Perform this exciting tarot ritual and open up to your magical power.

This is an excerpt from my book, You Are Magical. Check it out and find yourself a copy here.
You really are magical.
But just in case you’ve never really felt confident that the magic is indeed within you, this spell is for you.
A 78-card tarot deck with images you love (I personally love this deck, and also this one.)
A robust cup of your favorite caffeinated beverage (If caffeine doesn’t agree with you, try peppermint tea or this delicious herbal “koffee.”)
A clear quartz crystal point
Separate the following twenty cards from the rest of the deck:
- The kings and queens of all suites (swords, cups, wands, and pentacles)
- The Fool
- The Magician
- The Priestess
- The Empress
- The Emperor
- The Hierophant
- Strength
- The Hermit
- The Star
- The Sun
- The Moon
- The World
Wake up before sunrise on the day of a full moon. With beverage (perhaps in a travel mug), crystal, and the twenty tarot cards in tow, find a good sunrise-viewing area outside where you feel safe and comfortable and where you won’t be disturbed. A beach, balcony, park, hiking spot, or backyard area would all be good choices. (If you’re a city dweller and you can’t think of an appropriate spot nearby, you might want to do this during a vacation or weekend getaway.)
Settle in and sit comfortably. Relax your body and mind as you come fully into the moment.
As soon as the sun peeks visibly over the horizon, hold the crystal in your right hand and begin to enjoy your beverage. Fully take in the sun’s spectacular early morning show as you think to yourself, “The sun is rising on my power.” As the sun continues its ascent, know that your magical power is being awakened and illuminated.
Once the sun is over the horizon and you can see it in its entirety (and ideally once you’ve finished your drink), say or whisper:
Great Spirit, Great Holy Mystery, God/Goddess/All That Is,
Your magic is my magic. Your power is my power.
Your wisdom is my wisdom.
For this, I give thanks.
One with infinity, I am also unique in my expression within this mysterious dance of time.
Once these words have been spoken, immediately shuffle and then draw one of the cards. This card will be a mirror of your power as it is being expressed right now. By looking at the image, get an intuitive feel for how this is true. There is no need to overly intellectualize: simply acknowledge that something significant about the card’s energy is within you. Feel that something awakening and blossoming even more fully.
Then once again say:
One with infinity, I am also unique in my expression within this mysterious dance of time.
My power has been found. My power has been awakened.
For this, I give thanks.
Feel deep gratitude for this moment, for your connection with the Divine, and for your magical power. Stay with this for as long as it feel right.
Until the next full moon, keep the crystal and tarot card on your altar as a reminder and focal point for your newly discovered magic. As you study, meditate, and consult with your intuition, your understanding of the card (as it relates to your magic) will deepen over time.
Hi there, im a begginer and didn’t started my first practice but im reading anything before I start to do one of the rituals. I hope it will help find who is real me doing it and why I chose this path.
Hello! Good idea. Brightest blessings and every best wish on your first ritual and your magical path. 🙂