Heal your aura, boost your mood, and supercharge your personal power by aligning with the balancing energy of the planet.
Many of us can go days or even weeks without spending quality time outdoors in natural settings.
This degree of nature deprivation can wreak havoc on your mood, vitality, and overall sense of well-being. From an evolutionary perspective, the human body is not accustomed to being physically disconnected from the electromagnetic field of the earth for any extended period of time.
This literal disconnect lends itself to the emotional disconnect that allows humans to behave in ways that destroy our precious planet.
Here’s the good news: it’s not difficult or time-consuming to reconnect with Mother Earth. And when you do, you will feel nourished, energized, and powerful. You’ll sleep better, and you’ll feel more comfortable in your skin. And it will be easier to have compassion for yourself, to love yourself, and to manifest your desires.
Here are 5 surefire ways to reconnect with the healing and balancing power of Mother Earth.
1. Walk Barefoot on Grass
Walking barefoot on cool green grass is not only a sensual feast for the soles of your feet, it’s also a holistic therapy with staggering, scientifically proven benefits. Try it on your next coffee break and notice how nourished, energized, and relaxed you feel.
2. Gaze at a Flower
It’s common practice to appreciate the beauty of flowers. But when you place your full attention on a single blossom, breathe deeply, and come into the present moment, magic happens. In just a minute or two, you will enter into an altered state of consciousness and you will begin to receive an infusion of emotional healing and energetic support. Try it and see!
3. Hug a Tree
Don’t let the fact that it’s a cliché fool you: tree hugging is a vitally worthwhile pursuit, with its very own scientifically proven benefits. But wait! Don’t just go hugging trees willy nilly. Trees can occasionally feel grumpy and standoffish around humans, much the same way we sometimes feel about bugs. So before you hug a tree, approach it respectfully. Take a moment to feel your feet planted firmly on the earth. Breathe deeply. Then tune in to the tree as you would a person you were thinking about hugging: does the tree feel receptive to a hug? If so, go for it. If not, politely retreat. There are plenty of other trees in the forest.
4. Lie on the Earth

(This is me!)
It’s so simple, yet so powerful: recline on the bare earth. Relax, breathe, and be where you are. Your body, mind, and spirit will instantly thank you. You will literally be reconnecting your personal electromagnetic field with the electromagnetic field of the earth, which has so many amazing health benefits.
5. Do a Grounding Meditation
When you visualize connecting your personal energy field with the energy field of the earth, beautiful things happen. You relieve burnout, release anxiety, and anchor yourself in a sense of abiding calm. It also becomes easier and more natural to speak your truth, connect with your intuition, and manifest your desires. Here’s a free guided grounding meditation to get you started.
You’ll find that every suggestion in this post is beautifully simple, yet profoundly powerful. Your whole life will benefit when you take just a few moments out of your day to reconnect with the power and magic of the earth.
So here’s your challenge: go try one of these, or more than one, or try them all. Then come back and leave a comment to let me know how you feel.
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