Don’t override someone’s free will by putting a love spell on them directly. Trust me: these options are better for everyone.
Yes: putting a love spell directly on a particular person is a thing.
But that does not mean you should do it! As I wrote all about in this post, it’s generally a pretty terrible idea.
Do you really want to take away someone’s free will so they will fake love you? Is turning a person into your robot love slave what you truly want?
If the answer to either question is yes, I beg you to see that for what it is: sad. Please don’t be desperate, and bully someone into liking you. There’s no need! Instead, call in someone who actually and legitimately wants to spend time with you.
That being said, I know there are times when it can be tempting. That’s why I’ve assembled these 5 alternatives you can use in a variety of situations.
For lots more karma-friendly love spells, and the secrets to successful love magic, check out my book, Little Guide to Love Magic: Everything You Need to Know, Including Love Spells.
1. Attract an Awesome Partner
What do you really want here, ultimately? You want to be in a relationship with someone awesome who authentically desires you just as much as you desire them. Sure, it’s possible this person may indeed be the person you have in mind. But it may also be someone else entirely. This spell leaves the specific person up to the Universe, which always (always!) has the best possible results.
On a Friday when the moon is between new and full, rub sweet almond oil all over the surface of a pink pillar candle. Then, roll it in sugar and stand it in the center of a dinner plate. Sprinkle the petals from one red and one pink rose around the candle (on the plate) in a clockwise direction. Light the candle and say:
I now summon my perfect love.
Whomever and wherever you are, come to me!
Thank you and blessed be.
Feel, sense, and imagine how you will feel to be with your beloved. Sense the warmth in your heart when you are together, as well as your passion, your laughter, and your joy. Smile and be grateful that your divine partner is already on their way to you now.
Allow the candle to safely burn for at least an hour. Then extinguish and light it again as needed for fire safety (i.e. extinguish when you need to leave the candle unattended and relight when you return) until it’s burned all the way down.

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2. Heal an Existing Relationship
If you’re already in a relationship, this ritual will give you a dose of healing and harmony, without disrespecting your partner’s free will.
On a full moon, place a small photo of you and your beloved in a small Mason jar. Completely immerse the photo in equal parts honey and aloe vera gel. Close the lid of the jar and place a tea light on top. Light the candle and say:
What we need to heal, let us heal.
What we need to feel, let us feel.
Open the hearts of [name of partner] and me,
And light up our magic – so mote it be.
Take a moment to remember what you love about your partner. Recall times you’ve laughed together and connected deeply. Feel gratitude for this relationship, and vow to show your partner how much you love them. Express gratitude to the divine in any way that feels right to you.
Let the tea light burn all the way down while being mindful of fire safety. Keep the sealed jar on your altar for one full moon cycle (28 days). Then rinse it out, throw out the photo, and wash the jar for future use.
3. Magnify Your Attractiveness
Perhaps, if you’re honest, you’re not really sure if you want to attract a relationship just yet.
What you do know is you’d like to attract some romantic attention and have a little fun. This spell will enhance and magnify your natural attractiveness.
Put a tiny bit of sandalwood or ylang ylang in a little sweet almond oil. Gently anoint your belly, heart area, and throat. Say:
I activate my beauty and call forth all of my charms.
Feel gorgeous and attractive, and expect attention. Smile and give thanks.
Feel free to repeat this ritual once per moon cycle.
4. Release an Unhealthy Connection
It’s possible that you are in an obsessive, abusive, or codependent loop/
This spell will help you release the unhealthy aspects of the connection (AKA “cords of attachment”) in order to help you move on and open up to a much healthier and more ideal energy, relationship, and state of mind.
It’s possible that you will open yourself up to the same relationship – just a healthier version of it.
Starting the day after a full moon, take one bath a day for seven days. Fill the tub with warm water. Dissolve into it 2 cups Epsom salt, 1 cup sea salt, and 1/4 cup baking soda. Before you get in the water, light a white candle and say:
Great Goddess, please purify me of all cords of fear and attachment to [name of person].
Thank you for healing me and setting me free. And thank you for clearing the way for beautiful new conditions to arise.
Feel yourself becoming healthier, stronger, and more radiant as you soak.
5. Bring About The Best Possible Outcome
Whether your initial desire to perform a love spell was born from a crush, a relationship with a current partner, or a past relationship, this spell will help bring about the best possible outcome for you and everyone involved.
By trusting the outcome to the Universe instead of assuming you know what’s best, you gain access to a larger perspective, and one that takes everything into account: past, present, future, as well as unforeseen potentials and possibilities.
On a new moon, bless a bracelet of rose quartz beads by placing it in bright sunlight. Say:
God/Goddess/All That Is,
Thank you for establishing beautiful conditions in my love life, completely, perfectly, and in divine timing.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Blessed be. And so it is.
Smile and feel lovable and loved. Wear the bracelet until you feel it’s completed its work.
If you like this post, you’ll love my book, Little Guide to Love Magic: Everything You Need to Know (Including Love Spells).
You may also like Why You Should Not Do a Love Spell on a Specific Person and 4 Love Spells That Begin Working Immediately.
What do you think of this post? Will you be trying one of these love spells?
So there’s this guy who I haven’t yet met
he works in the same building that I’ll be working in when I visit my sister’s house in a different country in July,
Every since talking with him, I’ve felt a ‘pull’ towards him
there’s been certain synchronicities and things as well and I keep thinking of him,
he actually matches 88% of my desired soulmate traits too
however I’m really trying to keep focused on this amazing self love and self care journey I’m on and the thoughts of him feel like they are taking me away from myself.
I still want to meet him and see what happens in July and go from there, but I want to completely let go of any desires or expectations that I have of him and anything that could transpire
Which of these spells should I do?
or should I try a cord-cutting to cut my current attachments to him?
I don’t want to banish him fro my life I just want to stop thinking about him and then live in the moment when I meet him 7 months from now
Please give me this advice, I’d be very grateful
Thank you
Hi! For now, I would focus on self-care, clearing clutter, cleaning your house, and space clearing. These will all help raise your vibration and clear the way for the most positive possible conditions in all life areas, including romance.
Soo, I was with this guy for four years off and on when i was younger and didn’t realize that i was truly in love with him. I had ruined everything. It has been two years almost on New years eve it’ll be two year. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him. Its an every day heart breaking process trying to get over him. I haven’t found anyone that even amounts to the way i feel about him. He won’t talk to me at all anymore. Iv’e been having a strange gut feeling that the reason its been so hard on me is because we do belong together it was just at the wrong place and time in my life that we had met. If i can get him back i’d do everything different. What do i do?
Tiff, is there a spell in this post that seems right to you?
I was having a issue like this, but all thanks to God now.
How important is it to be spell 2 on a full moon? Can i do it durning a waxing gibbous ?
No, I wouldn’t. If you have to do it on a different day, I would wait until the moon is waning.
Thank you Tess!! I’m really nervous that he won’t come back to me because of how close he is getting to this girl. We’ve been together for 3 years but he did date her a year before we dated. their relationship didn’t work for multiple reasons but I’m worried that this will. It’s been about 2 weeks now and they’ve been spending a lot of time together but I do believe that him doing this is just an escape from his personal issues. He still tells me he loves me and admits that he has feelings but he just doesn’t want a relationship right now. I don’t think it’s that he doesn’t want a relationship I just think he needs help getting past his issues and this is his way of escaping. Do you have any advice on top of using spell #2? I really want to message him but I’m nervous that it will not go well.
And we’ve gone through break ups every year around this exact time. that’s how i know it is something deeper in himself that he can not cope with. and he expresses that to me. Last year when we broke up he was talking to somebody and we were broken up for about a month and a week. we came back even stronger but i don’t know what changed his mind. This time it seems different. I’m worried we might now come back but I am 99% sure that we will be okay. I’m just nervous that we won’t.
Hi Tess! Me and my boyfriend have been together for 3 years but the day before our 3 year anniversary he broke up with me because he wasn’t happy at the moment and he didn’t want to be in a relationship. I know what he’s saying may be partly true but I do believe, as well as outsiders close to us believe, that he is just going through some things as of right now. He had a pretty traumatic childhood and this time of the year is always very triggering for him. Right now he is talking to another girl and doing things he would not usually do as an escape but I know that that is not what he really wants. He barely speaks to me about things anymore and gets mad at me easily. Our relationship was going amazing before he talked to his friend about us. We never had any issues, barely fought, we were planning on doing many things together, and we both ALWAYS made sure the other one was happy and comfortable. I know that this break up is not meant for us but it is just a rough patch. I was thinking of doing a simple love spell until I talked to a few people and realized how dangerous they can be. I was thinking of doing #2 from this list though because it seems much safer and easier. Would you recommend me to do this? If so how important is it to be done on a full moon and about how long does it take to see results? Please help me.
Also! Does it have to be a specific type of aloe vera gel? And I only have red tee light candles. Is that okay? I know that some spells suggest red because it’s a color of love to most people.
Hi AJ! Yes, number 2 sounds like an excellent choice. The full moon is this upcoming Wednesday/Thursday, and either day would be ideal for this spell if you can do it. Just the standard aloe vera gel. No lotion or any sort of blend. And I would not suggest red. You’re right that it’s a color of love, but that is in its passionate aspect and not its healing/soothing/repairing aspect. For a healing spell, red can be too inflammatory, like putting cayenne pepper on a cut.
Thank you! I found a love spell that I want to try but I dont think it will be a good idea. My biggest fear is that he is too far into a relationship with this other girl. But I guess the universe will decide what happens. Is there a specific scent that the candle should be? I have white ones but they’re all scented.
And do you know how long it takes to see results? Or what to do after the spell has been made.
Hi AJ! Here’s a video I made on this subject.
Follow your intuition about which of your white candles to pick.