Draw upon the power of gratitude to boost your luck with one of these fun and simple spells.
What you focus on expands. That’s why, when you’re looking to change your luck for the better, gratitude is your best friend. Here are three spells that draw upon the power of gratitude to bring you lots of good luck.
Good Luck Spell #1: Earth Blessing for Wealth and Prosperity
On a plate or in a dish, assemble various foods that will provide healthy nourishment to the animals in your neighborhood: seeds for the birds, nuts for the squirrels, apple slices for the bunnies. Set it on your altar (or another surface) next to a brown candle. Light the candle and say, “Mother Earth, thank you for sharing your generous bounty with me. You have blessed me with so much.” Place your hands over your heart or belly, close your eyes, and consider all the earthly blessings you receive each day: food, wood, cotton and other natural materials, paper, crystals, metal, construction materials such as adobe and brick, natural gas, and so much more. Marvel at how wealthy you are in earthly comforts! Then extinguish the candle. Take the food outside and lovingly scatter it on the earth.
Good Luck Spell #2: Money Blessing to Multiply Your Cash
When you want to manifest more wealth, it’s always best to start with a “glass is half full” kind of attitude. As a matter of fact, that attitude alone can be the silver bullet for magically drawing more wealth! For example, try lighting a green candle and surrounding it with shiny coins. Sit in front of it, relax, and center your mind. Bring to mind the money you already have, no matter how small an amount it may seem. Consider all the change in your house, anything in your wallet, and anything in the bank. Bless that wealth by conjuring up a huge amount of gratitude for it. Consider how wonderful it is that it’s currently in your possession. In your mind’s eye, surround all your existing wealth with golden light and see its vibration of prosperity increasing and expanding. Continue until the visualization feels complete, then extinguish the candle. Light it again regularly when you can safely do so, and each time you do, once again inwardly bless and feel grateful your existing wealth.
Good Luck Spell #3: Love Spell to Change Your Luck in Romance or Friendship
If it’s time to change your friendship karma and/or generate some good luck in the romance department, try this one. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and place your hands over your heart. Lightly pay attention to your breath: simply notice as it goes in and out until you feel very centered and relaxed. Now, one by one, call to mind the people and animals you totally adore. Feel your heart energy like a vibrant light, expanding to fill and surround each one. As you do this, notice how amazingly lucky you are to have these beings in your life. When this feels complete, inwardly affirm that you are willing to receive love, and open yourself up to the warm, expansive flow of energy that instantly comes back to you.
Are you planning to try one of these good luck spells? Or did you try one already? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
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Tess, I really feel the universe is against me lately, which has brought me to you. I’m not into doing spells, but I want to believe maybe you could help me. I wish I may have your blessing, and good luck moving forward. I am going to be a first time dad very soon. I wish I can increase my luck, wealth and happiness at work and home. I worry about this baby, and I want a happy and healthy child. I want a loving home, without drama (which has been bad lately). I feel like I’ve been cursed, held back or punished when I’ve had joy. Please send good vibes my way.
Sending! I suggest clearing your clutter from wherever you have it. This will help you feel empowered and improve your luck. Also remember that you create your own luck, and that you can absolutely turn your feelings and situation around. I believe in you. Brightest blessings to you and your baby. 🙂