Be a feng shui rebel! Here are some feng shui “rules” that you don’t have to follow.
Perhaps you’ve noticed: there are a lot of feng shui “rules.”
When I first became certified as a feng shui consultant, I worked my hardest to follow every rule I knew, not always understanding exactly what the rules were for or why they were important. But now that I’ve observed hundreds of homes and the people who live in them, I’ve noticed that some rules can be broken, and I’ve discovered why you might want to break them.
Here are 5 feng shui rules you can (and maybe should) break.
Breakable Feng Shui Rule #1: Never have mirrors in the bedroom.
This one depends on you: do you have trouble sleeping? If so, you may want to try removing or covering the mirrors in your bedroom at night to see if your sleep improves. Mirrors can be energizing and can sometimes disrupt sleep. But many people can sleep like a baby, mirrors or no. So there is often no need to forgo the convenience and aesthetics of having a mirror or two in the bedroom.
Breakable Feng Shui Rule #2: Never have a bathroom in the ____ corner.
While in the past they were synonymous with foul odor and disease, today, most bathrooms are not unsanitary. In fact, they can be our own personal spa retreats where we honor our bodies, relax, beautify, and recharge. So wherever your bathroom happens to be is fine. Just make sure it’s clean and attractive. (And close your toilet lid after you use it!)
Breakable Feng Shui Rule #3: Never have your sink next to or across from your oven.
Some schools of feng shui counsel that a sink beside or across from an oven causes the fire and water elements to be at odds. As a result, some unfortunate souls have been convinced to do expensive renovations in their kitchens to remedy this perceived problem. And this is a prime example of feng shui becoming your enemy rather than your friend. The stove will be just as hot and the sink will be just as wet if they are near each other in your kitchen. And their accompanying mystical energies (abundance and flow) will remain perfectly in tact.
Breakable Feng Shui Rule #4: Never have the head of your bed facing ____.
Each and every direction – the cardinal ones and everything in between – indeed has its own unique energy. But not a single one of these energies is bad. So considering the fact that most bedrooms have one (maybe two) places where the bed can comfortably go, this is a feng shui consideration that you can throw right out the window. Instead, find a place for your bed where you can see the door (so that you feel safe) and enter and exit from both sides of the bed (so that energy flows in a healthy way and you create the space for a partner). If possible, it’s also ideal if the head of your bed is against a solid wall, so you feel supported. But if there’s a window over your bed, just make sure to curtain it.
Breakable Feng Shui Rule #5: Never have plants in the bedroom.
Everyone knows that houseplants oxygenate and improve indoor air quality. But there is some concern about them emitting carbon dioxide at night and therefore causing a challenge in the bedroom. In fact, the carbon dioxide release is minimal and is eclipsed by the positive effects of the plants. Here’s an excellent article on the subject if you want to go deeper. (Just make sure to check this list of toxic and non-toxic plants if you have pets!)
P.S. Want to learn how to feng shui your home like a pro? Check out my DIY Feng Shui Series! Or ease into your feng shui practice with these 9 Feng Shui Tips for Absolute Beginners.
Did you break any of these feng shui rules? How did it go?
Thanks for all the kind words, and for reading, guys! And, my dear RP, clearly you can call someone’s interests garbage OR you can avoid disrespect. But you can’t have it both ways.
There are so many sound and logical thoughts behind Feng Shui. I have been practicing this ancient art for a while now and very much understand the energy of the elements. I have always had a mirror in the bedroom. If I had a giant bedroom I would probably have a large mirror but I have a small one instead. I think we must chose what is right for our own situation and honor the elements as well. Thanks for the article Tess. As always, love your magickal take on life………
No disrespect but all this new age type garbage is garbage.
FS is an extremely ancient Asian practice. It is neither “new age” nor garbage.
Did you honestly anticipate convincing anyone by saying this?
Great article. All green plants emit oxygen. Plants with flowers emit carbon dioxide. There is an excellent book, HOW TO GROW AIR, on the subject.