I was walking in the woods holding an 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of white paper that I had finger painted. I was an adult and totally disgusted because it was so unsophisticated. I crumpled it up and threw it on the ground (even in the back of my mind in such a dream, I was appalled that I littered!). There were water roots from a close by tree, partially above ground. The roots started to painstakingly, with monumental effort, move ever so slowly and scooped up the ball of paper. The tree conveyed to me telepathically that it would protect my creativity until I could honor it myself. I wept for three days after that dream, moved to tears that ANYONE would honor my creativity, even unsophisticated as finger painting. That was Catalpa tree! Thank you for your magical properties, and helping me make this connection!
Michelle, so beautiful! I love it.
Michelle, this was so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your dream/visit. It made me cry and I had to comment on the sheer beauty of it. I hope that many read this and are able to open themselves up to the healing messages of the tree spirits. They have been here for so long, and have so much to teach us about love, healing,compassion…among other things. I’m so happy you have found your connection to the tree spirits. Bless you and your journey. <3
Dear Tess, Your connection to the trees stirs my heart. I knew they were talking to me but I didn’t think at first anyone would believe me. Now it is so real it doesn’t matter. I’m so glad you are a Tree Spirit Sister.
Curuni, I’m so glad to hear this post resonated. 🙂
Do you know of any correspondences for Osage orange wood?
I have a handful of them growing here in South Central Kentucky, and have been crafting with the wood.
Max, that’s awesome! I don’t know of any correspondences. Do you get any feelings about the wood as you work?
Well, the wood teaches me respect. You see, it is the hardest native wood in North America, and has a really interesting grain(really screwy), and when I am using something like a palm gouge, and I put a bit too much strength into the tool when I’m carving, it will almost always cause the point of the gouge to suddenly skitter across the piece and into the hand holding the piece. Yes, I know, they make protective kevlar gloves for hand carving small pieces of wood, but that glove really screws with my feel of the wood when I carve it, so I forgo its use. Instead, I excercize care when I carve.
Love it! And now we know the properties of Osage orange, thanks to you: patience, focus, respect. Also, I’m getting the feeling that it’s cleansing and protective as well. Do you have that feeling too?
Osage orange is supposed to be among the best woods in the south east for making bows. I live in NC. I haven’t used it myself. I usually use hickory or pecan
Oh really??? I’m in NC too and need my bow strung 😂 I havnt used snow in a long time and I’m not to sure I trust it to do myself.
Hi Tess,
I live in North Idaho, surrounded by huge old cedar tree friends. Recently the property they lived on was sold and the cedars cut down (along with MANY other trees) by a logger. I am completely heartbroken. It no longer feels like home. I miss them SO MUCH! What can I do and how can I heal myself and the area? Will their wise spirits move into young trees nearby? Please help….I cry every time I see the devastation.
Thank you!
Oh Lou, that is heartbreaking. I’m so sorry! Of course you can send love and healing energy to the land. And while this next suggestion of course wouldn’t heal the larger fundamental issue, I wonder if it might be time for a move for you? Are you in a position to look for somewhere else to live? Sometimes when things change around us it can be interpreted as a gentle nudge to make a positive change.
Would a Laurel Oak have the properties of an oak and a laurel, or would it be just a bay laurel, even tho the bay os a different “species” of laurel?does it matter if its a different of the same family? Do all laurels have rhe same properties?
Hi Andrea! Laurel oak is actually a kind of oak, rather than a kind of laurel. So I’d consider the properties of an oak.
Got it, im still new to this, so thank you!