Your love magic will be exponentially more successful if you begin with clearing clutter and deep cleaning your home.
This is an excerpt from my book, Little Guide to Love Magic: Everything You Need to Know, Including Love Spells.
Have you heard the phrase “like attracts like”? This sentiment, also known as the Law of Attraction, has been alternately phrased (by authors Esther and Jerry Hicks) as “that which is like unto itself is drawn.”
That’s why, in this post, I’m going to share how you can begin to surround yourself in the vibration of love, so that you will resonate at the frequency of love and, in turn, naturally attract the love you desire. It all starts with your home.
Clear Your Clutter (Do It for Love)
It doesn’t matter where you live: a single room apartment, a trailer, a mansion, whatever. Wherever you live, as soon as you finish reading this post (or the next time you have time to do so) I want you to begin clearing all the clutter out of the place.
Just in case you just got really nervous because you were like, “Wait! I need to clear all of my clutter before I can work love magic?” let me explain something, and I want you to listen carefully: Clutter is stuck energy. It’s blocked energy. It’s unfinished business. It’s holding blessings and good fortune at bay. It’s undermining your confidence. It’s cramping your style. It might even be affecting your health. It’s keeping you from feeling as energized, inspired, and alive as you otherwise would.
Still, all that being said, let me reassure you that the answer to your question is no. You don’t need to clear all of your clutter before you can work your love magic in a positive way. If it’s that big of a job, you can manifest romance while you are clearing clutter. But you do want to turn that momentum around instead of getting more and more stuck (because passively living with clutter does tend to increase the stuck factor over time). You just have to get the ball rolling on incrementally paring down, letting go, and lightening up.
Here’s another thing: Clearing clutter is love magic. And luck magic. And prosperity magic. And happiness magic. And health magic. And every kind of magic. It is one of the most powerful kinds of magic. So, yes, I do recommend clearing all of your clutter. But if that is just too daunting of a task for you right now and it feels paralyzing even to contemplate, then just get started. And then continue—tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. Set the intention to clean, clear, and organize one small space per day, like a shelf or a drawer or a medicine cabinet, until you’re finished. But go ahead and continue with your other love magic efforts, just as long as you feel like you have some momentum and are well and truly on your way.
Here’s a quick overview of things to keep in mind as you start the clutter clearing process.
If you’re not sure if it’s clutter, ask yourself: Do I love it? Do I need it? Do I use it or honestly think I will use it? Does it reflect who I am in my life now? Does it give me a sense of happiness, energy, or joy? If it’s broken, am I willing to fix it right now or have it fixed? If it’s an unfinished project, am I willing to complete it right now or within the next few days? If I moved tomorrow, would I take it with me?
These questions will all help sensitize you to the energetic relationship you have with the object in question. And that relationship is the ultimate litmus test: Does it nourish you to keep it, or does it deplete you? Do you feel your energy go up or down when you look at it, touch it, or hold it?
As I’ve already mentioned, clearing clutter will benefit every area of your life. Still, in this particular case, your clutter clearing is inspired by your intention to work some love magic, so let’s talk about clutter that is related to old relationships.
First, do you sleep on a mattress that you once shared with a former partner? That mattress is holding the energy of that past relationship, which is likely holding old patterns from that relationship in place. So if it’s financially possible for you, it’s ideal for you to replace that thing. If it’s not, then flip it over as you envision it being filled with golden white light, and say to yourself, “Out with the old, in with the new. I’m turning over a new leaf!”
Second, do you have any items that were a gift from a former partner or that once belonged to a former partner (or that belong to them now)? If so, these items will likely represent and hold in place blocks to someone new coming in, or blocks to creating a new, healthier relationship paradigm for yourself. For example, if you’re single and you meet someone you like, but your ex-partner’s old guitar and sweatshirt are still in your house (along with some jewelry your ex-partner gave you on your birthday), that new person is likely to sense, on some level, that you are actually not available…even though you are. Will the new person be able to articulate this feeling? Probably not. But will they sense it on some vague but significant level? If they’re sensitive, they probably will. Another possible scenario is that you will attract someone new, but that someone will eventually prove to be uncomfortably similar to your ex. So, like I said: out with the old, in with the new! Get that sweatshirt, guitar, and jewelry (or whatever) out of there.
Once you determine that something is clutter, if you’re wondering what to do with it, here are some options: donate it, recycle it, sell it, give it to a friend or family member, or throw it away. I personally prefer donating over selling, because it reduces the number of steps and removes any excuses for holding onto something longer than necessary. For the same reasons, I prefer the donate option over giving the item to a friend or family member. And I throw an item away only when it’s really the only option, like with old underwear, a stained white shirt, or dried-out mascara. So, in summary, I recommend that you consider these three main options: donate the item, recycle it, or throw it in the trash (if absolutely necessary).
(If you want additional inspiration, there’s a lot to be found on this website. For example, you could watch this video about How Clearing Clutter Creates the Space for What You Want or this Clutter Clearing Motivation Jumpstart. And if you’re not sure where to start, you could read How and Where to Start Clearing Clutter.)
Clean (For Love!)
After you’ve cleared your clutter (or started the momentum and really feel like you’re in the flow), it’s time to clean. If you’re the type of person who regularly keeps your house clean from top to bottom, you’ve already done this step. But if you’re like most of us and you let crumbs, dust, or cobwebs pile up under and behind things and in those dark corners, then a thorough, deep cleaning is an important next step. Why? Well, just as clutter clearing raises and improves your personal vibration, cleaning raises and improves your vibration even more. And the more positive your vibration is, the more magnetic you become to positive conditions, including healthy and harmonious romance—because (remember?) like attracts like.
So put on some uplifting music, light some incense or diffuse some essential oil (if you’re into that sort of thing and don’t have any animals that will be endangered by it), and clean. Go deep: Clean under rugs and inside cupboards. Wash your windows. (Clean windows help you see the world with eyes of love.) Wash your mirrors. (Clean mirrors help you see yourself with eyes of love.) Wash your front door and sweep your doorstep. (Your entry symbolizes the portal where desires become manifest as blessings flow into your life.) As you clean, feel, imagine, and sense that you are indeed raising your vibration and clearing the way for positive romantic conditions to flow into your life with ease.
(For additional cleaning inspiration on this website, here’s how you can Make Your Own Natural Cleaning Products and here are 10 Ways to Make Cleaning More Magical.)
Is your house feeling all sparkly now? Nice work. You’ve already worked some powerful love magic. Anything you do next will be that much more powerful.
Here are some ideas for magic to work next:
How to Clear the Energy in Your Home in 5 Simple Steps
4 Love Spells That Begin Working Immediately
The 9 Best Feng Shui Tips for Love and Romance
Did this post inspire you to clean and clear your house for love? Or do you have any questions about it? Please share in the comments below.
I need to get rid of a 50 year old curse on my husbands mother and theyere faamily they are part indian and mexican his mom born in 1941 octubre 28 Virginia garcia macias is her name
Hi Diana! This might be the post you’re looking for:
I like the statement that clutter is stuck energy. When I think of friends or family members who hoard, I am reminded that they are clinging to material possessions because they have not dealt with their trauma and moved forward. Stuck energy, indeed.
Yes, absolutely.
This was a great post!
I have had your book Magical Housekeeping for years, and it’s something that I keep referring to. I think it was from your book that I first learned about clutter clearing and how it affects energy. The past weekend I was doing some spring clutter clearing with my husband in our garage storage. We found a box where we stored our love letters to each other, written over 20 years ago (we lived on different continents, and international calls were back then costly). Re-reading them made me see two main things: our love for each other is as delightful when we started, and I was just as interested in both spiritual, magical well-being and practical, down-to-earth action – as I am now.
When covid happened, and I lost my job. I, too, was lost for few months, feeling shame and desperation. Slowly I started to really pour my love and energy into my home and garden. Started meditating. Then I finished the clutter clearing course I had started in 2017. Just a few months ago, I became a certified clutter-clearing coach (Denise Linn method). I now feel that I have found my purpose, marrying the magical and practical and helping people find their joy in their homes and lives.
I thank you for being an inspiration and putting the idea in my head years ago. Thank you for providing inspiring content and bringing magic into our lives.
A lot of light and love, Eija
Eija, all of this brings me so much joy! The romance, the self-care during COVID, the clutter clearing coaching! Beautiful. Thank you for sharing. P.S. I love Denise Linn.
❤️! After writing my comment I went ahead and purchased your other book The good energy book. I have thought about getting it so many times but always forgot. Now, I can’t wait to get it! Love and light, Eija
Eija, thank you! I hope you enjoy it.