Purify your personal energy field with one of these beautiful aura cleansing gemstones.
Crystals: they’re beautiful, they’re magical, and they emanate all sorts of wonderful healing vibrations. In addition to being absolutely gorgeous, you can employ these 10 crystals to cleanse your personal energy field, also known as your aura.
Of course, each one cleanses in its own unique way, which is why you’ll find descriptions of each crystal’s unique aura cleansing properties below.
Aura Cleansing Crystal #1: Celestite
Celestite (also called celestine) is a highly purifying crystal. It brings instant peace and harmony to the mind while refreshing the spirit and uplifting the mood. It has the additional benefit of helping us during times of intense transition and when we are in the process of making positive changes. Celestite brings harmony to the thoughts, relieves feelings of overwhelm, and helps attune you to the realm of the angels.
Aura Cleansing Crystal #2: Amethyst Spirit Quartz
Like an auric bath of sparkling light, amethyst spirit quartz detoxifies the spirit, while both relaxing and rejuvenating the mind and body. Think of this crystal as a spa treatment for the soul. Amethyst spirit quartz can be especially helpful when physically detoxifying from an addiction or emotionally detoxifying from the effects of addiction.
Aura Cleansing Crystal #3: Aqua Aura
Every aqua aura quartz was once a clear quartz crystal. Then it was treated with gold at a very high temperature, alchemically emerging with a shimmery aqua sheen. After its transformation, aqua aura possesses a powerfully cleansing vibration, which clears, balances, and aligns the upper four chakras: the heart, throat, third eye, and crown. It’s great for cleansing away stuck energy and infusing us with inspiration any time we feel mired in drudgery or stuck in any sort of rut.
Aura Cleansing Crystal #4: Larimar
Sometimes called “the stone of joy,” it is all but impossible to feel energetically dingy when the larimar is near. Like a wintergreen Lifesaver or a pristine alpine lake, larimar emanates a sweet vibration of soothing freshness and calm.
Aura Cleansing Crystal #5: Herkimer Diamond
The Herkimer diamond is a deep cleanser of the mind. It clears away frenetic, obsessive, and discordant thought patterns and replaces them with helpful and harmonizing ones. Herkimer diamond also protects us from picking up on the unpleasant feelings of others (something that is particularly helpful for empaths). These properties, in turn, help establish a clear and vibrant vibration in your auric field. If you have trouble getting to sleep because of challenging or disturbing thoughts, try sleeping with a Herkimer diamond close by.
Aura Cleansing Crystal #6: Lepidolite
In a light and whimsical manner, the lepidolite lifts us above heavy and stagnant vibrations and aligns us with the sense that something wonderful is about to happen. Lepidolite prepares us for nourishing friendships and joyful romance by clearing away feelings that we are unworthy or unlovable. It also heals the heart through laughter and an awareness of our own considerable charm.
Aura Cleansing Crystal #7: Moonstone
Moonstone harmonizes discordant vibrations and bathes you in a nourishing aura of calm and serenity. Its softness helps shield the heart from harshness and pain. If you’ve had a lot on your plate, moonstone can help shift you out of your “to-do list” mentality and into a more relaxed and receptive state. It also aligns you to the frequency of divine timing so everything flows more easily and effortlessly.
Aura Cleansing Crystal #8: Kunzite
Nothing purifies and heals the heart quite like kunzite. By aligning you with the heavenly realm, this crystal confers the sense that divine orchestration is your natural state. Kunzite gently draws out energetic toxins, replacing them with sweetness, clarity, and love. Its overall effect is soothing, cooling, and recharging.
Aura Cleansing Crystal #9: Selenite
A superstar of aura cleansing, selenite wands are commonly used as crystalline smudge sticks. By waving a selenite wand around your aura (the area 1-2 feet away from your body), you draw out challenging and stuck energies while activating and balancing your chakras. But just keeping a selenite near – wearing it, keeping it in your space, or sleeping with it under your pillow for example – absorbs and neutralizes negative energies of all varieties.
Aura Cleansing Crystal #10: Chrysoprase
Finally, chrysoprase removes blocks and old pain from the heart, allowing this chakra to open and heal. Like love itself, chrysoprase also has an overall opening effect, helping us relax our shoulders and belly and generally let go of unnecessary tension in our mind, body, and emotions. This creates a healthier and more pleasurable flow of energy through our field, attuning the aura to the frequency of love.
Soothe and cleanse your mind, body, and spirit with the healing vibrations of the mineral realm.
You may also like this post: The 10 Best Ways to Cleanse Your Aura.
Did you work with one of these crystals to cleanse your aura? How did it go? Please share in the comments below.
Hey, I would like to know how to clean a car an houuse aura? I have shifted to a new home and scince then facing a lot of issues, and bought a 2nd hand car which keeps getting into some or the other trouble!
If there is any particular crystal that i can place in the house and car do tell!
Hi Shalini! Check out these posts: https://tesswhitehurst.com/car-magic-how-to-clear-bless-and-protect-your-car/ https://tesswhitehurst.com/how-to-clear-the-energy-in-your-home-in-5-simple-steps/
Hi, I would like to know how to clean a jewel (silver chain) of negative energies
Hi Missy! You could set it in bright sunlight on a white cloth. Burning white sage around it would work too.
okay, thank you!