Celebrate the pagan holiday of Imbolc with one of these energy cleansing rituals.
For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the ancient Gaelic holiday known as Imbolc begins at sunset on February 1st and continues throughout the following day.
About halfway between Yule and Ostara (the spring equinox), it’s celebrated as the earliest dawn of spring, when the days begin to noticeably lengthen and the snow begins to melt.
A fire festival aligned with the fiery-haired Celtic goddess Brigid (and a day later devoted to her Catholic incarnation Saint Brigid), Imbolc lends itself to magical work related to purification, as well as protection, creativity, fertility, healing, and miracles.
To align with the powerful energy of this magical time, here are five ways you can purify your energy this Imbolc.
1. Meditate in front of a fire or flame.
For a simple Imbolc fire purification, light a fire in your fireplace, create an outdoor fire, or just light a red pillar candle on your altar. Then meditate.
As you gaze at the flame, merge your awareness with that of the fire.
Breathe deeply and let the fire burn away negativity or stuck energy while awakening your spirit and enlivening your soul.
2. Light your half-burned candles at sunset.
Imbolc is an excellent opportunity to put your half-burned candles to good use.
Place them around your home, and then safely light every single one of them at sunset on February 1st.
Then, take a moment to ritually welcome the goddess Brigid into your space, along with her Imbolc blessings of purification, miracles, and healing.
Keep your Imbolc candles burning as long as you can safely attend to them, and then extinguish.
When it’s convenient and desirable, repeat this process periodically until the Equinox, or until the candles are burned all the way down.
3. Add epsom salt, sea salt, and baking soda to your bathwater, and burn a candle as you bathe.
The ancient shrine of the Goddess Bridgid in Kildare, Ireland featured a constantly burning flame.
When it was transformed into a fire temple dedicated to St. Brigid, nuns continued to tend to that flame for some time.
The goddess/saint also has a sacred well nearby, which is believed to have healing properties.
This Imbolc, draw upon Brigid’s allies of water and fire: invoke her with a heartfelt prayer before lighting a white candle and soaking in a purifying salt bath.
4. Hang a Brigid’s Cross over or on your front door.
This classic Imbolc craft will purify and protect your home.
Using dried rushes or a similar dried plant material, craft a Brigid’s cross (here’s how), and hang it over or on your front door.
On next year’s Imbolc, throw the cross (safely) on a fire, and craft a new one to refresh its power.
5. Tie tiny bells to your broom and sweep the floor.
When used with intention, a broom is a powerful, magical things.
Simply sweeping can be a beautiful way to clear out old energy and make room for the new.
Tie tiny bells to your broom at Imbolc, and you can simultaneously sprinkle magical blessings of early spring throughout your space.
Do you have other favorite cleansing rituals for Imbolc? Please share in the comments below!
You may also like these 5 Types of Magic to Work on Imbolc.
I just got that book a month or two ago, I’m going to break it out and read on it today. I’m definitely grateful for you and your emails and magical energy. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful tips. I look forward to your emails and articles.
Kimberly, thank you for reading and for your kind words! Have a magical Imbolc.
Thanks Tess! I received a beautiful bell as a gift and I tied it today to my special broom! My lovely broom is being decorated with pieces of yarn from all my finished knitting and crochet projects since last year and now it is shining with the bell! Blessings to you and all yours!
Raquel, that sounds beautiful! Always great to hear from you. Blessings to you and all yours as well!
Love these!
Thanks, Michelle! Hope your Imbolc was magical.