Playfully greet the springtime with these Spring Equinox spells, rituals, and activities.
The official start of Spring, Ostara – also known as the Spring Equinox – marks the moment when the days and nights are roughly equal in length.
After Ostara, the light steadily begins to predominate over the dark. The expanding warmth and brightness nudge the leaves to appear, the seeds to sprout, and the flowers to bloom. Similarly, the Spring Equinox inspires us to forgo the seclusion and rest we sought during the winter as we feel drawn toward more activity, extroversion, and play.
Here are some ways to make your Ostara extra magical.
Ostara Celebration Idea #1: Surround Yourself with Daffodils
As one of the earliest flowers to appear in the spring, daffodils are the official flower of March. They are also associated with the Greek goddess Persephone, who famously returns from her underworld domain at the Spring Equinox to bless the world with her youthful beauty and grace.
Bring daffodils into your home or yard this Ostara to celebrate the return of the spring, refresh your spirit, and bolster your self-love.
Ostara Celebration Idea #2: Create a Spring Equinox Altar
An altar is a three-dimensional work of art that serves as a sacred portal where form and spirit meet. This Ostara, create a springtime altar. You might include items found in nature such as flowers, herbs, and seeds. Read on for other altar addition ideas (such as ceramic or chocolate eggs, seeds, or fairy offerings), and consider adding a statue or framed image of a springtime divinity such as Persephone, Freya, or Cernunnos.

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Ostara Celebration Idea #3: Bless Your Seeds Before You Plant Them
Seeds are powerful symbols of Ostara. On Ostara, cast a magical circle and send magical energy into your seeds. Infuse them with your most treasured intentions for the fresh new cycle ahead. Then, when you’re ready to plant, they’ll be filled with Ostara’s sparkly/lucky/magical vibes.
Ostara Celebration Idea #4: Decorate Eggs
As you may know, the word Easter is derived from Ostara. And the name isn’t the only similarity between the two holidays.
Eggs – a powerful symbol of fertility and birth – are another commonality between the two.
Create a ritual out of decorating ceramic eggs this Ostara as you feel expansive, hopeful, and bright. Choose an intention or positive quality for each egg, feeling that you are setting that energy in motion as you decorate it.

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Ostara Celebration Idea #5: Summon the Fairies
Fairies are the living spirits of nature. While they’re always present in wild natural settings, their presence becomes more palpable when everything comes back to life in the spring. Call fairies into your yard or connect with them in a beautiful outdoor setting by leaving offerings such as polished crystals, berries, or beer in walnut shells. Wind chimes, sparkly mobiles, and bird feeders will also help entice them into your outdoor space.
Ostara Celebration Idea #6: Bless Chocolate Eggs & Then Eat Them
This Ostara season, find yourself some high quality chocolate eggs or make your own. Hold one in your left hand and cup your right hand underneath. Conjure up the excitement and joyful expectation of the spring. Then send the energy of this feeling into the egg. Imagine it glowing and pulsating with sparkling white or pale green light. Then eat it to internalize the magic. Be sure to eat it slowly and savor it fully.
Ostara is a sparkling portal into the lighter half of the year. Take the time to tap into its beauty, magic, and happy anticipation. You’ll be so happy you did.
Did you try one of these Ostara celebration ideas? Or do you plan to? Please share in the comments.
Also check out these 5 Easy Ways to Celebrate Ostara.
You’re amazing! Thanks for sharing. I dreamed of Ostara last night as a beautiful woman and she had an excel spread sheet of Goddesses, it was wild! I am not too on top of time and I’m not sure why but when I saw your email that is was in two minutes, I knew I had to read your articles. I’m gonna do it all! Aside from the dandelions, they’ve been frozen here. Thank you so much for your energy and time. I am getting a copy of You are Magical this week and I can’t wait to start reading it!
Kimberly, thank you for your kind message, for getting my book, and for sharing that awesome dream! I love it and it feels very powerful. Blessed Ostara!
Tess thank you so much I love the spring equinox n I redoing my home n very excited to learn n going to to these 5 I have a garden witch I love working in n just started learning about the fairies can’t wait I’m going to put fairies n houses n playful things n love to plant daisies are one of my favorite when I’m done will start posting pictures before n after I also loved your book You Are Magical brightest blessing to you n thank you for the tips 🌻🌻🌹🌈❤ you are wonderful
Michelle, thank you for connecting and for the kind words! Blessed Ostara.