Happy Lunar New Year! Here’s how to make the most of 2025.
Holy fascist dictator, Batman! The Year of the Wood Dragon has been bananas.
Chinese astrologers warned us it would bring massive upheaval, and they weren’t kidding.
Now, luckily, on January 29th the Year of the Wood Snake begins. This should chill us out, help us zero in on what we can change, and facilitate a slower and more comfortable pace.
Here are three secrets that will help you thrive in the Year of the Wood Snake.
1. Slow Down and Center Yourself
Dragon years (like 2024) are yang. Snake years (like 2025) are yin. Dragons are expansive and dramatic. Snakes are compact and camouflaged. Dragons swoop in from the heavens. Snakes slither along the earth at a slow and steady pace.
In addition to all the worldwide shifts of this past year, many of us underwent sweeping personal changes as well. And we may have run ourselves ragged trying to keep up. While dragon years actually call for such a hustle, this year we will experience greater success when we slow down and align with the chiller and more patient rhythm of the snake.
Try grounding exercises like walking outside, dancing sensually, and taking a warm bath. When you get into your body, you naturally align with the auspicious and vitalizing energy of the earth.
Here are 11 Reliable Ways to Get Grounded and Centered.
2. Do Your Daily Spiritual Work
When you do your daily spiritual work, you will hone in on the inner clarity that will be more available to you in the Year of the Wood Snake. In turn, that inner clarity will support you in standing up for what’s right and channeling your magic toward establishing positive change.
For real though. Every single day, show up at your altar. Light that candle. Then meditate, visualize, and pray.
I never stop telling you guys to do this, but this year, we especially need you to take care of your magical ass. We need you to be at your best. You are powerful and your light is needed! So even if you don’t do it for yourself, do it for us, your fellow Witches, who want the earth to survive and want all people to be treated with dignity, fairness, and respect.
Lately, I’ve been loving praying the Rosary in a Goddess-centered (rather than traditionally Catholic) way. Here’s a book about how to do that. Or, if you prefer, here’s How to Pray the Pagan Rosary.
3. Be Who You Are and Trust What You Know
Folks are afraid of snakes but snakes don’t care. A snake doesn’t need cuddles or attention or applause. A snake just loves being a snake. Spiraling body, smooth scales, sometimes a rattle that warns you, too late, that you might die. Yes ma’am, every snake is badass as shit.
How many times have you thought to yourself, “How wonderful would it be if I could just be happy with myself the way I am? What if I could actually stop criticizing myself and stop harping on my flaws? What if I could stop apologizing for who I am and take pride in being exactly me?”
Consider the Year of the Wood Snake your absolutely-fucking-cool-with-yourself era. Just make that choice right now and go with it.
Also, know propaganda when you see it and be aware of mind control techniques. Don’t fall victim. Keep your snake-like autonomy. Be observant, self-reliant, and smart.
Bonus Resource
Finally, if you’re looking for ways to help during this truly shocking time in history, my friend October sent me this excellent Resistance Handbook. It’s filled with practical and doable stuff. Use freely and share.
What are your intentions for the Year of the Wood Snake? Drop a line below to let me know how what kind of magic you’ll be working, how you’d like to make a positive difference, or how you’ll be taking care of your gorgeous self.
I am a snake in Chinese astrology, so I’m trying to think of something special to do on my birthday in July. It’s gonna be a BIG birthday. 🙂 Any ideas??
I read The Way of the Rose several years ago. Great book! I also like Perdita Finn’s more recent book, Take Back the Magic.
Thanks for all you’re doing for our sanity right now, Tess!
Sharon, thank you for your encouraging words! I am also a snake. Hmm, maybe take a relaxing trip somewhere you’ve always wanted to go? And I will check out Take Back the Magic. Thanks for the recommendation.
This year I’m really feeling the need for binding spells…
Also, I plan to really focus on gardening and maintaining exercise. Both make me feel strong and empowered.
Yes to all of this. 😊
L-O-V-E this. Thank you Tess. ❤️
Mona, I’m so glad. Thank you for reading.