Find yourself an awesome new job with this fun and powerful spell.
You don’t just want to find any job! You want to find your perfect job…Or at least the job that’s perfect for you right now.
If this is true for you, this candle spell has got you covered.
You can do this new job spell on the new moon, the full moon, or anywhere in between. While a waxing moon is ideal for this spell, it’s ok to do it any time during the moon cycle. Trust that whenever you feel the need or desire to perform this spell, you’re right on time.
As with any spell, it’s important that you get into the feeling of what you want to experience. So imagine how you will feel when you get a wonderful new job. Then see if you can feel that feeling now.
Think to yourself: What if? What if I had the job I wanted right this very minute? How would that feel? How would it feel to get ready in the morning (or whenever I’m getting ready)? How would it feel to be happily at work? How would it feel to celebrate after receiving the good news? What facial expression would I have? Where would I feel these feelings in my body, and how would I move?
Take a moment to smile, open your heart, move around a little (hip circles always feel good to me at times like these), and expand into these feelings now.
And, before you perform this spell, take some additional time to relax and get into a joyful, receptive state. For example, you could take a warm bath, do some yoga, go for a walk outside, or walk barefoot on grass. All these activities would ground you, relieve stress, and help you come into the present moment. Then you’ll be ready to tune into the wonderful feeling of getting just the job you will love and enjoy the most.
Once you feel relaxed, centered, and open, you’re ready to work your magic and set the energetic conditions in motion that will help you manifest that wonderful new job.
Remember: that new job is out there for you! It’s just a matter of attuning to its frequency and attracting it. And that’s what this spell is all about.
You will need:
- A bee candle (Here’s a cute one on Amazon). Alternatively, you can find lots of options on Etsy, carve a simple drawing of a bee into a candle (if you’re talented like that), or print out a picture of a bee and paste it on to a jar candle. Just make sure you love it: appreciating the beauty of your spell ingredients always lends a boost.)
- A clear quartz point, cleansed in bright sunlight, running water, and/or sage smoke
- Paper and pen
- A lighter or matches
Place the candle on your altar or another flat surface, such as a coffee table, and sit comfortably in front of it. Take some deep, conscious breaths. Relax your body and center your mind.
At the top of the paper, write,
Thank you, Universe, for my amazing and wonderful new job!
Next, take some time to write out all the qualities and feelings associated with the job you’d most like to find, in the present tense.
For example, you might write,
- I work with people I like and respect, and who like and respect me.
- I enjoy what I do. I have so much fun when I’m at work.
- This job is perfectly suited to my talents and abilities.
- I love my work environment.
- I make at least ___ per week.
- My work is within a 10 minute drive of my house.
- …And/or whatever qualities are most important to you.
Be sure to be specific about the feelings and qualities associated with your new job, but not so specific that you limit the Universe’s ability to bring you the best of all possible situations. (In other words, if you specify exactly where you will work, you may be depriving yourself of a fabulous opportunity that you couldn’t possibly know about yet.)
When this feels complete, at the bottom, write,
Thank you so much, Universe – for all this and/or something even better. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Blessed be! And so it is.
Then sign and date.
Light the candle and victoriously read what you have written aloud, while holding the crystal in your right hand.
Set the crystal on your altar, and fold the paper into quarters or eights, folding toward you each time.
Place the paper on your altar near the candle, and place the crystal on top.
Allow the candle to safely burn all the way down, extinguishing and re-lighting again as necessary. (For example when you go to sleep or leave the house.)
The spell can begin working right away (even before the candle is burned all the way down), but be sure to take positive action in the physical world. In other words, don’t neglect to send out your resume, fill out applications, and ask around. Magic doesn’t work in a vacuum – it works in harmony with physical world action.
Do you have any questions about this spell? Don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below!
And be sure to come back and let me know what happens in the weeks ahead.
You may also like this Spell to Manifest a Particular Amount of Money.
Hanna says
Can’t bee-lieve I forgot to leave a comment! Back in March (2019) I performed this spell as I was desperate to leave a job that was sucking the life out of me (think toxic managers, boring/monotonous work, inconvenient location, etc.). The day before I performed the spell, I had a happy hour with some coworkers and they also invited a couple of people who had left with the company before I started. I spoke with both of them briefly, mostly about their thoughts on my (then) current place of work. I performed the spell the next day and then two days later, there was a new job opening at the same company those two people I met at the HH worked for! I got in touch with one of them to ask about the position, and it turned out she and I not only went to the same alma mate, but the job was a postion on her team. Well, she forwarded my resume through and two weeks later I got a job offer with the company. I’ve been here since April and I’m SO much happier! I now have a larger salary, which means more access to the experiences and resources I couldn’t afford at my previous job. I also have a team and managers that are fantastic, kind, and ambitious people. Blessed be <3
Tess Whitehurst says
Woohoo, Hanna! Congratulations! And thank you for sharing your success story. 🙂
Nicole says
Well I must share my experience! (I still can’t believe it)
On Monday September 9, 2019 I started my spell. I have a beautiful plate shaped like a fish, so I used that as the alter to set up my beeswax candle. Instead of carving my candle I used these cute beehive shaped candles I purchased at Amazon. I also purchased these cute little wooden bees to stick all over the candle. I also purchased the quartz crystal point recommended by Tess on Amazon.
I cast the spell as instructed and I burned the candle 1 hour each evening during the waxing moon. I knew the full moon would be Friday the 13th, so I was careful to make sure the candle would burn to its end, on the night of the Harvest Moon. After it burned down, I buried the spent candles in the garden.
On Monday the 16th I received an interview invitation. My interview is this Friday the 20th, so please send positive vibes my way for a successful interview. I think this is a positive and powerful spell. Thank you, Tess, for sharing. Blessed be! -`ღ´- -`ღ´-
Sam says
What do I do with the letter after the candle burns down? Can I throw it out or do I need to keep it until an offer comes in? I really believe this will help. Thank you much for putting this information out here.
Tess Whitehurst says
Maybe just keep it on your altar or in a special place until you start your new job.
Sam says
Thank you, Tess. Life has been tough lately and I feel so lost not having a full time job right now.
Kirsten says
Hi! I recently found a job that I am very interested in. It’s a very sought after position, high volume of applicants, so I feel that my chances of getting it are very slim. Which is disappointing because I can’t imagine a more fitting job for me. It’s literally my dream job, has been since I was 15. There are not many like it in my area. I’m very excited to try this spell! Im hoping it may help my chances of getting this job, or one like it. I will be sure to let you know how it goes, and what the results are. I do have one question, is this a solitary spell, or could I have a friend do it with me to increase the intent, and energy that goes towards it? Thanks!
Tess Whitehurst says
Kirsten, every best wish on your endeavor! While it can often be helpful to do magic with others, I suggest doing this spell on your own. Here’s a video that you may find useful:
Pepper says
Trying again today as the fifth month of unemployment begins. The job board I use crashed five minutes later. LOL not holding out hope…
Tess Whitehurst says
Hold the vision, the feeling, and the gratitude you would have if you already manifested your job into form. Grateful expectation/excitement is the way to go. Here’s a video to help with this: