Surefire strategies to refresh, rebalance, and replenish your energy at the Summer Solstice.
At Midsummer, magical energies are at a crescendo. The sun is at its brightest, the days are at their longest, and the earth is at its most verdant, vital, and alive.
While this can provide us with a boost, it can also lend itself to imbalance. Running around, seeing all the people, and doing all the things can cause us to feel depleted, overextended, and overwhelmed. I know this from personal experience.
But it’s also true that once we realize we’re feeling burned out and sapped, we can turn the dynamic around. We can bring ourselves back to ourselves. We can employ the Solstice to nourish, focus, and recharge us, rather than continue to behave in ways that drain away our energy and dissipate our focus.
Here are 21 practical and magical ways to reboot your energy at Midsummer. Notice which ones call to you. Try one or try them all.
1. Choose to Let Life Nourish You
Make a choice. Choose to call your power back. Relax, breathe, and soak in the expansive, nourishing power of the sun and the earth. You don’t need to know how to do this. Just ask the God/dess (or your angels or the Universe – however you call it) for guidance and support, and you will certainly receive it.
2. Toast the Dawn
Before sunrise on the longest day of the year (i.e. Midsummer), make two cups of rooibos tea, or perhaps pour a couple of glasses of peach flavored sparkling water, or crack a bottle of kombucha and pour two tumblers full. Offer one to the sun. When the sun rises, hold yours up toward the east and say a prayer of thanks. Drink and feel yourself soaking in the replenishing power of the Solstice and the dawn.
3. Empower a Crystal
Let a clear quartz crystal soak for a 5-10 minutes in the Summer Solstice sun. Sense it holding power of this most potent and auspicious day. Then wear it (if it’s jewelry) or carry it to give yourself a boost.
4. Reboot Your Morning Routine
Nothing drains your battery quite like checking your phone first thing in the morning.
Instead, give yourself some time sans tech to get your bearings. Draw your inspiration from silence, stillness, spirit, and the earth rather than trying to find it in your inbox. Light a candle, meditate, visualize, and pray. Save the scrolling for later.
Here are 5 Morning Rituals to Start Your Day with Positive Energy.
And, speaking of staying unplugged…
5. Revise Your Relationship with Email and Social Media
As I wrote about in this post, social media is literally designed to keep your attention for as long as it possibly can for the financial gain of huge corporations.
Not only that, but your attention is your magical currency: it helps you live joyfully and manifest your dreams.
So look deeply at how you spend your time and attention online. And let the nourishing earth energy of the Solstice support you in changing these habits for the better.
6. Align Your Chakras
Your chakras are like miniature suns lined up along your spine.
With the sun at its most powerful, the Solstice is an ideal time for a nice, thorough chakra alignment. I’ve really been loving this binaural sound bath chakra meditation on Insight Timer, but this would also be a great time to schedule a Reiki session. Or, here’s my popular 10-minute chakra meditation if you’re strapped for time.
Also check out this awesome, self-guided online video workshop on chakras.
7. Revisit Your Responsibilities and Plans
Often, parties, get togethers, and other social occasions nourish me. Same with commitments and responsibilities.
But sometimes, I get too enthusiastic and overbook, and then I have to have a talk with myself and remind myself I can always cancel, postpone, and scale back.
Look at your calendar as you breathe consciously and listen to your body. Ask yourself: do I need more social events and commitments on my calendar, or fewer? If you decide you need more social time, what exactly will help you feel more nourished? One-on-one lunch dates, volunteering in your community, or perhaps throwing a party? On the other hand, if you decide you need to scale back, remember this is totally within your right, always.
8. Dunk in a Natural Body of Water
If you have a clean, natural body of water nearby in which it is safe to dunk, this is a great way to balance and reboot your energy at Midsummer.
Set the intention to cleanse and recharge, ask for divine support with this intention, and then go ahead and immerse yourself completely. Feel the water awakening and enlivening you, while cleansing away whatever you no longer need.
9. Take a Midsummer Bath
Cleanse and rebalance your energy at Midsummer with a magical bath. Light a clean-burning candle in your bathroom and dissolve 2 cups Epsom salt and 1/4 cup sea salt in a warm bath. Sprinkle a pinch of dried calendula over the top. Invoke the Goddess to fill your bathwater with energizing, healing, and purifying vibrations. Then soak.
10. Walk or Stand Barefoot on Grass
Let the powerful earth energy recharge and rebalance you at Midsummer by simply walking or standing barefoot on grass.
(This has proven benefits and is one of those things that always sounds less profound and powerful than it actually is.)
11. Empower and Eat a Peach
Hold a peach in the light of the Midsummer sun. Ask the God and Goddess to empower it with balancing, recharging energy. Then, mindfully eat it. Feel it replenishing you, grounding you, and reminding you of the simple sweetness of being alive.
P.S. Save the pit for a simple/powerful protection charm.
12. Put a Pot of Flowers By Your Door
Bless your home and recharge your energy at Midsummer by placing a pot of flowers by your front door.
Choose pansies to refresh your thoughts and focus, marigolds to bolster your immunity and physical health, and/or daisies for a general reboot and boost.
Or, here’s a big, long list of The Magical and Metaphysical Properties of Flowers.
13. Recharge with Roses and Rosewater
Roses, like the sun, energize, strengthen the heart, and vibrate at the frequency of love.
Plant roses in your yard, bring fresh roses into your home, and mist yourself and your home with rose water to heal grief, counteract overwhelm, refresh your energy, and replenish your heart.
14. Let Go of an Old Habit
The abundant energy at Midsummer can help you release an old habit you want to break. So set the intention and invoke Divine support.
15. Adopt a New Habit
When it comes to adopting new habits, New Year’s gets a lot of press, but all these powerful vibes from the earth and sun at Midsummer can help charge up your intentions to establish positive change.
16. Do Some Midsummer Pranayama
Deep, powerful breathing exercises can help your body, mind, and spirit balance out, recharge, and soak in the magic of this powerful time.
Try breath of fire, do a kundalini routine, or engage in one of the excellent guided breathe bubble exercises on the Calm app.
17. Heal Yourself with Color
Pink is a replenishing color for me. I find it to be both soft and strong, relaxing and energizing. I have these super comfy pajamas I soaked for hours in petal pink dye. I wear them when I want to rest and recharge.
Find your own power color and surround yourself with it. Light a candle in that color of glass, wear it, decorate with it, or make yourself a smoothie in that hue.
18. Hug a Tree
I have learned the hard way that not all trees want to be hugged.
Some are prickly, unreceptive, or covered in ants.
But sometimes, and especially on Midsummer, hugging a tree is just the thing. It can balance you, heal you, and align you with the magic of the elements and the power of the earth.
It’s just good practice to take a moment to tune into the tree first and then inwardly request the tree’s consent. Before going in for the hug, check in with your intuition to see if the tree is in the mood.
19. Practice Self-Compassion
To reclaim and rebalance your energy, expressing compassion toward yourself is always an excellent idea. Here’s a 2-minute video on how to do this with self-compassion pioneer Dr. Kristin Neff.
20. Commit to a Project or Goal
When your heart of hearts wants to do something, it can be draining to ignore this desire or to keep putting it off for another time.
On Midsummer, reboot your energy by committing to a cherished goal or passion project, and take concrete action on it right away. You don’t have to take all the steps. Just take one step. And decide to take another tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.
21. Ask Yourself: What Do I Need?
I always surprise myself when I get my notebook and pen and ask myself this simple question: what do I need?
For some reason, the act of writing helps me communicate clearly with myself. Writing words on a page helps me to see what I need to see and know what I need to know.
Try it. At the top of a page, write, What do I need? Then free write.
You can also ask and answer related questions, like “What do I need less of?” “What do I need more of?” “What truths do I need to speak, and to whom?” “What positive changes can I make that will help me balance out and recharge?”
Did this post inspire you? Do you have any other ideas to share? Please chime in below!
Great posts and suggestions! I’ll be sure to do some of these this weekend.
Thank you for reading, Joseph!
Tess I love this! I have really enjoyed more than one of these options you’ve presented to celebrate Midsummer today, and I feel lighter and more connected to myself and the energy around me. I feel more grounded as well. I absolutely love hugging my tree! I had no idea the benefits that come from doing so, but it is no joke. Tess, you are such a blessing, thank you for putting such thought into sharing these midsummer activities. Xo
Rachel, thank you for your sweet words! I’m so glad to hear you liked the post.