Here’s everything you need to know about angel magic and how you can begin working with angels today.
Angel magic is my favorite kind of magic. It’s the magic I find the most natural, organic, and useful.
There are plenty of stories about angels in Christian, Jewish, and Islamic literature, and angels (as well as creatures that are angel-esque but may not be called angels) appear in other cosmologies and traditions as well.
But I’m not talking about any particular religion or story here. I’m talking about how you – regardless of your creed or lack thereof – can work with them in your magical and spiritual work.
This post provides everything you need to know about angel magic, along with how you can start invoking and working with angels immediately.
What Are Angels?
Angels are currents of divine consciousness.
Of course, you are also a part of divine consciousness. But, for whatever reason (it is a reason I believe many of us can sense but can’t articulate), we chose to be incarnated as individual human beings for a finite period of time. You might say we are eternal, spiritual beings who chose to play around for a little while in the realm of time and form.
Angels – which are one with the same divine consciousness as ourselves – are bridges back into the heart of infinity: infinite power, infinite wisdom, infinite healing energy.
I conceptualize and experience them as currents of energy, pillars of light, or colors of the divine rainbow.
So let’s imagine, for a moment, that the sun is infinity. Of course, the sun is quite a bit tinier than infinity, but because it is so bright and vital to our existence, humans have used it as a metaphor for spirit since time immemorial. So let’s use this metaphor: the blinding light of the sun as infinity.
Now think of a rainbow. The rainbow is still the light of the sun, but refracted into colors. A rainbow – the colors of the rainbow – allow us to have a more dimensional relationship with the blinding light. In this world of form in which we dwell, these colors help differentiate and give texture to all that we see. Each color is a part of the one light, but it has its own unique expression as well. And it gives us a language: red is passionate, yellow is happy, blue is peaceful.
Now let’s zoom out and think of the Divine not as the sun, but actually as infinity. And let’s imagine that infinity as a sort of infinite central sun, at the center not of our solar system, but at the center of everything: the universe. All that is.
The angels would be rays of the rainbow of the light of that infinite central sun. One angel allows us to interact with the protective qualities of the Divine, another with the healing qualities of the Divine, and another helps us attract wealth by knowing our inherent, divinely-aligned worthiness.
Why Do We Imagine Angels as Human-Shaped Creatures with Wings?
So if angels are currents of Divine Consciousness, why do we think of them (and artistically depict them) as human-looking creatures with wings? You might say such images are a symbolic language that help us to see angels as conscious beings with whom we can interact. Angels are not human. They do not have genders or ethnicities. But they appear to us in ways that make sense to us and help us see them as the helping, loving beings they are.
How to Work with Angels
To work with angels, all you need to do is ask for help – and then allow that help.
You can call on a particular archangel (see below for six of them), by simply saying their name – silently or aloud – along with what you would like them to help with. So, like, “Michael, thank you for protecting me with your light.” Or, “Ariel, thank you for blessing me with abundant wealth.”
The only other thing you need to do is then allow that help.
So, let’s say you need to get your computer fixed. So you take it to the repair shop, and you tell the repair guy what’s going on. “It sounds like [such and such],” he says. “That shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll take a look and give you a call a little later today.” So what do you do? Do you pack up your computer and take it back home? Of course not! You leave it with him. You put it on the counter and walk away. Otherwise, he can’t help you.
Similarly, you have to allow the angels to help. Energetically, spiritually, and emotionally, once you ask for help, you have to let go of whatever it is you’re asking for help with. Otherwise the angels can’t take it off your hands for you.
The good news is that this is a knack that you can get the hang of. And when you notice that you’re still holding on – worrying, hanging on, or going over and over something in your mind – you can ask the angels for help with that, too. It can all be a process of learning to trust and co-create with the Divine.
Why Angel Magic is so Helpful and Great
Angel magic is never a band-aid cure. It’s holistic. It dials you in, more and more, to your life’s most positive and auspicious momentum and flow.
Angel magic tunes you into the highest wisdom and most helpful guidance.
Angel magic activates a divinely organizing force that brings order to every life area.
Whatever is best for you and everyone concerned, the angels will help deliver to you. And when something is not best for you, angels will help it to fall away.
Angel Wisdom that Consistently Comes Through
There are certain commonalities in the wisdom that angels impart. The more you work with them, the more such wisdom will feel native to you as well:
- Angels infuse you with an awareness of the oneness of everything, and the fact that you are a part of that oneness.
- Angels show you that living with integrity is actually for your highest good at every moment.
- Angels remind you that you have power (because you are one with Divine Power, and you can call upon that power to create positive change).
- Angels impart and strengthen the clear inner knowing that you are loving, worthy, and deserving of wonderful things.
- Angels help you to heal in all areas, and give you the wisdom and inspiration you need in order to heal yourself.
There are many, many angels you can invoke for various purposes. But here are the six angels I work with the most frequently. You can call on them and start working with them immediately.
(I alternate with gender pronouns simply because the angels do not have genders.)

THE ANGEL MAGIC ORACLE is almost here! Pre-order it here.
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Raphael is the angel of the East, the air element, and the dawn. His name means “God heals.” You can call on him for healing of all varieties. I also call on him in tandem with Archangel Michael for energetic clearing and shielding of people and places.
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael is the angel of the South, the fire element, and the bright sun of the noonday hour. His name means “Who is like God.” I call on him for all forms of protection: to remove stuck or challenging energies, and to surround me in fiery, protective light. You can also ask him to infuse you with confidence.
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel is the angel of the West, the water element, and the sunset. Their name means “Strength of God.” Gabriel helps with emotional healing, soothing grief, and sowing the seeds of peace and understanding. Gabriel helps escort souls into and out of this world of form, so you can also invoke them in matters of birth and death.
Archangel Ariel (Uriel)
Archangel Ariel (also known as Uriel) is the angel of the North, the earth element, and midnight. Their name means “Lion of God” or “Light of God.” They have a strong, deeply rooted energy that smells and feels like an old-growth pine forest. I call on Ariel for support with all forms of manifesting, and particularly for attracting and increasing wealth.
Archangel Metatron
Archangel Metatron is the angel aligned with the highest light of infinity. Of all the angels, they are the closest to the undifferentiated oneness of pure potentiality. They help establish order and divine orchestration. I call on Metatron for ease in travel and I also invoke them before I write to help channel divine wisdom and organize it naturally as words on the page.
Archangel Sandalphon
Archangel Sandalphon is the angel aligned with the energy at the core of the earth. His name means co-brother, and he acts as the anchor for Metatron’s infinite light. In many ways, I sense Sandalphon and Metatron as two poles of the same battery. Metatron is infinity, and Sandalphon is the place where infinite light becomes anchored in the physical world. Some call Sandalphon the “angel of answered prayers,” and that resonates for me in the way he translates the power of infinity into form, particularly when that form arises in response to our clear intentions and desires.
If you want to try some specific angel spells, check out this post.
If you liked this post, you will love my new oracle deck, THE ANGEL MAGIC ORACLE.

THE ANGEL MAGIC ORACLE is almost here! Pre-order it here.
Did you like this post? Do you already work with angels, or are you planning to start? I always love hearing from you – please share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.
Thank you so much for sharing this divine wisdom.
Thank you for reading!
I have always had a powerful attraction or reverence for the angelic realm and the various saints and deities of many cultures. My parents instilled this belief of love being the binder of all beliefs and uniting us as one with the universe. I grew up understanding of the seasons and elements, nature, magical intentions. The angels have always been a part of me. It always felt so natural to call upon or send love to the angelic realm and all of the divine. My parents even believed in angels and deities and ancestors helping us in times of need. My dad used to say that spirit travels in the winds. I remember the song by Bette Midler “the wind beneath my wings”, I dedicated it with love to my parents who now fly with the angels.
❤️ 💕 💝
That is a wonderful explanation for angels. Even though I am a Pagan, I also believe in angels but have always had a hard time explaining it to those who aren’t Pagan. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Barbara, I’m so glad to hear you are on my page with this! Thank you for getting me and for your kind words.