These spiritual practices will help you communicate with people and animals on the other side.
Have you ever wanted to try your hand at being a medium? Or wished you could communicate with someone you love on the other side? Lucky for us, Michael Mahoney, AKA the Hollywood Hills Medium, is here to offer us some simple ways you can get started with cultivating your mediumship abilities.
Here’s something that may come as a real surprise to you…
You can be a medium!
That’s right: with the proper practice, discipline, and openness, you can communicate with those on the other side and receive direct messages from Spirit.
While some people are born with a more natural ability to connect to those who have passed on, the truth is we are all born with this gift.
In fact, you are most likely receiving messages from Spirit all the time without even realizing it. A gut feeling, intuition or sudden insight may in fact be an unseen message from a loved one who has passed.
All it takes to tap into your full mediumship abilities is to open your heart to the belief that it actually IS possible!
Here are 3 simple and proven methods you can begin employing right away to start building your mediumship skills.
Daily Grounding Meditation
The importance of connecting yourself to the Earth cannot be underestimated when it comes to being able to communicate with the other side.
That’s because your body will be unable to hold Spirit energy’s high vibration unless you are grounded. Your goal is to allow the energy to pass through you. If you are reading for someone, you don’t want their energy or the emotions that come up during a reading to stay in your field.
It’s also very difficult to know if the messages you are receiving are coming from your own mind or from Spirit unless your body is centered. Simply put: the more grounded you are, the better you will be at hearing and discerning Spirit messages.
Here is a simple grounding meditation you can do in just a few short minutes. It’s best to do this meditation at least two times a day. When you do, you’ll be amazed at how fast things start to change – not only with your mediumship abilities but also with your ability to manifest things quickly.
Make sure you are comfortable and seated upright with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Take a few deep breaths. Now visualize roots sprouting from the bottom of your feet. See them moving down through the floor, past the ground and deep into the Earth. Hold this vision for about a minute.
Now begin to picture a warm, white light of love spreading around your body. Start with the light emerging from your feet and continue all the way up your body until you reach the very top of your head. Once your entire body is surrounded by this light, take a moment to feel how safe and protected you feel inside of it. Nothing you don’t want can penetrate this bubble. Make sure it is directly around the outside of your body…keep it close to you.
Finally, take this white light and create an infinite rope from it using your mind’s eye. Picture yourself tying the rope around your waist. Lower the rope down through the floor, past the ground, and all the way down to the center of the Earth. Tie your imaginary rope around the Earth’s core. You should feel the rope “holding” you in place and keeping you from floating away.
Lastly, meditate in whatever way feels right to you for at least a few minutes or longer.
(Here’s a free, guided grounding meditation you can do.)
Practice Using Your Mind’s Eye
Many people believe that mediums “see” ghosts just like we see another person standing in front of us. But the truth is, most mediums see and receive messages in the same place we would typically call our imagination…with one critical difference.
Take a moment to imagine an apple. You see it in your mind, right? This is the same place mediums “see” Spirit. How long did it take you to conjure up the image of an apple in your mind? When you receive an image through mediumship, it will arrive even faster! You will see it instantaneously.
It takes practice to be able to discern the difference between when you are receiving a message or when you’re simply imagining something. But the first step is to refine your ability to see things clearly in your mind.
Try the following exercise as part of your meditation practice. Write down a random list of colored shapes. For example: yellow triangle, green square, etc. Now go through each colored shape one at a time and hold the image in your mind for as long as possible. When you can no longer see the color or shape, then move on to the next one on the list and repeat the exercise.
You can also do the same exercise using other senses. For example, visualize yourself jumping into the freezing cold ocean. Hold on to that feeling as long as you can. Imagine warming yourself up in front of a large bonfire. The key is to pick different scenarios that make you feel and hold onto extreme sensations.
Even just a few minutes a day of these exercises will help you to better tune in and feel when real messages from Spirit are coming through.
(For further reading, check out The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Visualization.)
Feel Don’t Think
The number one mistake most people make when trying to develop their mediumship is this: they overthink everything. The key thing to remember here is that mediumship comes from feeling, not thought.
Whereas psychic energy comes from picking up the thought energy around a person, mediumship is about tapping into the feelings that arrive in your body – particularly your heart.
For example, if you are trying to find out how a person died, pay attention to any sensations in your body first and foremost. If you feel a pressure in the left side of your chest, it is likely they passed from a heart attack. If your throat starts to get sore or close, they may have been a smoker.
The most important thing to remember is not to doubt the first feelings that you have. Don’t chalk it up to your imagination. Go with the very first images, sensations, and feelings that you have. When it comes from Spirit, you will never be wrong. Trust!
Over time, you will learn to interpret what these feelings in your body mean. And you’ll even be able to do mediumship readings for others much sooner than you think!
If you’d like to add even more spiritual tools to help you with your mediumship development, you can check out a comprehensive list here.
Michael Mahoney is a professional medium based in Los Angeles – here to connect with your loved ones on the other side to share their messages of love, support and comfort with you. He’s been an empath, psychic and medium ever since he was a child. It was directly after his mother’s passing that a series of synchronistic events made it very clear to me that he had to use his mediumship to serve as many people as he possibly could with this healing gift. Michael is driven by his spiritual purpose to help others heal and understand that we are always surrounded by the ones we love. To book a mediumship reading with Michael visit
I remember my dad always had the ability to see spirit, and feel the energy of crystals and herbs. My mom didn’t get the sense until she was on her death bed, when she began to see loved ones coming to get her. My parents practiced meditation, growing their own fruits, veggies, flowers, living in harmony with nature and to trust your feeling. My 2 older sisters and I also are sensitive to energy and feel things that can’t be explained Sometimes my sisters and I we talk about these experiences and are amazed at how each of us perceived energy differently. My oldest sister smells energy and instinctively knows what or who is visiting and asks me to help her contact the energy to confirm. My second sister sees energy and sometimes wonder if it’s in her imagination. I feel energy and I know things that others don’t know, sometimes I see it in my minds eye, or hear clips of info, If it’s bad energy all of us gets a yucky sick feeling. I learned how to clean clear and protect myself. My sisters are not as disciplined. I became empowered in several healing modalities and angelic healing. I hope to be able to learn more to help others who have lost their loved ones . Thank you
Lovely, Redhen! Thanks for reading and connecting.