Spells, rituals, and other magical activities to do when the moon is new.
When the moon is new, a fresh cycle has begun.
Since the full moon, the energy has been waning. Things have been unwinding, unbinding, diminishing, and going away.
Now, as the moon cycle comes around to its lowest ebb, the energy stops fading and once again begins to grow.
This makes the new moon an ideal time to set intentions and work magic related to momentum, manifestation, expansion, and amplification.
Here are 9 spells, rituals, and other magical things you can do on the new moon.
1. Open Your Door

Your front door is a powerful symbol and magical power spot in your home. When paired with intention, simply opening it can be a ritual in and of itself, which invites in blessings and positivity. On the new moon, perform a quick mini-ritual by opening your door as far as it will go. Say or think, “I welcome in this beautiful new moon cycle. I welcome in positivity, blessings, and opportunities.” Feel as if something wonderful is in store for you in this new moon cycle…and so it shall be.
2. Write Your Intentions

Writing your intentions is a new moon classic. Write out a list of some beautiful new conditions you’d like to invite in for this moon cycle. Be sure to write them in the present tense, as if already true. Then write, “Thank you, Universe, for all this or something even better.” Then sign and date.
3. Send Out Some Good Energy
When you send out good energy on the new moon, good energy will surely come back to you in a different form throughout the moon cycle. To do this energetically, you can visualize bright, supportive, healing light and send it to a loved one, a number of loved ones, or out across the surface of the planet to all people, animals, and plants. Or, you can also send out good energy on the new moon by donating to a cause you care about, calling a friend, or performing a random act of kindness.
4. Do Some New Moon Divination
Because a new cycle of energy begins on the new moon, it can be an excellent time to tune into divine guidance about what will best support you during the upcoming 29.5 days. You can do this with tarot, an oracle deck, the I Ching, runes, or any form of divination you prefer.
If you’re not already a pro at divination, here are 4 Divination Tools and How to Use Them.
5. Do a New Moon Love Spell
Spells for drawing new love and blessing an existing romantic relationship can be great on the new moon. Any of the love spells in this post would be great. Also spell #1 from this post.
6. Do a Spell for a New Job or Career Path
Spells for new beginnings of all varieties are great on the new moon, including spells for a new job or to discover a new career path, like spells 2 and 3 from this post, as well as this new job spell.
7. Bless Yourself
As a time of initiation and fresh starts, he new moon is a wonderful time for a simple self-blessing ritual. Here are some simple new moon self blessing rituals:
- Take a sea salt bath.
- Anoint your forehead, throat, and heart with sweet almond oil containing a small amount of essential oil or rosemary or cedar. (Be careful if you have sensitive skin!)
- Watch the sunrise and ask the Divine to clear and bless your energy.
- Cleanse yourself in sage or palo santo smoke (safely).
8. Start a New Habit
If there’s a new habit you’ve been wanting to start, there couldn’t be a better time for it than the new moon. Whether you want to start meditating, cooking healthy meals more often, doing yoga, volunteering, or anything else, ask the Divine for help with your new habit and then begin!
9. Begin a Project
New projects get an extra dose of power when you begin them on the new moon. So the new moon is an ideal time to start a new knitting or sewing project, finally sitting down to write that book you’ve been meaning to write, or taking your first steps toward starting the business of your dreams. Remember the quote everyone loves (which can’t quite be attributed to Goethe), “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”
Are you going to try one of these new moon rituals or magical activities? Or do you have other new moon ideas to share? Please speak up in the comments below.
You may also like How to Work Magic with the Phases of the Moon and (in a couple of weeks) 9 Things to Do During a Full Moon.
Thank you so much for this powerful reminder … many blessings!
Luka, thank you for reading! Blessings to you too.