Here are 5 ways to charge up your positive energy and personal power during a solar eclipse.
A solar eclipse always falls on a new moon, supercharging the energetic qualities of new beginnings and fresh starts.
Here are 5 ways to work with the extra magical energy of a solar eclipse.
1. Clarify the old patterns, habits, and conditions you’re ready to release.
What is it you’re most ready to let go of?
Maybe you’re finally done with negative self-talk about your weight, compulsive phone checking, a job you’re not crazy about, or a stubborn relationship pattern that just keeps dragging you down.
From as neutral a space as possible – i.e. without judgement or criticism – write it all down in your journal. Keep wringing it out until you’re sure you’ve recognized and named every last little thing you can think of.

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2. Clear clutter and clean.
The days leading up to the eclipse call for some serious cleaning and clearing.
Creating a clear, simplified energy in your home will raise your vibration and support the release of every non-physical thing that isn’t serving you: unhealed emotions, unhealthy habits, and general energetic blocks of every variety.
If you haven’t read it yet, my book, Magical Housekeeping, will get you fired up about cleaning by helping you see it as the magical act it really is.
3. Meditate.
During the solar eclipse, create sacred space in your consciousness. The best way to do that is to meditate.
Drink your morning coffee (or whatever), and then sit right down on your cushion and meditate.
Check out the free app Insight Timer for a bunch of free guided meditations to fit every preference or mood.
4. Know what your heart wants.
Now that you’ve gotten clear on what you don’t want – in your mind, body, home, and life – it’s time to get clear on what you do want.
Grab that journal again and write out all your fondest dreams and visions for every aspect of your life experience.
Let this be a fun process of discovering the desires that spark a feeling of expansion in your heart.
Don’t hold back! Even if something seems completely off the page of possibility, if it’s in your heart, write it down.
And then…
5. Consider that anything is possible.
An eclipse is a portal: an open door to the full spectrum of what is possible.
So in the days leading up to it, consciously open up to the infinity of possibility.
Ask yourself: What if I could expand into even more blessings and abundance, endlessly, forever? What if I could – really and truly – manifest all the fondest desires of my heart? What would that feel like? How would it look?
…After all of this, you’ll be so ready for this Solar Eclipse Ritual for Busting Through Blocks and Setting Your Soul Free.
Are you excited for the solar eclipse? How will you observe it? Please speak up in the comments below.
I wish I could get excited about it but instead I just have a feeling of dread. We have rainstorm after rainstorm and I have a constantly flooded basement and have to buy a new pump every time the old one breaks down, then we have tremors from an earthquake about 200 miles away, and now a total solar eclipse…perhaps some sort of wake up message from the beyond. An omen from God. Thank you for your positive input. I will try to meditate that day, but my car is breaking down and I scheduled a repair for that afternoon. I forgot about the eclipse, I’m afraid. Reschedule, I think.
Oh wow! Yes, definitely some astrology happening right now! If you can, I recommend seeing all this energy as transformational chaos. Like, a big shakeup that will end up having blessings in the end. Sort of like a thunderstorm that cleanses the air and nourishes the forest.
Thank you!
You’re very welcome! Thank you for reading. 🙂
Thank you very much
Thank you for reading!