Everything You Need to Know About Hanging Feng Shui Crystal Globes in Your Space

Obviously, feng shui crystals make rainbows and look gorgeous.
But when it comes to employing them in your home for feng shui purposes – i.e. to metaphysically create positive change in your life – what exactly are feng shui crystals for, and how exactly do they work?
Before we get into specifics, it’s useful to think of energy as flowing through your home like water. You want that water to be clean, clear, buoyant, and sparkly-fresh. You also want it to flow at a rate that is not too fast (like white water rapids) and not to slow (like stagnant and festering pond water). This way, your home feels pleasant, energizing, and nourishing, which in turn nourishes every area of your life.
Now that you’re envisioning this flow, consider this: the primary energetic action of these crystals is to affect the flow of energy through your home by lifting it and/or circulating it. To picture how this works, it can be useful to think of the feng shui precept “energy flows where attention goes.” In other words, a feng shui crystal’s sparkle might catch your eye as it’s doing its thing: refracting light and swirling it gently around.
This may even happen out of the corner of your eye – it doesn’t need to be at the forefront of your thought process for it to be effective. Indeed, from a design perspective, because these crystals are usually clear and quite small, it usually happens in a subtle and subconscious way — but be assured that this does not diminish the potency of the energetic effect.
Now that you know the dynamic, here are 6 ways you can hang feng shui crystals in your home to create positive change in your energy flow (and therefore your life).
1. Hang a Feng Shui Crystal To Counterbalance a Downward Pull of Energy
In places where there are a lot of drains, such as bathrooms, it can be helpful to lift the attention and energy up to contain it within the room so it doesn’t escape, and therefore drain other things like your finances or vitality. That’s why it’s a good idea to discreetly hang a feng shui crystal from the center of the bathroom ceiling on just an inch or two of bright red or neutral-colored string.
2. Hang a Feng Shui Crystal to Slow Down Too-Fast Energy
In some homes, there are places where energy flows too rapidly. For example, when the front door is directly in line with a hallway that is directly in line with the back door (in such a way that the back door is visible from the front door), energy flows straight through from front to back without nourishing the rest of the house. This can result in an unsettled feeling and can also hold in place a feeling that resources flow out just as soon as they flow in. That’s why, in this case, it’s a good idea to hang one or more feng shui crystals along this pathway to minimize this effect and help circulate energy throughout the house.
Similarly, straight, long hallways often feel like the energy is flowing too rapidly. Steep staircases can too: especially ones with a front door directly in alignment with their base, as this causes the energy to flow down fast and then straight out the door. In both cases, strategically hang a feng shui crystal or two along the pathway of energy. For example, in the case of the stairway near the front door, hang a crystal above the area just below the bottom step. This will both slow the energy and prevent it from flowing out the door.
Which brings us to…
3. Hang a Feng Shui Crystal to Contain Energy within a Space
Have you ever walked into a room and then walked straight to a huge window, looked out, and said, “wow, what an amazing view?”
While a fantastic view is obviously fantastic, when it dominates a room so completely that you don’t even give the room a second glance, it means the energy is all spilling straight out that gorgeous window. This gives the room itself an ungrounded and not-very-nourishing feeling. So, while of course we don’t want to deprive ourselves of our stunning view, we want to make an effort to minimize it just a bit so we can contain the energy. One or more feng shui crystals hanging near the tops of the window(s) is one way to do this. You might also consider half-curtains or potted plants placed in front of the window(s) at intervals.
4. Hang a Feng Shui Crystal To Soften Harsh Energy
In feng shui, jutting and sharp corners are sometimes called “killing arrows” because they create a harsh and unwelcoming energy flow. Not all jutting corners are challenges mind you: just the awkward, invasive, and potentially treacherous ones. To tell if it’s a challenge or not, tune into your intuition and instinct. Does it feel threatening or like it diminishes the comfort of a room or area? If so, soften the energy with a feng shui crystal. Do this by hanging it from the ceiling about 2-3 inches out from the corner on any length of string. (In other words, imagine the corner is an arrow, and follow the arrow a couple of inches outward.)
5. Hang a Feng Shui Crystal to Create an Invisible Boundary
Sometimes we wish we could add a wall, or a curtain, or a divider, or something to separate one area from another, but for whatever reason we just can’t. Maybe we’re at work and it would be inappropriate or impossible. Maybe we’re in a studio apartment and we don’t want to diminish the precious amount of openness we have. In these instances, hanging a feng shui crystal is the next best thing. By lifting and circulating the energy, a feng shui crystal can slow the energy flow between, say, one desk and another desk, and demarcate an invisible – if incomplete – energetic boundary. (But something’s better than nothing!)
6. Hang a Feng Shui Crystal To Bring in Energy and Rainbows
Let’s not forget the rainbows! A sunny window is an excellent opportunity to activate any room with a bouquet of light and color. Simply hang your feng shui crystal in the sun and enjoy!
If you liked this post, you’ll love my online workshop, Good Energy and Magical Housekeeping Essentials.
Did you employ a feng shui crystal using any of the ideas in this post? How did it go? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
Tess: Great idea on the recycling! 🙂
Hi Dravite! Thanks for reading and dropping a line. Did you see this post? http://enchantingtheday.blogspot.com/2011/08/living-well-in-smaller-spaces.html ?