I asked the angels for some rituals to help you experience true success in 2024. They did not disappoint.
Raphael and Chamuel quickly chimed in with these simple and elegant rituals for reaching your goals and experiencing authentic satisfaction, lasting peace, and an expansive sense of joy.
Raphael Sunrise Journal Ritual
Archangel Raphael wants you to get clear on your priorities, your values, and your own personal success criteria.
He asks: “What if you celebrated where you are now, while simultaneously moving toward where you want to go? What if you stopped playing the status game by comparing yourself to others, and instead let yourself thrive in your own unique time and way?”
Here is the true success ritual Raphael recommends:
During the sunrise (any sunrise), light a white candle and face east. (You can do this indoors or out.) Have a notebook and pen nearby. Sit comfortably. Breathe deeply and consciously. As the sun rises, invoke Archangel Raphael. Feel and sense your third eye (the energy center at your forehead) illuminate.
Now, look deeply and write out your answers to the following questions. Don’t think too much – just write. Trust that your answers are right there, because they are.
What do I truly value?
What do I truly not value?
How am I already succeeding?
What old stories can I let go of in order to freer, happier, lighter, and more like myself?
What new stories can I tell myself about who I am and how I’m meant to be?
What are my authentic goals for the new year?
What actions can I take toward these goals that are in alignment with love?
What will it feel like in my body to work toward my goals systematically, but also with patience, plenty of relaxation, self-approval, and a sense of divine timing and flow?
Thank Raphael. Extinguish the candle. Allow what you have written to serve as a compass that easily and naturally informs the steps you take toward your desires and dreams.
Chamuel Heartlight Ritual
Chamuel wants you to prioritize your relationships: to make new connections and treasure the old ones. He also reminds you that even brief interactions with strangers can be loving, healing, and nourishing to the soul.
He says: “Connection is your true joy and your one real purpose. Loving relationships are, without exception, what make life great.”
On a Friday, light a pink candle and hold a rose quartz crystal in your left hand. Relax, breathe, and center your mind.
Invoke Archangel Chamuel and hold the quartz near the flame. As it warms, imagine a bright pink light illuminating the stone from within. Then hold it to your heart and feel your heart light up with golden-pink light.
I now commit to prioritizing love and relationships. Wherever I go, I look for ways to express and receive love. I am generous. I love giving gifts to others and I love I letting my loved ones know how I feel about them. I allow myself to receive compliments, affection, gifts, and other expressions of love. I keep my heartlight shining and generously allow it to flow.
Now, look within and listen to Chamuel’s guidance. Let yourself see the relationships you might heal or support through a text, a call, quality time, or a handwritten letter or card. If there are any relationships that could use some attention or lapsed friendships that you may want to rekindle, acknowledge this, and see what Chamuel shows you about how to proceed.
Extinguish the candle. Place the crystal on your altar or a windowsill to serve as a reminder and anchor for your intentions for love and connection throughout the year.
…Seriously, aren’t the angels the best?
If you liked this angel wisdom paired with simple, powerful magic you can do, you will love (I mean love!) my new oracle deck, THE ANGEL MAGIC ORACLE.

THE ANGEL MAGIC ORACLE is almost here! Pre-order it here.
And, if you email me a photo or screenshot proving you pre-ordered THE ANGEL MAGIC ORACLE (from anywhere – online or a brick and mortar shop near you), I will send you a discount code that will give you access to my online Chakra Magic workshop for FREE.
I always love hearing from you, and I’d love to know your thoughts about either or both of these rituals! Don’t hesitate to chime in below.
For the basics of angel magic, check out my post, Angel Magic Essentials.
The meditation with arch angel Chamuel was so potent. I saw vivid warm glowing pink light engulfing my room and me. I also saw and felt the romance angels of pure love pour their sparkling fizzy pink light into the meditation. I usually see Arch angel Chamuel with his pale glowy spring green light whenever I ask for help for finding my way or magnetizing me for success. Synchronicities have been followed whenever I called for his help. This time it was a call not for help but a luxurious infusion of self love. He showed me visions and guidance about me holding back on interacting with various situations. The meditation was so beautiful and heart opening. My candle was white, but I dressed it with my prayer oils, the candle was covered with many different green herbs and crushed dried roses. I sprayed myself with scent I created based on rose water, flower essences, crystals for my prayers. I had my heart shaped rose quartz in front of me, wore my crystal jewelry and the ritual was magical. The ritual with Arch angel Raphael meditation was done during sunset but was very powerful, verdant, vivid emerald green filling up the space and healing me. I had the my consecrated oils, floral dressed candle, prayer scent, crystals, blessed pen and magical notebook, I relaxed into the ritual. Guidance came to me about kicking up a notch my exercises, since I was doing so well. I was shown that I needed to go on you tube to take updated beauty classes to power up my career. I was shown that I would be successful and what I wish to be and that my goals are attainable because I could do it. Arch angel Raphael usually helps me with my healing but this time he showed me advice and guidance on my career and exercises I could do to improve the quality of life. After the meditation with Arch angel Raphael I dreamed about my job and saw how good I was at it, and the service I provided to clients, upgraded to another level. I saw in the dream how confident I was, and how physically stronger I felt. Today I looked at the mirror and noticed that my posture has improved and my facial contours more firmer. I don’t look as tired or beat up. There is a spark of hope and self love radiating out of me.
Ahh, can’t beat it! I love the way you articulated these experiences.
What can I do to record success this year