Infuse your spiritual practice with the power of mandalas for manifestation and magic

Everything is connected. You are one with all of existence. You simultaneously contain infinity and are contained within it. The same power that forms your cells and crystalizes your thoughts moves planets, solar systems, and galaxies.
And that power is mathematical: it is systematic, structured, and and precise.
That’s why sacred geometry is so magical: it taps us into the order and creative power of the Universe. This allows us to shape our world according to our intentions and visions.
The following five mandala shapes are all excellent places to start when you want to employ sacred geometry in your magical and spiritual work.
First, let’s look at some methods of employing sacred geometry in your spiritual path.
Once you choose a sacred geometrical shape, you might…
- Color, draw, or paint it. We’ve all heard that coloring and creating art are meditative activities. Coloring, drawing, or painting sacred geometrical shapes has the added benefit of infusing you with its unique spiritual properties and restructuring your personal energy in a positive way.
- Create a crystal grid using it as a framework. In addition to the benefits mentioned in the above bullet point, crystal grids swirl in the power of gemstones. Make sure to begin with a powerful intention, stated in the present tense, as if already true. Then, find or create a crystal grid cloth depicting the shape you’ve chosen to work with. Once you’ve cleansed your crystals with water, sunlight, and/or sage smoke, begin by placing an anchor stone in the center to hold your intention in place. Then work outward, positioning your chosen crystals as you go. Imagine you’re radiating your intention outward into the world. When you’ve arranged the crystals in a way that feels right, leave the grid in place for at least one full moon cycle.
- Wear or carry a depiction of it. Sacred shapes depicted on jewelry and tattoos can be lovely, but you can even align with the metaphysical energy of sacred geometry by printing or drawing it onto paper and tucking it into a pocket. Of course, this is particularly effective when you’ve empowered the image with a crystal clear intention.
- Place an image of it on your altar. Similarly, you can receive the benefits of a sacred geometrical shape by placing a depiction of it on your altar for as long as it feels powerful and appropriate to your present spiritual work.
- Employ it in meditation or spellwork. In meditation, you can gaze at an image of the shape you’re working with, or even hold it in your mind’s eye. In spellwork, you might tuck a small depiction of the shape into a charm necklace alone or with other magical objects such as herbs or crystals, or anoint an image of the shape with an essential oil or oil blend to activate its properties and enlist them in your magical aim.
OK! Now for the shapes.
1. Flower of Life

As you can see from my logo, the flower of life is one of my favorites. Six is the number of order, harmony, cosmos, and the heavenly realm. And this pattern continually gives birth to itself in every direction, which affirms and holds in place the energies of exponential growth and positive expansion. It can be employed for abundance, learning, healing, sharing your gifts with the world, and generally manifesting the conditions you desire.
2. Metatron’s Cube

This shape is aligned with Metatron: the archangel who specializes in order, structure, discipline, mathematics, divine timing, the movement of the cosmos, and the Akashic field. Again working with the divinely orchestrating number six, this shape can be employed for magic and manifestation related to divine timing, organization, learning, healing, precision, and establishing positive new habits.
3. Pentacle

The number five represents the human realm (it resembles a human with one point for each leg, each arm, and the head) as well as the harmonious balance of the elements in the natural world: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. In Chinese alchemy, it’s a working diagram for the five elements and how they interact dynamically: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Magically, it can be employed for protection, harmony, health, and intuitive connection to the elemental spirits of the natural world (such as fairies, gnomes, and mermaids).
4. Seed of Life

You’ll notice that the seed of life is identical to the center of the flower of life. Alone, it has a more primal power, holding the energy of birth, life, and pure potentiality. Magically, employ it to tap into any intention in a powerful way, particularly something you’d like to continue to grow and flourish throughout your lifetime, such as abundance, health, a happy home, or a gratifying and successful career path.
5. Spiral

Last but not least: the spiral! This is a symbol that has been considered sacred on all continents and, quite possibly, in all ancient cultures. We find it in the movement of planets, stars, falling leaves, water, and air, and in the appearance of living beings such as seashells and sunflowers. Additionally, it reminds us of the spiraling nature of the spiritual path: of coming home to ourselves and going deeper and deeper into the awareness of our oneness with All That Is. Magically, employ it for inspiration, meditation, solar energy, goddess energy, intuition, sleep, dreaming, and getting to know your own soul.
Did you employ any of these mandala shapes in your magical work? How did it go? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments.
You may also enjoy reading about these 6 Ways to Use Sacred Geometry in Your Life.
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