Here’s a Tarot or Oracle Card Spread for this Powerful Full Moon
This full moon – Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 – is (in the Northern Hemisphere) the harvest moon.
It’s in Pisces.
And guess what else? It’s a lunar eclipse.
The full moon is a time of great power. With the moon at its roundest, brightest, and most complete, lunar energies are at a peak. That’s why the full moon is great for manifesting new conditions and calling in blessings of all varieties.
Lunar energies are purifying and empowering. So, simply by soaking in the light of the full moon, you can purify and empower your personal energy as well as magical and spiritual tools such as crystals, herbs, and oracle decks.
The full moon is also the moment when the waxing moon begins to wane. That’s why the full moon is also a time for banishing, healing, and letting go.
The harvest moon is the full moon closest to the Fall Equinox. So this is around the time when days and nights are of roughly equal duration. If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s also the time when the fall season officially begins.
At the harvest moon, you begin to feel the veil between the worlds becoming thin. In other words, it’s when we start to sense the growing closeness of the Otherworld: the land of faeries and the dead. The nearer we get to Samhain (Halloween), the thinner this veil becomes.
When the moon is in Pisces, we feel dreamy, compassionate, and intuitive. Our creativity, emotions, and love of heart-centered service take center stage.
A lunar eclipse is a time when we are empowered to look at our shadow – the parts of us that we usually try to keep hidden, particularly from ourselves. When we glimpse the shadow with compassion, we bring light to it. In doing so, its shadowy nature transforms, and it becomes inspiration for freedom and fuel for personal evolution.
Here is a card spread for the harvest moon eclipse. You can use a tarot or oracle deck – whichever you prefer. If you have more than one, and you’re not sure which one to pick, let your intuition decide.
If you have my new Halloween Forever Oracle, that would be a great choice. So would my Queen Mab Oracle. But any tarot or oracle deck you like will do.
Please note: even if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, or if you’re reading this after this full moon has passed, you can still go ahead and do this spread! Even though I designed it with the harvest moon eclipse in mind, it will actually work any time.
Light a candle or otherwise set the mood. If you can, you might want to sit outside somewhere where you can see the moon.
Hold your deck in both hands.
Relax, breathe, and center your mind.
Call on the Divine in any way that feels right to you.
Consciously connect with the energy of the moon. Imagine the cool, silvery light of the moon shining down on you, filling your head with light and then flowing down through the rest of your body and cocooning you in a sphere.
Shuffle the deck.
When it feels right, stop. (Don’t overthink this – whenever you stop will be perfect.)
Then, deal the first four cards off the top. Position them face up, left to right.
Card one is the full moon card: What is at a peak? What is coming to fruition? Or, possibly, what is it that has run its course and is ready to go?
Card two is the harvest moon card: What will help establish balance? How can your recalibrate your energy and come into resonance with the new energies of the fall?
Card three is the Pisces moon card: What intuitive guidance is here for you? What messages are coming through from the Divine, the beyond, and the limitless deep? How can you honor your creativity and listen to your dreams? How can you follow your bliss when it comes to providing loving service to other people and the world?
Card four is the eclipse card: What type of shadow work will best serve you? What secret have you been keeping from yourself? What is it time to finally face and admit? How can you embrace your shadow to heal deeply and step into your power?
Wishing you a most magical harvest moon.
There’s still time to sign up for the Spiritual Author Academy (October 16-20)!
Thank you for sharing yet another amazing and brilliant idea!
Keep shining, and help us to discover more about ourselves in accordance with the universe!
Thank you, Tess. The information contained in the tarot card spread was, of course, perfect timing for me. I have gained strength and comfort during a challenging time.
Excellent to hear, Mary.
WOW Tess – this was such a powerful experience!! The guidance I received was SO bang on – it would takes pages of text to explain. Thank you for your amazing work and all you put out into the world! Xo from Canada
Heidi, I’m so glad! Thank you for trying it and for letting me know.