A guide to the magical properties and metaphysical uses of clover and clover blossom.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day / Irish Heritage Day!
In the spirit of the holiday, I’m sharing the magical properties of clover: both the leaf and the flower.
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Here is an except from Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.
The Magical Properties of Clover
Folk Names: Honey, Honeystalks, Shamrock, Three-Leaved Grass, Trefoil, Trifoil
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deity: Rowen
Powers: Protection, Money, Love, Fidelity, Exorcism, Success
Magical Uses:
TWO LEAVED: If you find a two-leaved clover, you shall soon also find a lover.
THREE-LEAVED: Trefoil, or the three-leaved clover, is worn as a protective amulet.
FOUR-LEAVED: The four-leaved clover, if worn, helps men avoid military service. It also protects against madness, strengthens psychic powers, enables you to detect the presence of spirits, and leads the wearer to gold, money, or treasures.
If two people eat a four-leaved clover together, mutual love will result. Seven grains of wheat laid on a four-leaved clover will enable one to see fairies.
If you put a four-leaved clover in your shoe before going out, you will increase your chances of meeting a rich new love.
FIVE-LEAVED: The five-leaved clover is powerful for attracting money, and should be worn for this purpose.
WHITE-CLOVER: White clover is used to work against hexes, and is worn or scattered around the premises for this.
RED CLOVER: This clover, added to the bath water, aids you in dealing with financial arrangements of every kind.
Red clover is also used in lust potions and the infusion is sprinkled to remove negative spirits.
IN GENERAL: Clover keeps snakes away from your property, if grown there. When placed in the left shoe, and then forgotten, clover keeps evil from you. Worn over the right breast it brings success in all undertakings.
If you have been disappointed in love, wear clover near your heart in a piece of blue silk to help you through.
Now, here’s an excerpt from my very own award-winning The Magic of Flowers.
The Magical Properties of Clover Flower
It seems clover’s leaves are often more famous than his blossoms – but why? Clover blossoms are ever so magical and endlessly lovely in their radiant subtlety. Paragons of gentleness of purity, they also engender vibrant health, enhanced physical beauty, innate prosperity consciousness, and calm inner strength.
Magical Uses of Clover Blossom
Our sustenance is, in fact, based not on the visible manifestation of money but on the divine energy that underlies and animates all things. And this energy is endless! Once we realize this truth, we begin to notice that we already have everything we need. As a result, our visible resources begin to mirror our invisible awareness of our infinite supply.
To start this ball rolling, try spending time with a blossoming clover and let him gently remind you of the divinely designed supply that is already in your possession at this very moment. You might also take clover flower essence every morning during the waxing moon.
Red clover blossom is a natural beautifier. In addition to endowing you with the magical energy of wild, divine beauty, when used correctly it can cleanse your blood and add radiance, elasticity, and clarity to your skin.
Faery Communication
All clover blossoms are members of the precious and esteemed group of flowers that help us connect and communicate with the faeries. They are like little energetic doorways into the faery realm. The best way to do this is to spend time outdoors near blossoming clover and let your mind wander and drift into daydreams. Also, if you have a faery altar (or if you choose to construct one), you may like to place fresh clover blossoms on it. Working with the flower essence can help blur the walls between our realm and the realm of the fey.
Gentle Strength
As a character trait, strength must be balanced with gentleness in order to wield it in the most harmonious and effective way.
For those of us who were raised to think that speaking our truth is rude or out of line, and for those of us who learned that we had to bulldoze our way through life in order to be treated fairly or receive our fair share, finding the balance of gentle strength can be an important consideration. And clover blossom (white especially) can help with this.
For this purpose, try sleeping with fresh white clover blossoms under your pillow, spending time with the flowers, or taking the flower essence.
Health and Healing
Red clover blossom traditionally has been used as a blood purifier and to treat breast cancer, menopausal symptoms, and skin problems. White clover blossom has been used to detoxify the system and realign the body with its natural state of health.
Energetically speaking, either or both can be used to restore vibrant health to the body/mind/spirit and to remind us of our most ideal state of holistic well being.
For temporary or long-standing health challenges, supplement your other healing endeavors by taking the flower essence or incorporating the blossom into a healing charm.
While some magical ingredients may be more potent protectors, white clover possesses a subtle emanation that can be a wonderful enhancement to any protection charm. For example, garlic, pyrite, and white quartz – especially when charged for the purpose – can repel negativity like nobody’s business. White clover blossoms, on the other hand, can realign us personally with our natural state of positivity and perfection so that we have nothing to which negativity can stick. In other words, like attract like, so when we vibrate with purity and positivity, we attract more of the same.
When you weave protective magic, you might consider adding a pinch of white clover blossom or white clover blossom essence so that your magic works on a number of levels and from a number of angles.
Just because something is subtle doesn’t mean it can’t also be potent. And when it comes to spiritual and physical purification, that’s clover blossom’s motto.
Here are some ways clover blossom can be used for purification:
- Place two drops clover essence in a mister of rose water and mist an interior space to purify the vibrations. You can also mist your body and aura for the same purpose.
- Drink two to three cups white clover blossom tea per day to support physical detoxification. Drink two to three cups red clover blossom tea per day to support emotional detoxification (after abuse, a challenging breakup, etc.)
- Take four drops white or red clover blossom essence under the tongue or in water twice per day to support physical and emotional purification.
- Place fresh clover blossoms in bath water, along with one cup sea salt, for a physical/emotional/spiritual purification bath.
- After space clearing, arrange fresh clover blossoms and soy candles together on a plate and place in a central location in a room. Repeat in each room and area of the home, and light the candles to help set the new vibration in place and to further purify and uplift the energy.
Will you be working any clover magic this March? Or do you have anything else to add? Please share your thoughts below.
Where my parents are from they believe that the fairies live in large rootlike trees and green garden weeds. My mom always used to say that even a common green weed like clover can be healing and calls the nature spirits. They used to tell me legends of the mischievous antics of these nature spirits. They described them as being small, possibly reddish haired, loving to play pranks and keeping children up at night. My dad used to say that if you want to go to sleep but they wouldn’t leave, to fart real loud and tell them to go. They both said that the fey hates bad smells and being told to go. But if you want their blessings to make it up to them by tending to the land, plants, offering thanks. My mom used to tell me that if something is missing then the fairies probably played a prank on me and that I probably didn’t treat the item with respect. Fast forward my college days, I went to early celebrate Saint Patrick’s day with friends at an Irish pub. My friends and I drank a lot and I think I was being silly. I lost my keys to my car. We searched everywhere, I prayed that I didn’t lose it in the crowds in the street. I saw in my mind’s eye where it could’ve been and it called to me, I finally found it in the loud crowded bar. Then we walked back to my car where I street parked. I couldn’t find my car! We walked up and down that street, and several other meter lined streets. My feet ached in my high heeled black boots. I prayed that my car was ok and not carjacked. I calmed myself down and revisited all the roads we all walked. I saw in my mind’s eye my car in the original location and low and behold it was there! Everyone was puzzled, how could we have not seen my car after numerous times we all passed here? My friends laughed and said that the leprechauns were pranking me all evening. I later realized that if I had found my keys and found my car earlier, it would’ve been dangerous or a possible DUI. The relentless searching for keys and the walking searching for my car sobered us all up and kept us safe. I sent thanks to all.
I found a 7 leaf clover today. Several 6 leave, several 5, and a few 4. If you know past 5 please let me know. I already have the book. I found one 5 leaf early in the week away from home. Took at all a good omen I need from the guides. Today I found another 5 leaf between my house and driveway. I put it in water, snapped a picture, sent it to my bestie, and decided to see if there were more. Dozens! Even a seven leaf. I planted the genetics in elephant shaped pots inside. I have 6 daughters and we’ve been to hell and back. I’ve been channeling since I was 4 but all through intuit. No teaching. It was necessary due to a brutal childhood. I made questionable choices as a younger person but I fought hard to get out of poverty just to be smacked down over and over again and all the traditional ways. I think I’m supposed to be my own boss and a healer. Anyways would love to know your input on the clovers. I had just made a post about the second one being a good omen from my angels and guides before I walked out to find the abundance that I found.
Sorry didn’t proofread that LOL. I’m sure you’ll get the gist it’s 3:13 in the morning here.
Elizabeth, I don’t know a set meaning for 7-leafs, but it sounds like your intuition has put you on the right track.
Inspirational! Thanks for telling me why the abundance of clover in my backyard seems right to keep.