Work some herb magic in a hurry by transforming an everyday tea bag into a powerful magical charm.
Crafting magical charms in the form of herb sachets is not actually that complicated.
Still, on particularly busy days, you might want an even simpler method for creating magical charms.
And that’s where these little magical tea charms come in. Simply empower herbs that are already neatly packaged in a permeable, compostable paper bag, and…voilá! A charm!
All herbal ingredients have magical properties, so I’m sure you can think of a magical purpose for pretty much any tea blend, particularly when paired with your clear intention. Still, below you’ll find five popular tea blends, along with how you can transform each into a practical magical charm.
1. Green Tea Money Charm 
To call in more money, hold a bag of green tea in both hands. Relax and feel the vibrant energy in the green tea leaves. Consider the bright sunlight and fertile soil that supported their growth, as well as all those who helped with their cultivation, packaging, and transportation. Marvel at how much affluence this plant has provided for so many, and for so many centuries. Feel gratitude for this lavish abundance, and let it naturally spread into your personal energy field. Also feel the tea vibrating with the brightest green light you can imagine. Place what is now a magical charm in your wallet to attract all forms of financial flow.
2. Vanilla Rooibos Grounding Charm
To ground your energy any time you feel overwhelmed, spacey, or “all over the place,” and to bring a calm sweetness to your inner landscape, vanilla rooibos is just the thing to serve as your magical charm bag. Hold the bag in both hands, close your eyes, and simply notice your breath as it goes in and out. If your mind wanders, just bring it right back to the breath. Feel the earthy energy of the herb drawing your energy down to the core of Mother Earth, and reminding you that you are perfectly nourished and cradled by her steady presence, now and always.
3. Peppermint Health Charm
To boost your overall health – after an illness or any time it’s your intention to shift into more positive self-care habits – make this magical charm. Recline comfortably and place a bag of peppermint tea on your solar plexus (this is your upper belly, just below your sternum). Feel the clear, bright, exhilarating energy of health that resides within the herb. See it as a mint green ball of light, as blinding as the sun. Allow this light to enter your body and to flood every cell. Once it fills your entire body, see it expand outward until it encompasses your entire body in a sphere. Feel the cool, fresh energy pulsating within and around you, bolstering your natural degree of health and immunity.
4. Sleepytime Soothing and Smoothing Charm
To soothe and smooth a vexatious vibe at work, at home, or in a relationship, the herbs in Celestial Seasoning’s Sleepytime make for the perfect magical charm. Simply breathe deeply, calm your mind, and relax anywhere in your body where you’re clenching. When you feel very soothed and calm, hold the bag between your palms, so your hands are in prayer position. Direct the energy and feeling of smooth serenity into the herbs, sensing their magical properties activating and awakening. Call to mind a field of daisies gently quivering in bright sunlight and gentle wind. Place the charm in the room where the vibes need the most smoothing.
5. White Tea and Rose Self Love Charm
On a Friday or a new moon, hold a bag of white rose tea between your palms and place your hands in prayer pose. Hold your hands to your heart, your belly, your forehead, and back to your heart again as you vow to love yourself more deeply, and take care of yourself more fully, than you ever have before. Sleep with the tea bag under your pillow for 7 days.
Did you make one of these charms? What did you think?
You may also like these 5 Simple and Powerful Protection Charms.
I am green-tea-ing it up over here! Thanks!
Hi Sarah! Nice! Blessings of lavish abundance to you.
What if I want to put the tea in a other container once I’ve meditated on it?
Specifically a small cork bottle that I put on a collar or necklace that I’ll be wearing everyday?
Hi Skarlett! Sure – sounds like a cool plan. 🙂