This simple ritual will help you connect with a satisfying sense of purpose and flow.
This is an excerpt from my book, You Are Magical.
Life path is another way of saying career path but in a more spiritual sense.
Career has the connotation of being mainly finance-driven. While you may indeed make a fortune from aligning with your life path, it’s about much more than that: it’s about being your authentic self, doing the things that inspire you and bring you joy, and sharing those gifts with the world.
This spell will help you connect with your life path: to lock into a satisfying sense of purpose and flow.
- A moonstone (a simple crystal or a piece of jewelry)
- A small notebook and a pen (Maybe splurge and get a notebook and pen you especially love.)
When the moon is new (or for up to a week after the new moon), cleanse the moonstone in bright sunlight or sage smoke. With ingredients in tow, visit a natural body of water. Sit or stand comfortably in front of it, gazing at it as you take some deep breaths, relax your body, and center your mind.
When you feel centered, begin to mentally and energetically align your being with the water. Feel that you are the water. Imagine that you are fluid, and that you allow yourself to flow and inhabit your life in a way that feels natural to you.
Next, take the moonstone to the water and dunk it in. Hold it under for a moment to attune to the water’s frequency. When it’s still wet, lightly touch it to your forehead, heart, and belly. Then wear it or put it in your pocket, and keep it with you for the next 28 days (one full moon cycle).
Also keep the notebook and pen with you at all times (even keeping it close while you sleep) for the next 28 days. During that time, record anything that ignites your sense of inspiration, joy, excitement, or expansiveness. It could a phrase, an activity, a possibility, a country, a tradition, or something beautiful you experience, such as a hummingbird, the sound of wind chimes, or the scent of pavement after it rains.
Return to the natural body of water at the following new moon (or roughly 28 days later), again with your notebook, pen, and moonstone. Sit comfortably and center yourself. Align with the water. Then look through your notes. What patterns do you recognize? How might these things fit together? What do they have in common?
Whether or not you find answers to these questions, you will indeed be able to answer this one: What one step in life feels the most exciting and expansive to you now? It may or may not seem to be career-related. It could be moving to a new city or starting a brand new health and fitness regimen. It could also be embarking on a course of study, setting up a personal practice of some sort, or kicking off your artistic career.
Whatever it is, it will probably feel both thrilling and terrifying. Trust that you know what it is. Write it down. Then over the course of the next moon cycle, create a definitive plan for doing it, and put it into action.
Until you feel really and truly locked into your life path, you can continue to keep your moonstone with you and/or place it prominently on your altar.
If you liked this spell, you’ll enjoy the latest episode of the Magic Monday Podcast. Find it here.
…Did you try this spell for locking into your life path? How did it go? Please share in the comments below.
Hi Tess, my mother is 87 years old and has cataracts, she is waiting to go into hospital to have them removed and is feeling very anxious, she can not see very much at present and really needs to have this done. I was wondering if there is any sort of Chrystal or incantation I could perform to help ease the anxiety for her?
Melanie, I recommend sending her calming, stabilizing vibes and giving her Rescue Remedy:
Thank you regards Melanie
I am unable to get to a natural body of water. Is there a way to still complete this spell?
Kelly, can you plan a trip to a stream, river, ocean, or lake for the next moon cycle?