Make your next spell or ritual a success with these 5 tips for working magic that works.
When you do it correctly, magic always, always works.
It may not work in the way that you expect. But it will absolutely work in the way that will most nourish your soul.
Here are 5 ways to manifest your desires reliably, effectively, and consistently.
1. Align with your most authentic intention.
Take your time and find the hidden cache of power: the place where your soul knows exactly what will contribute to your most ideal unfolding. What gives you a rush of energy when you consider it? What makes your heart sing? What, when you think of it, reminds you of the childhood feeling of waking up on your birthday and knowing you’re going to get exactly what you’ve always wanted? That’s sweet spot. Start there.
2. Find the ways your intention has already manifested in your life.
Remember: vibration is what attracts things into our life experience, and feeling is what shifts vibration. So if you want to work magic that works, notice all the ways your intention is already present in your life. If you’re doing a prosperity spell, for example, mentally bless all the money in your bank account, no matter how much it is. Bless your home, your supportive friends, and all your treasured belongings. In truth, you have already had a lot of wealth in your life! So notice it, feel it, bless it, and get ready for it to expand.
3. Let go of the need for your intention to manifest.
This sounds weird, I know. But take heed! This tip is solid gold.
You might think of doing a spell or a ritual like writing a letter to the Universe, requesting a certain kind of support. But that letter is never going to get to its destination if you don’t drop it in the mailbox.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that you won’t have to take steps in the physical world – and even work hard on occasion – in order to contribute to the manifestation of your goals. It just means that from the energetic perspective, it’s important not to feel desperate or panicky, because that sends out the vibration of lack. On the other hand, if you want to work magic that works, it’s important to take action with a grounded sense of confidence and calm.
(A daily meditation practice – especially one that clears and shields your energy – can help with this.)
4. …But still expect your intention to manifest.
Let go of the need for it, but also totally expect it. Do you need your favorite TV show to come on at 7PM on Thursday night? No, but you totally expect it. Do you need to find chocolate in the candy aisle? No, but there’s not an ounce of doubt in your mind that you absolutely will. Magic works because reality is fluid, and our expectation about how well our magic will work has everything to do with how it does work.
5. Make every aspect of your magic fun.
Fun is the secret sauce. When you’re choosing or crafting a spell or ritual, follow the fun. Select the ingredients, visualizations, chants, timing, and/or other aspects that make your inner child do a happy dance. This will light up your magical energy like a Christmas tree, and keep you in the ideal mindset for perfect magical success.
BONUS SECRET: Remember that we’re all connected! By manifesting the truest desires of your heart, you beautify not just your world but also everyone’s world. So go forth and manifest!
Did you give these secrets a try? How did they work for you?
You may also like these 7 Journaling Prompts That Will Activate Your Magical Power and my book, You Are Magical.
hello thanks for the quick answer sorry but I do not speak English well I’m Italian I was referring to dolls made for the purpose of protection, health etc … I wanted to do it for my husband too.
hi I find your blog very nice I had a question; how I made a cloth doll filling it with herbs cc …. 4 years ago, can you tell me how long it lasts? how much time must pass before redoing it thanks.
Hi there! Glad you like the blog. Well, I’m not sure of the ritual you did, or intention behind it, so it’s hard to say. In general, if your intuition tells you that a magical intention needs to be reinforced or refreshed, it’s a good idea to follow your inner guidance.
Thanks for sharing. I actually just came across this today for first time..i am going to try the money spell with the oranges, I love eating the peeling because of the nutritional part ☺ I will update tho.. Thanks Again
Thanks for reading, Misty! Abundant full moon blessings to you.
Hi Sarina! Thank you! 🙂
Very well said! I know several people who I will share this with. BB