Quick and easy strategies to purify, refresh, and reboot.
Your aura is your personal energy field.
When it’s clear, you feel safe, energized, and spiritually protected. Your emotions feel balanced. And it’s easier to manifest the things you desire.
Luckily, aura clearing can be quick and not too difficult to do.
Here are ten ways you can cleanse your aura easily and effectively.
1. Take a Shower or Bath
Water is both physically and spiritually cleansing, which is why baths soothe us and showers give us an energetic boost.
Try setting the intention to cleanse your aura before you shower or bathe and you will feel a spiritual effect.
Light one or more candles in your bathroom first. Invoke the Divine and ask for help with cleansing your aura right along with your body.
For example, you might say, “Great Goddess, thank you for infusing this water with vibrations of healing, purification, and love. Thank you for harmonizing and cleansing my aura as I shower [or bathe].”
If you’re bathing, try adding sea salt, Epsom salt, or both. You might also like to add a little pinch of dried lavender, rosemary, or sage.
If you’re showering, consider diffusing a little essential oil of peppermint or sage. Or, put a few drops on a wash cloth and place it on the floor of the shower to release the herb’s cleansing energy and uplifting scent in the steam.
2. Visualize
Sit somewhere comfortable and find a gentle posture that allows your spine to be straight.
Close your eyes and take a few deep, conscious breaths. Then allow your breathing to be natural but keep your awareness on it.
When you feel centered and calm, call on the Divine in any way and with any name you prefer: Goddess, God, Angels, etc.
Ask the Divine to clear your aura of any and all stuck or challenging energies and to surround you and fill you with golden white light, in which only love remains, through which only love may enter.
Envision a sphere of blindingly bright light (like the sun) filling your body and surrounding you, keeping you spiritually protected and safe.
Thank the Divine from your heart.
(Here’s a free guided meditation to cleanse your aura in this way.)
3. Cleanse With Sage Smoke
A bundle of dried white sage is such a reliable go-to. You gotta love it.
With a generously sized dish beneath it to catch any burning embers, light that sage bundle so it’s smoking like incense.
Then, safely waft the smoke around yourself to cleanse your spiritual energy.
Extinguish the sage by running it thoroughly under water or sealing it tightly in a glass jar.
Invoke the Divine and ask for/envision a sphere of golden white light filling and surrounding you, protecting you and shielding you from all negativity and transforming all fear.
Thank the Divine with love.
4. Clear With a Selenite Wand
Selenite is a gorgeous mineral that draws out negative energy and removes blocks while simultaneously bringing your chakras into greater alignment.
To cleanse your aura, wave a selenite wand around your energy field as if you are lint-brushing the area about 6 inches away from your skin. Move it in a steady downward motion, then lightly flick it out at the bottom as if you’re flicking water off of it.
When not in use, keep your selenite wand in a sunny spot indoors to keep its energy clear and positive.
(Witch tip: selenite is one crystal you should never run under water, as it will slowly begin to dissolve.)
5. Stand in the Breeze
When it’s windy out, you can cleanse your aura by simply standing outside facing the wind, arms outstretched.
Close your eyes and let the wind whip around you.
Feel and sense it removing challenging energies and transforming them into pure positivity and exhilaration.
6. Cleanse with Sound
You can cleanse your aura with a singing bowl, bell, or chime.
As you repeatedly play the singing bowl or ring the bell or chime, sense the sound current moving through your field, shifting your energy to one of greater clarity, harmony, and balance.
Continue for a few minutes or until you feel clear, bright, and harmonized.
7. Bathe in Sunlight
Yes, sunscreen is smart. And, sunlight heals.
In addition to providing us with a ton of health benefits, soaking in a little sun is energetically purifying.
Cleanse your aura by bathing in bright sunlight. You can stand, sit, or recline.
Relax as you sense heaviness lift and negativity disperse. Imagine you are breathing the bright light into your lungs. Also imagine and sense the light moving through your entire body, nourishing your molecules and cells with an infusion of positive energy.
8. Hold Himalayan Salt Stones
Hold a Himalayan salt stone in each hand.
Relax and breathe consciously for a few minutes as you sense the stones drawing out and neutralizing any stuck or heavy energy.
Smile as you feel your mood lift and your mind, body, and spirit align.
(This is another stone to cleanse in sunlight – never in water! It’s literally salt, so it will dissolve.)
9. Walk Barefoot Outside
You can cleanse and harmonize your aura thoroughly by simply walking barefoot outside.
Breathe deeply and feel the earth (and maybe the water or stone or grass) drawing every bit of stuck or challenging energy out of your field.
Also feel that deep earth energy balancing you, grounding you, and recharging your batteries.
P.S. Did you know? Standing barefoot on the earth has a whole bunch of additional benefits.

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10. Dunk in Water
If possible, you can cleanse your aura by safely (safely!) dunking your entire body into a natural body of water – a river, a lake, a waterfall, a stream, or the sea.
As you soak for a moment during your dunk, pay attention to the magic working. Sense the water drawing out negativity and recharging your energy field, leaving you uplifted, joyful, and refreshed.
Are you planning to cleanse your aura with one or more of these techniques? Or do you have your own to share? Please chime in below.
If you’ve ever wondered about the whole motivation behind spiritual cleansing, or if you’re curious about the ways I changed my views about it during the pandemic, read this post.
I’m really happy to read that I can do many of those tips where I am right now. I feel so angry all the time, unbalanced and my energy feels like it doesn’t flow freely. I’m going to try a few things and I hope I can get my balance back.
Hi Yuna! Yes, these would be good places to start. I also recommend meditating if you aren’t already. You can find a lot of free guided meditations on this site.
Thank you so much for sharing. Very much appreciated. I spoke with a spiritualist who said she’ll cleanse my aura for $200.. do you think these tips are just as effective? Maybe someone else can help me as well?
Denise, I suggest cleansing your aura yourself. A regular meditation like this one is a good idea too: https://tesswhitehurst.com/quick-thorough-aura-cleansing-meditation/
Thanks for the information. Have you every heard of the term sponge. I was told that I am like a sponge. Meaning my energy pulls out the negative out a person and it sticks to me. I was told that my aura is dim and I need to be cleansed and realigned. I am off balance. Do you have any other suggestions then what you wrote.
Hi Samantha! If you feel like a sponge, you can turn your energetic dynamic around by doing a meditation like this one every day: https://tesswhitehurst.com/quick-thorough-aura-cleansing-meditation/