Call in a New Romance, Repair a Relationship, Bless a Relationship, or Attract Romantic Attention with One of These Simple and Effective Love Spells
Love magic is among the most exciting magic there is. After all, attraction itself is magical: it’s a dynamic that’s employed in all effective magic, and it’s a precious, divine energy to which we are all entitled.
And provided you leave the identity of your beloved up to the universe, you can use love magic to manifest any romantic condition your little heart desires!
These love spells, which are excerpted from my book, You Are Magical, will all begin working just as soon as you cast them. To ensure their effectiveness, make sure your intention is strong. As you perform the love spell of your choice, feel the feelings aligned with your desire as if they are already present in your life experience. Believe, sense, know, and trust that the condition you’re conjuring up is already on its way. And when the love spell is complete, release your desires to the ether and move forward with grateful expectation.
For lots more love spells and the love magic basics that will help you cast successful love spells, check out my book, Little Guide to Love Magic: Everything You Need to Know, Including Love Spells.
Love Spell #1: Call in a New Romance
Ready for a new love to show up in your life? Call one in with this sweet and simple love spell.
- 2 pink ribbons, 1 yard each
- 1 red ribbon, 1 yard in length
- A clear quartz crystal point, cleansed in bright sunlight
Relax and center yourself. Then consider all the ways you’d like to feel in your new romance: happy, beautiful, laughter-filled, excited, etc. Feel those feelings! Bring them totally into your being. Overflow with them as if you are already in the throes of romantic bliss.
The pink ribbons symbolize you and your new love. The red ribbon symbolizes the passionate attraction you share. Continuing with the feelings associated with your new romance, tie the three ribbons together at one end with a simple knot. Then weave them into a braid. Secure the braid with another knot.
Wind the braid around the crystal and set it on your altar until your love appears in your life. (It’s okay if the braid is not securely fastened to the crystal, or if it comes loose and you need to re-wind it.) Then you can move the charm to a lingerie or nightstand drawer.
Love Spell #2: Repair a Relationship
The most effective way to work magic is to align with the best outcome for all concerned. From this perspective, it’s not ideal to salvage every relationship. Some are best left broken, to leave space for an even better one to appear. Still, if a relationship can and should be repaired, this love spell should do the trick. You can adapt this spell to repair a friendship or family relationship as well.
- A stick or cone of high-quality sandalwood incense and holder
- A picture of you and your partner (or former partner) cut in half so you appear separately
- A Band-Aid
Ideally when the moon is between new and full, light the incense. Set the intention to heal your relationship in the most ideal possible way, whatever this may look like. In other words, if it’s ultimately best for you to part ways, you will do that, but in the most healed and powerful possible way. On the other hand, if staying together is what’s best, you’ll do that.
Bathe the image of yourself in the smoke, feelings as you do that you are deeply healing your heart and attuning yourself to the frequency of harmonious love. Repeat this process with the image of your partner. Then repair the image by placing both halves back together and affixing the Band-Aid to the back. Finally, bathe the repaired image in the incense smoke, feeling that you are energetically re-attuning the two of you to each other and deeply healing your relationship dynamic. Leave the repaired photo on your altar for one full moon cycles (twenty-eight days). Then store it with your other photos or dispose of it (whatever feels best to you).
Love Spell #3: Bless a Relationship
Any romance – new, old, or anywhere in between – can benefit from a relationship blessing ritual. This will, in essence, align your relationship with the purest expression of divine harmony and love. Like all ethical love spells, this one does not impose any specific design on the relationship. Rather, it encourages the relationship to unfold in whatever way is best for your soul’s evolution as well as that of your partner.
You’ll want to enlist your partner for this love spell. You can do it for just the two of you at home, or feature it as part of a wedding or handfasting ritual.
Do this ritual on a Friday when the moon is between new and full.
- 2 naturally scented rose candles and holders
- A stick or cone of rose incense and holder
- Fresh petals from at least 12 red roses (in a basket or bowl)
- A mister of rose water
Explain to your partner that you want to bless your relationship with the energy of divine harmony, sweetness, and love. If your partner agrees to participate, light the candles and incense. (It is not necessarily a red flag if your partner has no interest in magic, so don’t be alarmed if they don’t share your enthusiasm. I speak from experience.) Keep the candles and incense nearby as you sit or stand comfortably across from your partner. Relax and center yourselves as you gaze lovingly at each other. When you feel connected and grounded, scatter the rose petals in a circle around the two of you while moving in a clockwise direction. Then generously mist yourself, your partner, and the entire circle (as designated by the roses) with the rose water. Next, speak the following words. (I’m envisioning that you’ll speak them on behalf of the both of you, but if your partner wants to join in, that’s fine too.)
We now align this relationship with the highest and purest vibrations of divine harmony and love. May this relationship bring waves of joy and bliss to our hearts. May this relationship bring waves of grace and beauty to the world. May this relationship be a force of sweetness, positivity, and healing on all levels and in all directions of time. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Blessed be. And so it is.
Give each other a big hug and kiss and hang out in this magical energy for a bit. Then extinguish the candles and incense, or allow them to safely burn all the way down. (Otherwise, you can relight them at intervals until they are safely burned all the way down.) Leave the rose petals for up to twenty-four hours, and then release them back to the earth or into a moving body of water. Save any remaining rose water for future magical use.
Love Spell #4: Attract Romantic Attention
Just as there is nothing unethical about wearing lipstick or perfume, there is nothing unethical about magically bolstering your natural radiance, magnetism, and allure. Your true self is blindingly beautiful anyway, so attractiveness magic is actually just you being you.
Perform this love spell before attending any event or gathering during which you’d like to attract romantic attention in the most fun possible way. But please don’t do it more than once per season, or it will lose its kick (so that’s four times a year, max).
Also, you might want to refrain from doing this before someone else’s wedding or birthday party. It’s just, you know, good magical etiquette.
- 1 white or off-white soy candle and holder
- 1 stick Nag Champa incense and holder
- 1/2 cup of loose-leaf white tea, empowered in bright sunlight or the light of a full moon for 5-10 minutes
As you draw a warm bath, light up your bathroom with nothing but the candle. Also light the incense. When the bathtub is full, scatter the tea across the top of the water. Stand over the tub, direct your palms toward the water, and visualize very bright golden-white light channeling down through the top of your head and up through the soles of your feet, meeting at your heart and then going down through your arms and hands and into the water. See the water as surrounded and filled with a brilliantly radiant miniature sun.
Get in the water and say:
I am like the moon: my cool radiance enraptures. I am like the sun: around me all revolves.
Stay in the bath for ten to twenty minutes, feeling your irresistible radiance increasing and pulsating as you soak. The love spell’s effects will last for twelve to twenty-four hours.
Are you planning to try one of these love spells? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
You may also like this Love Spell to Attract a Divine Partner and these 5 Simple Love Charms That Work.
Can it be a clear quartz tumbled stone for the first spell? Thanks
I would like the perfume the spell to heal a broken relationship, but I don’t have a photo of use together. Can I use mine and his separate photos?
Thanks. Now, almost two weeks later, I have an urge to sleep with that photo under my pillow, and also to keep it on me (like in my pocket). I normally prefer to listen to my intuition, but would like to hear your opinion on why that might be happening. I haven’t spoken to the person in question for over two weeks, and allowing both of us a month to heal before I attempt to contact him.
Hi Masha! I’m not sure what’s happening. I get the feeling it will be best for you to let go of attachment to outcome as best you can and to see what unfolds. Sorry I don’t have more for you!
Fantastic! I love the simplicity.