Get motivated to clear out the junk with this simple and effective clutter clearing meditation and ritual.
Clutter clearing is a powerful practice.
It literally creates more space for you to live your life. It somehow magically frees up more time in the day. It clears your energy field and establishes clarity in your mind. By donating what you don’t love, use, or need, you are sending wealth out into the world, which comes back to you in different forms, multiplied. You also create a vacuum for blessings of all varieties to naturally flow in. You feel more ease, flow, and creativity. And everything is connected, so physical clutter represents mental and emotional clutter. That’s why letting go of clutter helps you to open up to possibilities and feel far more creative. It helps you let go of what no longer serves you and integrate the lessons you’ve learned.
There’s no doubt about it: living with less clutter helps with everything. It lets you live your entire life with greater purpose, freedom, success, prosperity, and delight.
If you want to get that clutter cleared, but you need a little push to get you started, this clutter clearing meditation is for you.
(There are Amazon affiliate links in this post.)
You will need:
- A white or off-white clean-burning candle
- A lighter or matches
- Ten index cards or note cards (or squares of paper)
- A pen
- A cup of coffee or tea (with or without caffeine) made just how you like it
Before you make your coffee or tea, write the following on the note cards:
- More space
- More time
- More joy
- Energy clearing
- Abundance and blessings
- More ease and flow
- Clarity
- Creativity
- Integration
- Letting go
Now, prepare your coffee or tea. Light the candle and sit comfortably in front of it. Call on the Divine in any way you choose, and request help with your intention to get inspired and motivated to clear your clutter. Relax and take some deep breaths. Shuffle the note cards, with the words face down. Then, turn them right side up.
As you enjoy your beverage, take a little bit of each time with each note card, one at a time. Start with the one on top and work your way through the rest. Savor the taste of your drink while closing your eyes and simply contemplating how it will feel to have more space, for example. You might be able to dance or do yoga more easily. Perhaps it will be easier to throw a party or take joy in your creative projects. Think about each benefit logically, but also picture yourself experiencing it, and open your senses and emotions to how it will feel to embody it.
Sit with each benefit until you truly feel excited about it. Then move onto the next one. And all the while, savor your coffee or tea.
Once you’ve made your way through each benefit and finished your beverage (it’s okay if one takes longer than the other), close your eyes and take another deep breath or two. Relax your body and mind once more.
Then, say to yourself, “It’s totally okay if I don’t clear clutter perfectly, and it’s perfectly fine if I don’t do it all at once. All I need to do is begin. My natural motivation and my divine support will guide me and carry me through.”
Now, choose one limited area, such as your refrigerator, one cupboard, your junk drawer, or a medicine cabinet. You can start there. Once you’re finished with that, you can decide if you want to tackle another area or stop there for the day and continue when you have more time.
You can repeat this clutter clearing meditation and motivation ritual as often as you’d like.
Did you try this, or do you plan to? If you tried it, how did it affect your clutter clearing experience? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
I’ve already started this before you posted your suggestions. Synchronicity? I made my herbal ceremonial teas and did readings , but I powered up and cleaned out so much from 2 closets. My battle with the fleas also fired me up as I pictured my home clean and beautiful. I also released my daughter’s things that she left behind when she recently moved far far away. I packed everything with reverence and the memories came flooding back. How I miss her, and remember her growing up and the love I poured into raising her. I also saw some of my old cat woman costumes and high heeled boots, both I’ve outgrown and rarely wear. Nostalgia, a sense of time moving on, the seasons of one’s life. It was very emotional. My husband came home and said “ oh., you’re having one of your cleaning frenzy’s. “ I remembered when my parents passed away, I had to clear out everything. It was hard, I ended up going to the sea shore to release the sadness. I hid my emotions from everyone and no one at work even knew that I was grieving. In fact no one knew of my parent’s passing. I couldn’t bear to talk about it. It felt like I was stopping a dam from bursting destroying whatever control I had. Even now as I reminisce about my daughter, I haven’t shown anyone my true feelings of missing her. I’ve kept to myself. The clearing of the closet, like a closure of each chapter in life. I am grateful to have lived and loved so deeply that the memories are forever etched in my heart
Aww, Redhen, of course you miss her. Yes, I feel that November is a natural time for clearing and letting go. I’m not surprised you naturally felt that too.
Oh Tess- how perfect that I am reading this today!! Ive been spending so much time caring for my elderly parents this last year that my condo has become completely overwhelmed with excess stuff! Each time I think about decluttering I tell myself “tomorrow I’ll start” and then I get overwhelmed by it all. I know I’ll feel so much better- especially dealing with the packed closets and piles of excess clothing in my bedroom – but something was keeping me stuck. I WILL do this meditation and begin! Will let you know how I make out

Heidi, I’m so glad to hear this will be helpful for you! Sending you every best wish.