Refresh your spirit and revitalize your energy with these eight simple recharging strategies for highly sensitive people.
The world needs healthy empaths.
As a highly sensitive person, you can improve the vibration in a room, enhance the harmony in a group, and soothe the heartache of a friend…But only when you’ve taken care of yourself sufficiently.
Because there is so much in the world that can drain you (from seeing violence in the news to witnessing the swatting of a fly), you absolutely must take time and space to recharge.
When you’re charged up and glowing with radiant energy, you can appreciate all the blessings of being an empath. You can expand into the joy of an open heart and tap right into a deep current of joy and belonging. And you can do so without getting knocked down by all the pain and challenges in the world.
While you can still feel subtle currents of emotion, you become a fountain of healing. You counterbalance the world’s suffering rather than letting it overwhelm you and drain you of your gifts.
That’s why I’m pleased to present my eight best recharging strategies for empaths.
Empath Recharging Strategy #1: A Sea Salt Bath
Just a couple of handfuls of sea salt dissolved in a warm bath will help clear and recharge your energy field.
Soak for at least 30 minutes by candlelight, but be sure to say a quick blessing over the water before you get in.
Keep a generous supply of drinking water on hand as well, and bless that too!
You might direct your palms toward the bath water and say, “Divine Presence, thank you for filling this water with vibrations of healing, purification, and love.” Then, repeat with the drinking water.
Empath Recharging Strategy #2: Eat (or Drink) Your Greens
A healthy heart chakra – a vital power center for empaths – vibrates at the frequency of a lush emerald green.
Consuming foods and beverages densely packed with chlorophyll – i.e. green veggies and green veggie juice – brings this vibration into our field and recharges the heart with precisely the energy it needs.
Green fruits, like kiwis and avocados, can be great for the purpose too.
Empath Recharging Strategy #3: Work with Crystals
Crystals are like little energy batteries.
Carrying, wearing, or sleeping near a crystal can help restore and recalibrate your energy field, especially when you choose a crystal that feels particularly healing and balancing to you.
There are countless crystals that could be employed for this purpose, but a few that come to mind include tourmaline, aventurine,, amethyst, rose quartz, kunzite, fluorite, and clear quartz.
Make sure to cleanse your crystals regularly in sunlight, sea salt, or running water.
Here’s a post about how to work with crystals.
Empath Recharging Strategy #4: Spend Time in Nature
Spending time in nature is a particular necessity for empaths.
There’s nothing like nature to instantly balance and recharge us.
Extra credit if you walk barefoot: it’s a panacea for all forms of energetic burnout.
Empath Recharging Strategy #5: Spend Time Alone
My dear empath, you must have regular doses of alone time.
You can shield yourself in light and carry crystals all day long, but when there’s another human around, you will not fail to be influenced by his or her vibrations.
When you never have a moment to be solely present with your own personal vibrations, that poses a problem.
So carve out time to be alone.
Empath Recharging Strategy #6: Laugh Deeply
Laugh with family or friends, go to a comedy show, or revisit a movie or clip that reliably makes you laugh.
Laughing transmutes stuck pain into flowing joy. It also breaks down the unhealthy defenses that you may sometimes erect as a survival strategy, so you can once again connect with yourself and the world in a way that feels nourishing to you.
Go out of your way to laugh. Set the intention every day. Don’t force it, but look for opportunities.
Empath Recharging Strategy #7: Spend Time with Flowers
Spending time with flowers or bringing fresh flowers into your space will provide an instant refresh.
Flowers have the added benefit of working on the level of the emotions to repair and reboot.
Empath Recharging Strategy #8: Breathe Deeply
All you need to do is take a few deep, conscious breaths.
Or, you could notice your breathing exactly as it is and pay attention to it as it naturally begins to deepen.
Truly, any kind of breathing exercise will help recharge you.
Old feelings can become lodged in your body and energetic field. Deep and/or conscious breathing can help you dislodge these feelings and move them out.
Take good care of your energy. That way your empathy will be a super power, not a challenge.
Here’s a free guided meditation for clearing and shielding your energy daily.
Did you try one or more of these recharging strategies? How did it go? Please share in the comments.
I loved all the advice here. I do all these practices everyday. But life happens and sometimes I have sad memories, shadows that need healing, and dealing with loss of loved ones. I try my best to go forward and live life as magical as possibleand. I love my solitary walks in nature, meditation, flowers, crystals, aroma therapy, candles, salt baths, sage smudging, eating vegetarian foods, and animals. I don’t know if I am an empath but I am sensitive to energy and have visions at times. Again thank you 🙏🦄🌻
Yes, we all have sadness and the need for healing in this lifetime. Thanks for your sweet comment. Sending lots of love your way.
This information is so vital, especially in this moment in time.
My love and blessings to you, from a kindred spirit.
Today I looked up your spell for finding lost objects. I did this on the advice of my empathic daughter. I d had lost two rings which had my birthstone. I did your spell and got in the lift and went a very very long way up and spoke to the tiny man and thanked him and gave him yellow flowers and went back down. While I was going down I was overcome by a very strong heat. I put everything out of my mind and got on with normal things. Later on I decided to look in my wardrobe. I pulled out all my handbags and the first one I looked in was one I only ever use if I am going on holiday. I thought I was wasting my time with that bag as there was only a blue pen in the middle section. I almost didn’t look in the little pocket but thankfully I did and there they were. I’ve made thanks and want to thank you for your spell. I’ve been searching for months and thanks to you I can now pass these rings onto my granddaughters. xx
Ryska, that’s wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing this story.
Reading this i had alot of aha moments like why the angel cards always say spend time out side or meditate. I always try to relax spend the day on the couch after visiting family thats when i feel most drained. Thank you for your help
Happy to hear the post was helpful, Kristin! Thank you for reading.
Hello, three years ago my kitten died in a very difficult way it was very difficult for him to breathe and I was very frustrated and it was very painful to see him like that, two months later I suffered a very strong asthma crisis, and now I have a strong anxiety I have a hard time breathing , what can I do to free myself from that frustration and pain, because it has affected me a lot