Clear and unstick your energy with one of these clean, magical aromas.
There’s a reason magical practitioners have been burning incense for thousands of years: scent is powerful.
Especially when used in combination with a clear intention, incense can transform energetic patterns, remove challenging vibrations, and open doors of possibility in your consciousness and your life.
Even if you’re not sure exactly what’s blocking you from manifesting your desires or moving toward your goals, you can simply light a stick of incense while holding the intention to clear away anything standing in your way.
Or, you can employ these incense scents to cleanse and improve your own personal vibrations or the vibrations of your space. For this purpose, light your incense and then waft the smoke around the area or person you’d like to cleanse. (But do hold a dish, plate, or incense holder beneath the incense for fire safety purposes.)
Energetic cleansing and unblocking work (including incense burning) is also a great way to support spiritual and emotional transformation.
Feel free to use incense in stick, cone, or powder form. If smoke isn’t your thing, you can even diffuse the essential oil.
(Either way, be careful if you have pets or small children, as even natural scents can sometimes be harsh and even harmful.)
Here are 9 incense scents that are especially useful for cleansing energy and removing blocks.
P.S. You’ll notice I link to Fred Soll incense whenever possible. That’s not because I have a special endorsement deal with Fred Soll incense, but because it’s the best. It’s the Cadillac of incense. (Although I do get a little commission whenever you purchase something through a link in this post.)
1. Cedar
Cedar incense has a high vibration that brings comfort and strength after any sort of anxiety or unrest.
Use cedar incense to remove negative energy of all varieties, but especially energy from challenging interactions; magical or mundane. For example, cedar can help clear away negativity left over after an argument, but it can also help undo the energetic effects of a hex or a curse.
You can also employ cedar incense to undo the effects of your own magic, such as a love spell you wish you hadn’t cast.
2. Cinnamon
Cinnamon incense raises vibrations and brings sweetness, warmth, and positivity.
Burn cinnamon incense before magic to create sacred space, and to clear away blocks to wealth and abundance.
Cinnamon is activating, so it can get your energy moving if you feel stuck, unmotivated, or uninspired. In turn, this will positively affect your finances and your luck.
3. Copal
Copal incense helps stuck spirits get unstuck, so they can move out of your home or your energy field and into the light.
If you or your space feel heavy or dark, and you suspect the feeling is related to ghosts or earthbound spirits, try wafting copal incense smoke around and see if the mood lightens.
4. Frankincense
When it comes to cleansing, frankincense incense has been a go-to classic since ancient times.
Like bright sunlight, frankincense burns away negativity. It’s like an all-purpose energetic disinfectant.
Use it to unblock, unstick, exorcise ghosts, consecrate, and bless.
Combined with myrrh, frankincense is great for healing. Use this scent combination to support magical and spiritual work related to deep physical and emotional healing. This can be particularly helpful when the health challenge is stubborn, longstanding, and/or mysterious.
5. Lemongrass
Use lemongrass incense when you feel inexplicably toxic or contaminated.
Lemongrass is light, sweet, and fresh, and helps break apart and lift feelings of being spiritually or energetically unclean.
By the same token, lemongrass incense can help lift your spirits, clear and focus your mind, and renew your inspiration.
6. Nag Champa
The signature scent of New Age bookstores everywhere, nag champa incense leaves a distinctly spiritual vibration in its wake.
If you’re tired of the old space clearing standbys (i.e. sage and palo santo), try nag champa instead. It clears away boring, mundane vibes and replaces them with inspired, magically uplifted ones.
Try burning nag champa during meditation to mitigate compulsive thinking and support clarity and focus. It’s also great for creative work.
7. Rose
Rose incense gets a lot of press for its usefulness in love magic, but it’s also a powerful energetic cleanser. Rose incense is helpful for removing blocks: including romantic, financial, and career-related.
Burn rose incense to increase your luck and improve your personal magnetism. This will help you open the floodgates to wealth, call in desired romantic conditions, and attract a steady flow of blessings.
8. Sage
While cleansing energy with a sage bundle has become mainstream, high quality sage incense has its own unique charm.
Burn sage incense to raise vibrations, clear negativity, and remove all forms of blocks.
9. Vetiver
If you’ve felt like your financial flow has been blocked, especially for an extended length of time, vetiver incense is the one to burn.
Vetiver incense helps remove and positively restructure stubborn barriers to financial flow, including past life vows, ancestral patterns, unconscious habits, and debilitating limiting beliefs.
For this reason, this incense scent is a wonderful compliment to money spells. You can also burn it during the waning moon to support your magical efforts to call in more money once the moon is new.
Did you find an incense to burn? Or do you have any others you’d like to share? Please speak up in the comments below!
You may also like 9 Incense Scents that Attract Money and Energy Clearing Methods for Every Zodiac Sign.

If you liked this post, you’ll love my book, Little Guide to Protection Magic.
Dearest Tessa,
I Hope you are well!!!
Thank-you so much For this insightful information!!!
It was very Helpful and Interesting!!!
Many Blessings to you!!!!
Love & Light!!!!
AMEN ❤❤🤗🤗❤❤🥰🥰🙏🙏❤❤
Louisa, I’m so happy to hear the post was helpful! Love and light to you too.
This was very helpful, thank you!
Thanks for reading, Joseph! Glad to hear it’s helpful.
Such wonderful suggestions! And Thank you for suggesting a diffuser for oils – I love smudging but my sinuses are very sensitive, so it doesn’t always work for me. If I could, I’d do it much more often. Thanks again for your wonderful suggestions Tess!
Susan, I’m so glad you like the post! Thank you for reading.