Here are 3 crystal charms to help you stay positive at work and amidst discord, negativity, or challenging people.
Whatever your situation during this pandemic, you are almost certainly encountering unprecedented challenges and increased stress levels in one or more environments.
These crystal spells for staying positive are excerpted from my book, You Are Magical. While I didn’t write them during the COVID crisis, I thought now would be an appropriate time to offer them for free on my blog.
Performing one of these spells will not solve all your problems, but it will be a proactive step you can take for your spiritual and emotional self-care.
Also check out my book, Little Guide to Protection Magic: Everything You Need to Know, Including Protection Spells.
Here are three magical ways to stay positive at work and during difficult times.
Spell 1: Boost Your Harmony in the Workplace
If want to stay positive at work, this charm is for you. It will help shield you from negativity, establish and preserve your inner equilibrium, and generally boost your personal harmony quotient.
- An amethyst cluster quartz pendant necklace that rests over your heart area, cleansed in bright sunlight.
Cradle the necklace in your left palm. Cup your right palm over your left. Feel your right hand emanating energy and light as you say:
My heart is calm, my joy is bright, I’m safe within a sphere of light.
Wear the pendant every day for protection and peace. At least once per moon cycle, cleanse the pendant in sunlight and repeat the chanting process to keep the magic strong.
Spell 2: Cocoon Yourself in Positivity
One of the questions I get most often is some variation of “How do I stay positive in a negative situation?”
The late, great spiritual author Wayne Dyer said it well: “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” This ritual will fortify your healthy boundaries while cocooning you in soft, sweet energy. When you are thus shielded, other people’s karma need not encroach on yours.
Admittedly, this ritual takes work, but it’s worth it. Plus, the time you put into it doubles as an excellent morning meditation.
- A mala (prayer beads) made with 108 rose quartz beads. (You can purchase or make your own.)
First, spiritually cleanse the mala in bright sunlight, white sage smoke, and/or running water. Ideally, also empower it in the light of the full moon (but don’t delay your spell for the full moon’s sake – you can always empower it later).
Every morning before you leave the house, sit facing east, with your spine straight in a comfortable way. Take some deep breaths and center your mind.
Using the beads to keep count, chant Om shrim (pronounced Ohm Shreem) 108 times. Before you begin, chant simply Om. After your 108th repetition, chant Om once more. (The first and last Om can be slow, and you can move somewhat more quickly through the 108 Om shrims.)
Om aligns you with the Divine/Infinity/All That Is. Shrim aligns you with good fortune, luxury, order, balance, and harmonious love. As you chant, consciously send the vibration of each sound throughout your physical body and aura. If your mind wanders, simply bring it back.
After your final Om, rest in the positive energy you’ve summoned. Sense/imagine/feel it as a sweet pink light filling and surrounding you.
Wear the mala as a necklace or bracelet throughout the day to protect and preserve the positive energy you’ve summoned.
Spell 3: Harmonize Your Thoughts
If your thoughts feel discordant or scattered due to challenging energy, harmonize them with this simple soul-nourishing spell. Harmonious thoughts can help you stay positive even during stressful times.
On the day of a new moon, visit a moving body of water. Safely bathe the lepidolite pendant in the rushing water or waves. As you do so, feel that you are bathing your thoughts: releasing what doesn’t serve you and purifying your mental landscape. Remove the pendant from the water and hold it in your right hand. Allow it to air-dry as you relax and gaze at the water for another mindful moment.
Then wear the pendant. Continue wearing it as frequently as possible for at least one complete moon cycle (i.e. until the next new moon). After that time, you can repeat this process to refresh the magic of the charm as desired.
To master protection magic, check out my book, Little Guide to Protection Magic: Everything You Need to Know, Including Protection Spells.
Is staying positive at work a magical intention of yours? Or is it important to you to keep your energy clear and bright even when you feel like negativity surrounds you? Please share in the comments below.
You may also like this Shielding and Boundary Setting Meditation for Empaths and this Spell to Transform a Problem into a Blessing.
Love! I’ve had your book “You Are Magical” for ages – this is a good reminder to go back and review it! <3
Heidi, thank you!