Reboot your enthusiasm and refresh your joy.
Life is magical. The world around us is astounding. And every moment is precious.
But we forget that sometimes. Or even though we know it’s true, it feels difficult to access. We feel uninspired. Tired. Overwhelmed. Out of whack. Stuck in some sort of unhelpful loop.
I mean, it’s natural. We’re waves of energy, after all: we fluctuate. No one can be joyful, vibrant, and amazed by the staggering sacredness of life all the time.
But when you notice your inner equilibrium is off and you feel stuck, you can take steps to bring yourself back to joy.
Here are 5 ideas for how to bust out of a rut.
1. Clean Your Kitchen (Magically)
Try busting out of a rut by deep cleaning your kitchen.
Take everything out of one shelf in the fridge, clean it, and only put it back in if it’s still good and you’ll actually eat it. Repeat with the entire fridge, freezer, and every cupboard and drawer in the room.
Wipe down the counters.
Clean under the sink.
Run some white vinegar and water through the coffeemaker.
Shake out the toaster.
…Leave no stone unturned!
Finish with a good sweep or vacuum and mop.
You may not feel like getting started, but once you do, you’ll be climbing out of that rut faster than you can say toaster crumbs.
For added energy movement and fun, play some music and burn some incense as you clean.

Get my new book, Radiant: Embracing Your Power and Beauty at Midlife, right here.
2. Connect with The Natural World
Take a meandering walk in nature and you’ll be surprised how much better you’ll feel.
Now, this is not a hike.
It’s not for exercise. It’s for being in nature.
Turn your phone off or leave it at home.
Notice your breath. Notice the sounds around you. Notice the scents. Notice the way the light moves through the trees.
Touch a tree trunk.
Examine a leaf or flower closely.
If the mood takes you, talk to a bird or dance with a butterfly.
Feel free to sit down or even lie down.
The important thing is that you immerse yourself in the experience of nature.
When your mind wanders, bring it back to the sensory beauty that surrounds you.
3. Sweep Your Doorstep / Clean Your Door
Here’s one of the quickest and easiest ways improve your vibe: sweep your doorstep and clean your door.
First, shake out your doormat.
Before replacing it, sweep.
Then wash the entire outside of your front door, as well as the door frame, with warm water containing a few drops of essential oil of rosemary.
Finally, open your door wide and stand at your threshold, facing out. Invite in beauty, magic, abundance, and love. Express gratitude. Smile. Smile also with your heart.
And that’s it – you’re done!

THE HALLOWEEN FOREVER ORACLE drops September 2024! Preorder it here.
4. Drink This Flower Potion
Make a positivity potion.
Put two drops of gorse flower essence and two drops of hornbeam flower essence into a bottle of drinking water.
Drink it throughout the day (or for as long it naturally takes you to finish a bottle of drinking water).
Repeat daily for seven days.
5. Play Raga Music
You’ll be surprised by how effectively playing some raga music change your mood for the better.
Raga is a type of Indian classical music with a remarkable power to get energy moving in a positive way.
Maybe play it in the morning while you’re meditating or getting ready for your day.
Intensify the effect by burning some nag champa incense or diffusing jasmine absolute.
Here’s a Raga playlist on Spotify.
…Did you try one of these strategies? How did it go?
Dziękuję za przypomnienie o Raga, kocham tę specyficzną formułę Muzyki. Cieszę się Twojej listy, odkrywając na nowo🌟. Pozdrowienia z Lublin, w Polsce 🫶
Maluna, so glad you know what I mean about Raga! Thank you for listening and connecting. ❤️