Before you mess up your karma by cursing or hexing someone, try one of these safer, more elegant options instead.
If you just searched “How to curse someone,” or “How to hex someone,” read this first.
I mean, I get it. Someone hurt you. Someone did you wrong, and it is so, so, so infuriating and unfair.
It seems your options for doing something about it in the physical world are so painfully limited, you feel almost irresistibly compelled to direct your considerable personal power toward causing them harm.
Believe me, I’ve been there. And I’ve even done that. And I don’t recommend it.
In my regrettable experience, karmic backlash in response to curses and hexes is a real thing. And it’s just not worth it.
But, hey listen: you have options. Whether you want to hex your ex, a neighborhood bully, your boss, or anyone else, the five alternatives below will provide valuable magical recourse without endangering your own energy, sanity, and general wellbeing.
Each and every one of them is spiritually and karmically safe.

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Hex/Curse Alternative #1: Reflect All Energy Back to Its Source
A traditional feng shui cure for dealing with challenging neighbors involves nothing but a mirror. It can be any mirror, of any size. Even a postage stamp-sized mirrored tile will do.
The idea is to place the mirror so that the reflective side is facing the neighbor’s house, and then simply set the (completely neutral) intention that the mirror reflect all energy – good, bad, or in between – directly back to its source.
Sending negative energy right back to its source is quite a bit tidier and more efficient than a hex or a curse. And karmically, it couldn’t be safer.
Usually the mirror is placed outside of the house, but apartment dwellers can place the reflective side against the wall, and hide it behind a picture or a sofa. If your issue is with your downstairs neighbors, you can place it reflective-side down on the floor, perhaps under a piece of furniture. If the upstairs folks are bothering you (and you want to employ this tactic), you would need to figure out a way to attach it to the ceiling, reflective-side up.
This same practice can be adapted for the workplace, or you can even wear a mirror pendant and set the intention that it reflect all energy back to a specific source.
The important thing is the intention. It doesn’t matter what size or shape the mirror is. It can be as big as an entire wall or – like I said – as tiny as a mirrored tile.
Hex/Curse Alternative #2: Cast a Protection Spell
When it comes right down to it, you are the one you most want to take care of in this situation.
And a hex or curse can have the unfortunate side effect of tying your energy to the person or people you most want to protect yourself from.
Luckily, there are plenty of spells that work wonderfully for protecting your physical and energetic wellbeing, without spiritually yoking you to someone you’d rather be rid of. (Although, as a common sense warming, let me remind you that it’s still important to take safety precautions in the physical world, such as locking your door and not getting in the car with strangers.)
Here’s a simple and effective spell for protecting your energy without taking on any energy from the person or group you’d like to protect yourself from:
An Archangel Michael candle
Dragonsblood incense and incense holder
A lighter or matches
Essential oil of frankincense
Sunflower oil
A small bowl, shot glass, or saucer
Light the candle and incense. Say:
Archangel Michael, I call on you and invoke your protection. Please keep me completely safe in all ways, at all times. Please surround me in your fiery divine light through which no negativity may enter. Thank you.
Feel gratitude for Archangel Michael’s sure and steadfast protection as you place a tablespoon or so of sunflower oil in the small dish. Add one drop of frankincense essential oil and combine. Then lightly anoint your forehead, throat, heart, belly, and wrists with the oil.
Envision blindingly bright, fiery light completely surrounding your energy field and keeping all negativity at bay.
Finish by picking up the incense and holder and safely wafting the smoke around your body (and home if applicable).
Place the incense back near the candle and allow it to burn all the way out. Extinguish and re-light the candle when you can attend to it properly (as needed for fire safety purposes) until it’s burned all the way down.

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Hex/Curse Alternative #3: Neutralize Someone’s Power Over You
In truth, no one has the power to cause you harm: legal, physical, financial, or otherwise. If it seems like they do, I want you to remember that it’s only an illusion.
Even if they’re your landlord, your boss, your ex, or your mother-in-law, once you remember how powerful you actually are, the other person’s seeming power over you will fall away.
Think of it like waking from a nightmare. This spell will act as your alarm clock.
Sea salt or Himalayan pink salt
The other person’s business card, photo, or full name written on paper
A jar with a tightly-fitting lid
Fill the jar part way with sea salt. Hold the identifying paper in both hands and say,
[Name of person], you have no power over me.
What once seemed like power is now erased.
It’s erased yesterday, it’s erased today, it’s erased tomorrow.
It is null and void. It was never even there in the first place.
It now completely dissolves, dissipates, disappears, and returns to its native nothingness, now and forever, in all directions of time.
Place the card, photo, or name in the jar and completely surround it with sea salt by pouring it over the top and filling the remainder of the jar. Seal the lid. Feel your own power returning and remember how magical you actually are.
Keep the jar on a shelf or in a cupboard until you feel you no longer need the magical reminder.
Hex/Curse Alternative # 4: Bind Someone from Causing Harm
In addition to being spiritually and karmically safer, a binding spell is often much more appropriate than a hex or a curse anyway.
This is especially true if someone is behaving like a bully (in any sense of the word), and you simply want to stop them from causing harm. Here’s a blog post I wrote featuring three ways to bind a bully without harming your karma in the least.
Hex/Curse Alternative #5: Activate Swift Justice
Perhaps the person you wish you could hex or curse is actually doing something illegal, or has done something illegal. Lucky for us, there are divine helpers who just love enforcing swift and appropriate justice. The Norse god Forseti is a personal favorite to call on for the purpose.
Here’s a spell from my book, Holistic Energy Magic, to be used when you’re in a legal situation and you’re entirely in the right:
Call on Forseti. When you feel his powerful presence, send him gratitude in the form of visualized light. With or without words, show him the situation. You might picture the whole thing as if you’re picturing the storyline and emotions of a movie. Be sure to feel your feelings and project them to him as well. Imagine that you are illuminating the dark spaces and shining light on the true situation. Then ask Forseti to intervene on your behalf and bring you the justice that you deserve by saying:
Forseti, the presiding one,
Please stay with me till this thing’s done
Bring justice from your golden hall
Swiftly and once and for all.
I honor you with love and light
And thank you for your wisdom bright!
Feel even more gratitude, and be sure to heartily thank Forseti once justice has been served.
Don’t compound the problem by hexing or cursing someone! Take care of yourself safely and elegantly with one of these more karma-conscious options instead.
And for lasting protection against negativity of all varieties, check out my book, Little Guide to Protection Magic: Everything You Need to Know, Including Protection Spells.
You may also like The Good Witch’s Guide to Binding a Bully.
Do you plan to do one of these karma-friendly spells instead of a hex or a curse? Please share in the comments below.
My landlord has decided he can rent my unit for a lot more money. He bought this 1 bdrm 738 sq apartment in a foreclosure sale. He rented to someone before me and evicted her. He said she owed him late fees for the rent. He charges late fees of $75 a month on the 3rd day after the rent is due. He compounds the fees monthly. Also, you have to pay on his website. Even if you pay on the 1st of the month, he does not process the payment until the 3rd of the month and then adds the $75 late fee. I am 70 years old and have lived here for 7 years. I live on Social Security, when the govt shut down a couple I didn’t get my payment on time. I told that land lord that I was going to be late and it was unavoidable. He charged a $75 late fee. I did not pay it, as it was not my fault and as soon as I got my Social Security, I paid the rent. He has compounded it monthly and now says that I owe him over $5,000 in late fees. He increased the rent from $850 to $880 to $995 at Christmas and now is increasing it to $1,495 a month and has started eviction proceedings. The unit is in good shape, I don’t smoke or have pets. He entered my apartment on Thanksgiving and when I was away for 3 days at Christmas, without telling me. He turned off the heat. I contacted the legal aid society and he had to turn on the heat. But now the oven doesn’t work. The burners work, but I have not been able to bake or broil anything for 5 months. Even though I am paying the full rent. He told his repairman not to repair the oven. I have had to buy a slow cooker if I want to cook any meat. He owned 400 units in 3 counties before the pandemic. Now he owns even more. He has taken over all the HOA’s where he owns property and raised the fees for the people who own their condos. Consequently, many have gone into foreclosure and he buys them for the amount of the fees. He acts like this with all his tenants. His current rent is $1,400.00 a month He has become a very wealthy man.
I need to protect myself from eviction, he is asking for a court date now. What do I do to protect myself and deal with this evil man? I have tried to look for housing but have not found any.
Cathy, are there any social agencies in your area that help seniors find housing, or that defend tenants from predatory landlords? On the magical end of things, I would do #5 from this post.
12 years now living in this rented house we have had 3 sets of bad neighbours, but the latest ones are the worst and will not move on, causing 2 other neighbours grief as well, I need guidance to help them go away
Gill, do any of the spells in this post call to you for the purpose?
I was trying to send my son money for food on cash app and sent it to the wrong people and they declined my request for refund and I have no more money to send to my son to hold him down out of town
Michael, I’m so sorry. I suggest contacting the cash app to get your money back.
Hi Tess, will using epsom salt instead of using Himalayan or sea salt make a difference. Reason I ask I have plenty of epsom salt. Thank you for your kind response.
Hi Pat! I don’t consider Epsom salt to be protective in quite the same way, so I wouldn’t personally recommend this substitution.
Hello, I have a daughter who is 19. She met a middle school employee when she was 13, he was 29. She had tough times in her 6 and 7th grade years which made her vulnerable to this man. She attended an online high school, while communicating with this man, who was fired from his school job. We were not successful in pressing charges against him for having my daughter and other girls in his office. My daughter told me nothing happened. I allowed the communicating, as I did not know her mental state. I thought it would pass, I have made mistakes. She turned 18, moved in with him and his ex-girlfriend. He is now 35, she is 32. My daughter is 19. She still texts me, I pick her up from across town to visit. This man has groomed my daughter. She is intelligent and talented, drawing, piano, etc. He manipulates her emotions by playing a victim. He is lazy and is going no where. I would like to know what kind of a Binding spell or No Bad Karma for me solution there may be. I do not wish ill on him, I just want him out of my daughter’s life, she is depressed. While she is a great artist, she draws dark pictures. Women with tears running down their face, blood dripping, etc. Do you know of something I can do from my location, an hour from my daughter, to get him out of her life, snap her out of this, lessen his sick effect and hold on my daughter, as well as him not being able to do this to anyone else? I want her to see what he really is and that she deserves a better life. I really appreciate it. I want my daughter safe and happy.
Stacy, I am so so sorry to hear this. What a heartbreaking situation! This is essentially the same dynamic as a cult leader situation, and I am aware that these can be especially sticky psychologically. If you can, I would personally (for you, not your daughter), find a therapist who specializes in cults and coercive control to help you discover the most effective real world ways to intervene. I would also start with the Archangel Michael protection spell in this post, on behalf of your daughter rather than yourself.
Thank you, I appreciate your reply. I am not one to take the route of spells, etc. but am open to anything that may help. I will look into therapists. Ava says she loves this man and he is kind. He is a manipulator at best. I really hope at the age of 19, she will out grow this and move on. I have made mistakes as a parent and am still in disbelief but trying to fight fire with fire. My daughter is into Wicca. I have purchased stones, etc to help myself a little. I will start with the Archangel Michael protection spell. Will I need to say this frequently, daily, etc.? Thank you so much for your suggestions. I will keep you posted at a later date.
Hi Stacy! You can just do the spell in the post once, but you can call on Archangel Michael to protect your daughter every day.
Tess, Thank you! I am taking your suggestion and praying to Archangel Michael. Step one. ❤️
Stacy and Tess, I don’t mean to be negative but realistically, I doubt Stacy’s daughter will go to counseling because she can’t or won’t see the danger. I had a similar problem with a daughter in a dangerous situation. I pleaded with her to leave the situation so much, she finally forbid me from speaking to her about it and there was no way she would go to counseling either. There is another solution.
I stimulated change via a different but very effective method, without saying another word to my confused daughter. I set 5 timers on my phone and I spent just one minute, 5 times a day visualizing my daughter calling me to ask me to pick her up and bring her home. While visualizing, and this is the most important part, I also imagined the excitement I would feel when I heard her say that. It is imperative that you imagine the excitement so much that you actually feel it in your physical body in the form of butterflies in your tummy, goose bumps, or happy tears, for example. If you have to think of a super happy past event to call up the strongest emotions, do so, then bring your thoughts back to the change you want to see while feeling them. Remember, the key to manifesting change is to tie STRONG emotions to a powerful thought. When I did this, it only took 2 weeks to the day for my daughter to call me and this is what she said, “Momma, for the past many days I’ve been feeling like I NEED to come home. I don’t WANT to come home but something is making me feel like something really bad is going to happen if I don’t, so could you please come pick me up?” I swear to the holy Bible this is an absolutely true story and ANYONE can do it. I do not have any special powers. It is a God-given power. This is exactly how we manifest our very lives, so it is safe to do when done with good intentions and intentions are everything in the Lord’s eyes. God bless you and your daughter and I hope you let us know when your blessed reunion occurs.
I thank you so much for your reply! I am open and hopeful to all suggestions and perspectives. I am so happy that your daughter came home! I can’t imagine how that must have felt to receive that phone call. I will definitely try this. I am excited to do so. I will say that my daughter has mentioned that she also didn’t like living at home. I can’t imagine that I was that bad of a mom. A bad parent maybe. As I said, I have made mistakes, not listening to her, or thinking I was there for her when she says otherwise. I am trying to change things at home, surroundings for new memories, etc. My husband is a nice man, however, a little difficult at times, former military. He loves our daughter. I am hoping that some of her complaints about home can be changed by us and forgotten by her. I have told her she is always welcome. She says she will not come back home. I am hoping she will change her mind and see things differently. I also recently gave her, her little dog back to her. She couldn’t take care of her and I didn’t feel it fair to the dog to take her from our home. My husband is not a dog person. I think it was a love/hate relationship and so I gave my daughter her dog a month ago. I still pay for food and care. Now, she has her and I hope she will still want to come home. That is the only reason I mentioned this. You have given me hope. I appreciate your suggestions, as well as Tess’. Thank you! I will work on this immediately. I will keep you posted. Thank you! Stacy