Are you wondering how to do a binding spell, or looking for an easy binding spell for protection?
Reclaim your power and neutralize a bully’s ability to cause harm with one of these simple binding spells.
What is a binding spell? And how do you cast one?
According to author Judika Illes, the definition of a binding spell is magic performed for the purpose of “binding someone’s power, usually to prevent them from causing harm.” (Remember the chanted line in The Craft: “I bind you, Nancy, from doing harm: harm against other people and harm against yourself.”)
Merriam-Webster’s primary definition of bully is: a blustering, browbeating person; especially : one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable.
While we good witches generally do not prefer to bind other people’s power and therefore do not seek out situations that call for binding spells, there are times when it is obviously appropriate to perform one: in essence when you need to protect yourself from a bully. In other words, when you need protection from someone is “habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable.”
If you’re concerned about the threefold law (that which you send out energetically comes back to you multiplied), you needn’t be, provided you keep some things in mind. First, you must actually be binding a bully: if you’re binding someone who doesn’t deserve to be bound, you may indeed bring negative karma upon yourself. On the other hand, if someone is indeed being a bully, you have the opportunity to perform your binding as an act of sending out pure positivity.
In other words, you’ll be sending out the bright, positive light of justice and protection on your own behalf, and/or on behalf of anyone else who is being threatened and unfairly treated.
As long as you’re using a binding spell exclusively for justice and protection – and as long as you hold the intention that your spell is for the ultimate good of all concerned – you will be safe from undesirable karmic backlash.
An excellent time to perform a binding spell is when the waning moon is in the fourth quarter. So that’s the last week of a moon cycle, or the week before the new moon. But sometimes, you can’t wait. So you can go ahead and follow your intuition and perform one of these spells when you feel the moment is right.
No matter who the bully is, remember that they are only a human, and humans can be magically bound.
Here are 3 simple, easy, powerful spells for binding a bully.
Choose the one that feels intuitively right to you.
Please be sure to cast a circle before doing any of these, and to open it when you are through.
Binding #1: Easy Salt and String Spell
For this binding spell, write the bully’s name on a slip of paper and place it on a table.
Light a black candle. In a clockwise direction, surround the name with a circle of sea salt.
With a short length of black embroidery floss, tie a knot tightly around the slip of paper, allowing it to crumple. As you tie the knot, say, “I bind you [name of bully]. You are powerless to harm other people or the planet. Your insults are powerless. Your hostility is powerless. You shall cause no harm from this day forth.”
Repeat 7 more times, with 7 more lengths of black thread.
Extinguish the candle. Leave the paper and string in the ring of salt overnight. In the morning, flush the salt down the toilet and throw the bound name on a fire.
Binding #2: Simple Tarot Spell
You’ll be working closely with the archetype of justice for this binding spell.
Place the Justice card from any Tarot deck on your altar.
Light a white pillar candle as you say, “[Name of bully], on behalf of all those you would harm, insult, or overpower, I call on the archetypal energy of Justice. With this ancient, swift, and thorough power, I now bind all your power to harm.”
Safely use the light of the candle to burn the bully’s full name and/or image on a piece of paper, perhaps in a cauldron or pot. As it burns, say, “Just as this paper is now reduced to ashes, your power to harm is now fully revoked and reduced to nothing.”
When the ashes are cool, mix them with sea salt and flush them down the toilet. Extinguish the candle after you’ve opened the circle.
Bully #3: Freezer Binding Spell
Freeze out a bully and put his or her power on ice with this freezer binding spell.
Obtain a picture of the bully, or just write the bully’s name on a piece of paper. Place it in a small mason jar.
Pour water over it as you say, “[Name of bully], if your power to harm is like fire, I now extinguish that power completely. It burns no more.” Seal the jar with the lid.
Wrap and tie it tightly with black ribbon as you say, “[Name of bully], if your power to harm is like wings, I now bind and immobilize that power completely. It flies no more.”
Rotate the jar in a counterclockwise direction three times as you say, “[Name of bully], your power is now unwound. It has no momentum. It has no force. It now returns to the native nothingness from which it came.” Now place the jar in your freezer.
Remember: no one has any power over you. You have all the power over your own life. Do any of these binding spells (and indeed all your magical work) from this strong inner knowing, and you will certainly prevail.
For lasting and holistic protection against bullies and other negative people, work with angels. My brand new ANGEL MAGIC ORACLE is coming so soon. You can pre-order it here.
Did you try one of these binding spells? Or do you have any questions about the spells in this post? Please share in the comments below.
You may also like these 5 Karma-Friendly Alternatives to Curses and Hexes.
I have an Aunt who is mean, overpowering, and insulting to anyone including, animals. She is oppressive. Now that I have to live with her, bc of chronic illness, she drains my empathic abilities and her aura beats my energy down. I’m always exhausted. It shows physically with dark circles and puffiness around my eyes, pain, headaches, etc. I would like to use spell #2, but I was wondering do I put the pot in a circle of salt? Did I understand the directions correctly?
No, you can just mix the ashes with salt.
I have been wanting to do the freezer spell to protect my daughter but have been worried about karma. I’m pretty religious and have been praying instead but does not seem to be working and I am getting restless. The situation is with my daughter’s boyfriend and his mother. I don’t feel this boy is good for her for several reasons. But really the worst one is the mother. She is very jealous towards our family and just has very bad intentions. This has been proven several times already by comments she has made to her son and my daughter about our family and specifically me. She is an extremely toxic person. I feel the boy is simply a product of his environment unfortunately, but has many of the same toxic traits. The problem is that my daughter loves to go over to his house and so she is around this woman constantly. I have prayed, lit candles to
San Alejo and put an evil eye on her but all to no avail. My daughter really is in love with this boy (they have been together for 2 years) so I am very torn. But I feel like i need to protect my daughter and quite honestly I do not want her going into a family like this. Would you recommend I freeze both of them or just his mom?
Gigi, I would suggest doing spell # 2 from this post on your daughter’s behalf –
I plan on doing these spells on my neighbor who is constantly picking and harassing my family , we have a restraining order of protection case going on and it seems like the cameras we have don’t pick up the times he has caused damage to our cars, we know it’s him since this all started over the past year but this has been an ongoing problem the whole family does not like ours and we get along with pretty much everyone, any advice if I plan on doing these spells ? It’s mostly one person in their family causing this harm to ours but I would say the whole family is like this, should I include all their names ?
Karla, you certainly could, but my intuition is telling me to ask you if you can fix the camera system or get a better one first? Neighbors are super tricky to deal with, so if you already have legal action going I would see what else you can do to stop this by continuing along that route. Magically, I’m not sure binding spells are the best idea for you at this time. If you’d like, start by letting me know about the cameras and then I’ll see what else my intuition has to say.
Ok, The more I do the binding cutting cords, the more the narassist bully stalks me even more.
I did the freezer method (and his name is still in the freezer) and
the salt and string method. (once a night for 7 days straight).
It’s like he knows I’m doing it and attacks me stronger. I could sure use your suggestions for anything else stronger to do to get him to leave me alone and stop bullying and stalking me?
Debra, just covering bases here – have you filed a police report or asked for a restraining order?
Dear Tess, I’ve used this spelling before and I used it again last week. The headmistress of my sons school (mini school with 17 kids) has started picking on him badly. He’s no saint, but he’s 10 years old, los his father 1.5 years ago and does not deserve to be handled the way she treated him. And because of her demeanor her 12 year old son stepped in and started bullying too. I found out that was byllying others too as was she. I used the Justice card spell, which is my favorite (I don’t use it often – it’s my last resort). Before I used it I laid cards, because I wont use this spell lightly. They were pretty straight forward, so I did the spell. Now she kicked him out of school, because I insulted her….I called her out for her action, but I did not insult her. My question is: I’ve seen this spell lead to uncomfortable situation, especially now. Do you think this spell backfires, even if done in good intent? I never want to Hurt anybody obviously, but she was atractiva g and stigmatizing my child so I had to act. Love and blessings, Alex
Alex, I believe this spell worked perfectly. This reminds me of the time many years ago (decades even) I did a spell to protect myself from a mean boss, and the next day she fired me, and that was the best protection I could have received. I needed to get OUT of that environment, and quick! Lucky for me, a much better job was just around the corner. I believe the same is true for your son. If it is impossible for him to thrive in that environment, the ideal situation would be one in which he never needs to be there. I know it’s not what you had hoped for, but sometimes magic works that way. I suggest looking for a more welcoming school for him where he can be appreciated, respected, and understood. And certainly if you would like to file a complaint, write a withering online review for the headmistress and/or school, or take another corrective action so this won’t be likely to happen to other students in the future, that might be a good idea as well. Or, you might just want to cut your losses and move on. That’s up to you.
Hi dear Tess,
that´s actually what I thought myself ;). But I wanted to hear your spiritual input, and I appreciate it. It´s the wrong environment. But since we are in a very unregulated system on a wild little pirate island, if I filed a complaint (believe me – lawyer me wanted to go straight at it), the school would be closed and I believe that a few of the remaining parents need the school and think its good for their kids. Its only 17 kids…I spoke to most of the other parents and now its their run. Thanks and have a beautiful day,
Blessed Be!
Alex, glad my comment resonated. I wish you and your son all the best.
Dear Tess,
First, allow me to be grateful for being guided towards your website. Growing up as a (non-Wiccan) white witch, it’s been difficult to find genuine knowledge like the one Mom brought me up with, as everything else out there seems to have shades of gray. I ran into some very nasty, deceiving people in my youth and it’s an experience I don’t wish to repeat. I almost gave up on my heritage and craft.
That being said, I’m between a rock and a hard place. For my own safety I cannot go into details publicly, but I’m constantly threatened with my house being taken away from me. I’ve been threatened by people sent to look for me, with intentions of breaking in. I have been assured by 3 different lawyers that legally this person has no recourse, they’re all empty threats meant to scare me. My lawyer advised me to move, to sell and buy elsewhere so this person can’t follow, as the only available solution in my country. But I know that evil intentions carry evil energy, and I know of a Wiccan witch with shaky morals who works at this person’s business, so I’m sure I’m being targeted as well. As soon as these troubles started, my neighbourhood went from peaceful, beautiful, and harmonious, to noisy, ugly, conflictive and in decay; my house is constantly breaking down too. I’m moving alright, but if this hex is placed against me I don’t want it to follow me to a different place, and if it’s placed against this house I don’t want the new tenants to suffer for it. I’m constantly cleansing myself and my house to no lasting avail, this is really strong stuff. I have guides protecting me, but I know I need something as strong and as definite. I’m considering using both the “5 karma-friendly alternatives” as well as the binding spells here. I don’t wish to harm, I just want protection, safety, and to be left in peace. I trust karma for justice and resolution. Your insights and advice would be greatly appreciated. Blessings!
Hi there! If you would like outside help, I would ask Sen Elias at Crescent City Conjure.