This Venus Retrograde is NO JOKE. Am I right?
I’ll be honest: this Venus Retrograde has been rough.
Venus retrograde began on July 22nd, but I definitely felt its stirrings before that. And we’re still in it until September 3rd.
Venus, of course, is the sign of love, relationships, luxury, wealth, and beauty. This particular Venus retrograde is in Leo, the sign of the self and the heart. And retrogrades are about bringing old issues up and out into the light, so we can (we hope) heal them, revise them, learn from them, and finally move on.
Here are ten challenges, issues, and concerns you may be faced with during this retrograde. Simply bringing consciousness to them can be helpful, but add some self-compassion into the mix, and you’ll be dancing with this retrograde in the best and most healing possible way.
(There are Amazon affiliate links in this post.)
1. Heartfelt Introspection
Venus Retrograde in Leo beckons us to dive deep into the realm of the heart. We may find ourselves revisiting past relationships or questioning the authenticity of current ones. According to astrologer Chani Nicholas, this period prompts us to heal and upgrade our beliefs about our worthiness of love and affection.
On my end, I have been noticing the places where I’ve allowed my relationships (and the folks I’m in relationship with) to define me, instead of constructing my own understanding of myself. It turns out, we each get to define ourselves to ourselves. (Who knew?) No one else knows us like we know our very own selves. So no one else gets to tell us what we think, how we respond, or who we are.
2. Reigniting Old Flames
Under the spell of Leo’s passionate fire, old flames may resurface, stirring up emotions and memories we thought were long forgotten. The Astro Twins remind us that we must tread carefully during this time of nostalgia and ensure we’re not sacrificing our growth for the sake of comfort.
I’m not personally reigniting any old flames, but I am looking at old relationship problems that have never totally gone away, just morphed into a different but similar form.
3. Ego Clashes
Leo energy during this retrograde accentuates the ego. We may find ourselves seeking validation or recognition, which could lead to conflicts in our personal and professional relationships. If you notice this happening, embrace vulnerability and when appropriate, let go of the need to be in the spotlight.
4. Self-Worth Wobbles
Feeling a little shaky about your self-worth? Me too! The retrograde motion of Venus may bring up insecurities and self-doubt, questioning whether we are truly deserving of love and admiration. But we are. We really, really are.
So let’s do our best to remember that our worthiness is inherent, incorruptible, and indestructible. You are a beloved child of the Goddess. Take the time you need to proactively boost your self-worth through self-compassion and self-care.
5. Creative Reboots
Leo thrives in creativity and self-expression. During this retrograde, we might discover that our creativity needs a shakeup. Consider that even longstanding “blocks” may actually be opportunities to reboot. Rethink your approach to any project that has begun to feel lackluster. Explore new creative avenues and reunite with your muse.
6. Balancing the Heart and Mind
As Venus appears to dance backward in the sky, we may feel torn between following our heart’s desires and using our logical minds to make decisions. Finding the balance between emotions and practicality can be a masterful and delicate dance. So don’t rush it: consult your intuition and take time to contemplate before making significant choices, particularly in the realms of love, money, and aesthetics.
Also remember: the retrograde ends September 3rd. So if you can hold out on a major decision until then, you may want to do that.
7. Financial Reckonings
Venus governs our finances, and during this period, financial matters will often require our attention. Unresolved money issues may come to light, urging us to reassess our spending habits and approach to abundance. It’s an excellent time to review and refine our financial strategies.
On my end, I just read The Year of Less: How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store. And – 100% during Venus Retrograde – I began my own year-long shopping ban on clothes, accessories, shoes, home goods, books, and basically anything new at all that I don’t absolutely need.
I was inspired to rethink this area because when I’ve cleared clutter in the past, I’ve noticed my tendency to buy more (sometimes way more) than I actually needed or used.
…So I’m excited to try this shopping ban thing out. If you want to join me, let me know in the comments below.
8. Romance Realizations
Relationship dynamics could get a bit bumpy as Venus retrogrades in Leo. We may uncover hidden truths or discover aspects of our partners that challenge our expectations. Use this time to communicate openly and honestly, fostering a deeper connection.
Maybe it’s even a time to find a therapist and get to work on some of this agonizingly painful old stuff? At least it’s certainly that time for me.
I’m just going to throw this out there in case you were not aware: your health insurance will often help you out in this area! At least it’s worth it to check.
9. Reevaluating Personal Values
Leo invites us to examine our core values and how they align with our actions and relationships. This retrograde period provides an excellent opportunity to shed what no longer serves us and realign our lives with authenticity and integrity.
In a journal or notebook, make a list. What do you value in life? What are your most important priorities? It’s always helpful to get clear on this stuff, and to see it on paper. It helps you lovingly recalibrate and naturally make little adjustments as needed in how you spend your time and thought power.
10. Reconnecting with the Inner Child
Leo’s playful energy encourages us to connect with our inner child. The retrograde gives us a chance to revisit childhood wonder and playfulness, and to heal deeply by offering compassion and understanding to our inner child.
Speaking of which, I loved this talk by Catherine Liggett on Codependency & Loneliness, which features a healing meditation for the inner child.
Some of us might start to feel a little overwhelmed by #VenusRetrogradeProblems at times. (You can’t see me, but I’m raising my hand. So if you are too, you’re not alone.)
I like to remember that the cosmic dance offers us endless opportunities for growth and transformation. Let’s turn towards introspection, self-compassion, and brave communication, so we can emerge from this Venus Retrograde period stronger, wiser, and more powerful than before.
My gorgeous and magical new oracle deck is out now! THE QUEEN MAB ORACLE: DIVINE FEMININE WISDOM FROM THE QUEEN OF THE FAE.
I went to visit my daughter who recently moved far far away. Then we all went to see my in-laws. I missed my daughter so much and still feel a little fragile. My mother in-law and sister in-law made me feel bad for feeling sad and bullied me into letting my feelings be buried, because it’s not cool. My daughter’s once shiny long hair, a symbol in my culture of beauty and connection to our roots was cut real short and I wasn’t keen on it. The in-laws then proceeded to attack my cultural and sentimental beliefs. They viciously tore me down and kept bringing up that my daughter’s short hair shouldn’t be guilt tripped. They scolded, battered and then proceeded to say that now that she moved closer to them that I should forget about her and she will be enjoying many fun visits and stays with them. They mocked my sad expression repeatedly. Men never notice the subtleties of women and my daughter was enthralled by all the fancy foods, gorgeous wealthy home and lavish attention. My daughter, her boyfriend and my husband and I went to see the Barbie movie. I held in all my feelings and my husband noticed I was listless. We then traveled away from in-laws to see my daughter’s boyfriend’s family. The family was nice, jolly and sweet. At first I was wooden and dead and I told no one about my hurt feelings. I warmed up slowly and everyone was trying to get me to speak, eat. I was timid and felt smaller than a beetle. I later in the car put headphones on getting lost in the music. I started to sing sad songs and eventually unknowingly sang the songs out loud. My husband didn’t understand the Barbie movie, and my daughter barely comprehended a mother’s sadness at being not needed or wanted. My in-laws were tactless but I sensed that they were so happy that my daughter would be seeing them more, and that they wanted me to completely be not sad or miss her. It is too soon for them to force me to be nonchalant and unfeeling. The movie ripped me inside and I had nightmares for 2 nights. This was a hard trip and so emotional. My husband held me and was trying to understand with his limited male thinking. Now I am back home after a long flight and airports and hotels. Venus retrograde really beat me hard.
I can sympathize with ur feelings of being alone & isolated. I’ve been going thru them also. Then as I commented before I did a tarot reading and it gave me wise counsel which I m taking to heart. Now a friend in Hawaii, one day mentioned he was going to Texas for a family gathering, like you did, and he was emotionally concerned also. He looked at me and said something so simple & so profound that it’s been a guiding light for me and hope it helps you & that is ‘NO EXPECTATIONS. Aloha&,mahalo…
Redhen, it sounds like you are really going through it, and let me tell you SO AM I. It’s so interesting that so many of us feel that the Barbie movie is connected to it all. Sending lots of love your way my dear.
Another strange thing happened last night after the Venus retrograde vacation. Prior to this trip I had done a full moon manifestation ritual for personal power and career. I also did the morganite bracelet for luck ritual too. I had visions of being successful in my career and being confident using the computer to do my finances and healthy and mobile.Then I went on vacation, experienced major Venus retrograde emotional upheaval. After comming back from that vacation I immediately went back to work the next day. My boss who I contractually work for called me into a meeting. She offered to upgrade my creative training to offer me a higher position to take on more advanced projects. It comes with some strings, but she went on to say that she liked my energy and trustworthiness and customers liked me. She went on to say that the other younger girls were not reliable and still seeking and searching their way in life. She said that I was stable and she wanted me to lead as a manager of the team on all creative commercial projects. I was in shock. Middle aged me? Computer illiterate, but learning at a rapid rate to do things I could not do pre Covid. This would change my quiet world immensely. I also will be in charge of her company when she is away overseas for half a year. This means a major rapid learning curb, rebooting of career, creative power. My husband said to just go for it, see where all this will take me. My finances will improve, my computer skills are already getting better. Also my mobility has increased and I lost one pant size in a month. Venus retrograde and lion’s gate full moon is some powerful stuff. I feel like the extremes in emotions and intensive purging and amplification of everything to be mind blowing. Again I thank you and this kind community for your kindness and support.
Amazing, Redhen! Congratulations on your boldness and on all your success.
Thank you aloha & mahalo, I’ve been so lazy I did a tarot reading and got back on track today. I’m giving myself 1&1/2 serious years to pay down my credit cards. I’ve stopped buying unnecessary things. It’s come down to: if not me who & if not now when. I feel uplifted and positive & mature. Your article along with the reading reminds me I’m not alone. I wonder how do I get so side tracked at times. Maybe those times are necessary on our journey. So thanks for the heads-up…
Hi Dixie! That’s great that you’ve had those realizations about your finances. It can be so easy in our culture to get caught up in consumerism and it feels empowering to have that kind of talk with ourselves and make those sorts of shifts. Congratulations on making those choices for yourself and your life.
What a great post! Thank you!
For me I think the Venus Retrograde started with the Barbie movie, which made me cry. Now I’m reading feminist classics like crazy. It’s not so much about my relationship with my partner (all good there) but the whole entire being a woman thing.
Bea, I agree 100%! What a perfect movie for this cultural/Venus Rx shift.
Aloha Bea, by reading you’ll learn a whole world of eye opening depths about yourself you never suspected. Celebrate being a woman every day with gladness in ur
. You’re so lucky….