Carpe diem you guys. And also memento mori.
Why am I employing two latin phrases to describe this video? Maybe because it sounds more mystical than saying “seize the day,” and like less of a bummer than saying “remember you must die.” Also it takes up fewer letters?
Using philosophical catchphrases from a dead language is also a great reminder that the stuff I talk about is nothing new. Ancient wisdom in modern language. Stuff you’ve heard before or already know but that we can all use reminding of in a million different ways.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
And here’s my COSMIC DANCER ORACLE, in case you want to get yourself a copy.
P.S. I have a new oracle deck coming soon: THE ORACLE OF PORTALS.
Redhen says
I remember my mother always telling me that to not think in the future or even speak to anyone about it . In my parent’s language there is a saying or custom that says: if you speak of the future, your hopes and dreams and secret wishes, the devil will laugh. The meaning is , to live in the moment, and anything you want to manifest needs to be kept quiet. My father always said that we are all gonna die one day to rejoin our loved ones who passed before us, and just enjoy now while we still are here. My husband admired my parent’s belief system and he occasionally says “just be”. My parents believed that joy and peace is something that is cultivated and enhanced with flow and surrender. Now I’m older and have a family of my own I understand. Thank you🙏
Tess Whitehurst says
Thank you for sharing this, Redhen! I love it.