Don’t override someone’s free will by putting a love spell on them directly. Trust me: these options are better for everyone.
Yes: putting a love spell directly on a particular person is a thing.
But that does not mean you should do it! As I wrote all about in this post, it’s generally a pretty terrible idea.
Do you really want to take away someone’s free will so they will fake love you? Is turning a person into your robot love slave what you truly want?
If the answer to either question is yes, I beg you to see that for what it is: sad. Please don’t be desperate, and bully someone into liking you. There’s no need! Instead, call in someone who actually and legitimately wants to spend time with you.
That being said, I know there are times when it can be tempting. That’s why I’ve assembled these 5 alternatives you can use in a variety of situations.
For lots more karma-friendly love spells, and the secrets to successful love magic, check out my book, Little Guide to Love Magic: Everything You Need to Know, Including Love Spells.
1. Attract an Awesome Partner
What do you really want here, ultimately? You want to be in a relationship with someone awesome who authentically desires you just as much as you desire them. Sure, it’s possible this person may indeed be the person you have in mind. But it may also be someone else entirely. This spell leaves the specific person up to the Universe, which always (always!) has the best possible results.
On a Friday when the moon is between new and full, rub sweet almond oil all over the surface of a pink pillar candle. Then, roll it in sugar and stand it in the center of a dinner plate. Sprinkle the petals from one red and one pink rose around the candle (on the plate) in a clockwise direction. Light the candle and say:
I now summon my perfect love.
Whomever and wherever you are, come to me!
Thank you and blessed be.
Feel, sense, and imagine how you will feel to be with your beloved. Sense the warmth in your heart when you are together, as well as your passion, your laughter, and your joy. Smile and be grateful that your divine partner is already on their way to you now.
Allow the candle to safely burn for at least an hour. Then extinguish and light it again as needed for fire safety (i.e. extinguish when you need to leave the candle unattended and relight when you return) until it’s burned all the way down.

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2. Heal an Existing Relationship
If you’re already in a relationship, this ritual will give you a dose of healing and harmony, without disrespecting your partner’s free will.
On a full moon, place a small photo of you and your beloved in a small Mason jar. Completely immerse the photo in equal parts honey and aloe vera gel. Close the lid of the jar and place a tea light on top. Light the candle and say:
What we need to heal, let us heal.
What we need to feel, let us feel.
Open the hearts of [name of partner] and me,
And light up our magic – so mote it be.
Take a moment to remember what you love about your partner. Recall times you’ve laughed together and connected deeply. Feel gratitude for this relationship, and vow to show your partner how much you love them. Express gratitude to the divine in any way that feels right to you.
Let the tea light burn all the way down while being mindful of fire safety. Keep the sealed jar on your altar for one full moon cycle (28 days). Then rinse it out, throw out the photo, and wash the jar for future use.
3. Magnify Your Attractiveness
Perhaps, if you’re honest, you’re not really sure if you want to attract a relationship just yet.
What you do know is you’d like to attract some romantic attention and have a little fun. This spell will enhance and magnify your natural attractiveness.
Put a tiny bit of sandalwood or ylang ylang in a little sweet almond oil. Gently anoint your belly, heart area, and throat. Say:
I activate my beauty and call forth all of my charms.
Feel gorgeous and attractive, and expect attention. Smile and give thanks.
Feel free to repeat this ritual once per moon cycle.
4. Release an Unhealthy Connection
It’s possible that you are in an obsessive, abusive, or codependent loop/
This spell will help you release the unhealthy aspects of the connection (AKA “cords of attachment”) in order to help you move on and open up to a much healthier and more ideal energy, relationship, and state of mind.
It’s possible that you will open yourself up to the same relationship – just a healthier version of it.
Starting the day after a full moon, take one bath a day for seven days. Fill the tub with warm water. Dissolve into it 2 cups Epsom salt, 1 cup sea salt, and 1/4 cup baking soda. Before you get in the water, light a white candle and say:
Great Goddess, please purify me of all cords of fear and attachment to [name of person].
Thank you for healing me and setting me free. And thank you for clearing the way for beautiful new conditions to arise.
Feel yourself becoming healthier, stronger, and more radiant as you soak.
5. Bring About The Best Possible Outcome
Whether your initial desire to perform a love spell was born from a crush, a relationship with a current partner, or a past relationship, this spell will help bring about the best possible outcome for you and everyone involved.
By trusting the outcome to the Universe instead of assuming you know what’s best, you gain access to a larger perspective, and one that takes everything into account: past, present, future, as well as unforeseen potentials and possibilities.
On a new moon, bless a bracelet of rose quartz beads by placing it in bright sunlight. Say:
God/Goddess/All That Is,
Thank you for establishing beautiful conditions in my love life, completely, perfectly, and in divine timing.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Blessed be. And so it is.
Smile and feel lovable and loved. Wear the bracelet until you feel it’s completed its work.
If you like this post, you’ll love my book, Little Guide to Love Magic: Everything You Need to Know (Including Love Spells).
You may also like Why You Should Not Do a Love Spell on a Specific Person and 4 Love Spells That Begin Working Immediately.
What do you think of this post? Will you be trying one of these love spells?
Hi , I’m in a bit of a pickle right now , my marriage of coming up 15 years is going horribly wrong , I’ll admit I’ve not been the best husband ( we’ve moved country. Built our own home and with that we had major bad luck with the builder and financially and stress and lost a child ) few extra stress to rest our marriage but until recently we weathered it , have three awesome kids who we love and adore , moving here brought It’s own extra stresses for my wife’s job, she had to fight all the way to get back to her old status and position ,,basically starting from the bottom again and having to deal with some pretty crappy people along the way ,
So it’s not all been me , I thought I was there for her and as a man I tried to fix as much as I could , I had an Injury that took me out for 5 months and I’d say put me on a depression Route till I got out of that funk , so I will admit my faults , last 8 months have been hell, my wife wants time and space to see if she wants to stay married ! Of course o freaked and did all the wrong things , ( I’m a child of divorce so probably didn’t handle it well at all). We’ve been getting distant and arguing over silly stuff ,but I’ve since found out that a couple of her friends have been really really horrible and here Influence is starting to show , I’ve Been made out to be a really horrible person and I’m not , my friends ( female ) cannot Believe the way I’ve been portrayed , to be fair if I thought my friends wife had a husband like I’ve Been made out I’d be getting her out and away from him , but that’s not me their describing at all and that really hurts and as their her friends I can’t really intervene I don’t want to tell her her friends are a bad influence that would make me actually like they make out( should point out , men haters , Seriously messed up relationship ( I’ve offered to help them in the past and be there for them and their kids as a father figure ) one is serious negative depressive person who wants out of her relationship but can’t as her husband now it’s disabled and totally reliant on him, another is single no kids no mothering none in her body and has a hang up about men!! And wants my wife to go on single holidays with her , another is divorced and screwing her way up her job ladder ,,party all the time , I could say more but ,, it’s their lives as long as they don’t interfere with mine live and let live ,but they are now interfering ) that’s the background , I love my wife from the moment I met her , I still do even when she’s a pain. But this has to stop the negativity (oh and there’s a man in the background too, work colleague and a Neigbour , always seems to come round when I’m not her , offered to do loads of jobs around our farm with her , my jobs , I. Work and get my stuff done they have shifts so more days off to do stuff , when I did one of the jobs she said she was going to do with him ? No help at all , 20 ton of wood cut and split and stacked, he reckons he hasn’t had sex with his wife for 7 years !!! That’s what he told her , A horrible little man odious man that I tolerate she even told me he was full of shit and had cheated on his wife and he is always on the phone or texting or something hanging round ,
What’s best to shut up these gossips maybe even make them realise their gossiping is hurting my marriage and they should look inside their own and fix their own flaws and faults before offering bad advice to others ,
What’s best to keep this man away and silence him out but have her be able to continue to work with him professionally still , make him look at his own marriage and fix his own rather than interfere with mine , lastly if my wife and I are to be together then what’s best for her to see that and realise that and come back to the family , I’m about to go work away for minimum 2 weeks most 6 weeks ( hate the idea being away from my kids physically I love my daddy hugs and it feels like prison being sent away to work but I have no option till I find another job , I don’t want her to be with me if she doesn’t want to , I’d rather see her happy than like this now , and I need to be happy and with some one who deserves me and I them , like we had , we were a team , what’s best to relight the fire and passion back and save my marriage , also make her see what she has done is wrong and we both learn and grow together , everything I do now is wrong and she fights , I’m not controlling I ju want the same respect back I give out , 8 months on it’s not a happy place being I’m limbo does she want me or not , I don’t want to harm anyone juts help them see their own faults and let them work on them and hopefully rekindle my marriage and we come through this trial even stronger and happier and a positive model for our kids to help them on their life journey
Many thanks and appreciation for any advice and grateful for you taking the time to read this
Hi Craig! I’m sorry you’re going through this. I suggest detaching temporarily from the outcome and other peoples’ behavior just until you get some counseling and take care of yourself as best you can. Focus on yourself exclusively and your own behavior until you feel calmer and more grounded. I know it seems like you want to intervene as soon as possible, but it’s really important that you take time to get this perspective on how to move forward in the healthiest possible way and for the highest good of all concerned.
Hi Tess, Im thinking about doing spell 2 but if i dont have any Aloe Vera Gel is there anything i can replace the aloe vera gel with??
Hi Melissa! You could do honey with a few drops of Rescue Remedy or Tea Tree oil. Do you have either of those?
I dated this guy, and we broke up. It was fine, but I realized there was another girl that came along pretty quick. Their relationship makes sense to no one, but him and I never talked again. Flash forward to a year and a half later, and I still had really strong feelings so I chose to do some of these to help me gain closure and find new love. After blessing a rose quartz bracelet months ago, he calls randomly one night to hang out and fiddled with the bracelet throughout the night, but claimed later it was a huge mistake to hang out. About a month later, I found out him and that girl are back together and a week later the bracelet broke. Any help with what all this means, and how to move forward. I was going to bless a new bracelet.
Amarie, did you do the bracelet spell with the intention and expectation of whatever is best for everyone involved? Or did you expect that something specific would happen from doing the spell (i.e. that you and he would get back together)?
In all honesty, I love him, but there was no hope for the two of us. I just wanted to heal and move forward. My intentions were to find love.
Let me tell you my story………
I love someone so much that i can do anything for her happiness,
I can accept anything her happiness.
I can sacrifice anything for her happiness.
All i want is to put smile on her face..
I want to fix everything of her…
I want do everything for her dreams come true..
Her pain hurts me.
Her happiness makes me happy..
She is everything to me…
She is my whole world..
I wanted to kill myself..
But when i see her pain it became my purpose to make her dreams come true….
Live a life with her.
I want to be the reason of her happiness.
All i wan is to be with her forever..
I don’t need her love or anything..
I want her existence, her presence to my life..
I don’t care how she looks, i don’t care how she behave. I just love her soul, her existence..
I don’t care about her mind or anything..
I just want to be with her forever.
I want to be her.
I can’t think a life without her…..
She is reason to be alive…
Even if she hurts me i will be with her…
I will be continue love her…
Even the whole world goes against her i will be with her.
Even she hate me i will love her.
I don’t want happiness or love of others.
I need her.. i need to love her.
All i want is to be with her.
And i want her to accept my love..
But for some reasons i can’t connect her.
I can’t tell her….
She is someone who won’t believe….
I know she needs love.
I know she needs someone who can love her Unconditionally.
She is not with someone.
And No one can love her as i do.
I will do anything for her…
I don’t need her to change her free will.
But if there is anyway that I can make her feel that how much i love her.. how much i care for her..
I don’t need anything.
I will give everything to her..
She is my life.
I want to give my whole life for her name.
And that’s true.
I don’t need anyone but her in my life.
She can be only one who can be my life partner.
Any love spell that would help me out????????
Please tell me
Hi Riad! Before you do ANY MAGIC, I suggest talking to a therapist. This is something so many of us can benefit from (I have been through some therapy myself at various times in my life) and I am sensing you could use some emotional healing before you can have a healthy relationship with this woman or anyone. I’m not sure what your financial situation is, but a lot of health insurance covers counseling and there are also apps that offer phone therapy for a reasonable price. I know it’s not as glamorous as doing a spell, but if you want to move forward in your love life, this will be a wonderful step!
Hi Tess, i really want to use one of these spells to bring back a guy I’m really developing feelings for. He seemed really into me as i did him but we slept together send admittedly too soon. Possible that the thrill of the chase was over for him and we still speak and get along great but now he no longer seems interested. Which would you recommend for this ?
Spell 2. Just be sure your intention is for whatever is ultimately best for both of you. It’s possible this relationship is not actually ideal. But if it IS ideal, spell 2 will help you repair it.