Are you wondering how to do a binding spell, or looking for an easy binding spell for protection?
Reclaim your power and neutralize a bully’s ability to cause harm with one of these simple binding spells.
What is a binding spell? And how do you cast one?
According to author Judika Illes, the definition of a binding spell is magic performed for the purpose of “binding someone’s power, usually to prevent them from causing harm.” (Remember the chanted line in The Craft: “I bind you, Nancy, from doing harm: harm against other people and harm against yourself.”)
Merriam-Webster’s primary definition of bully is: a blustering, browbeating person; especially : one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable.
While we good witches generally do not prefer to bind other people’s power and therefore do not seek out situations that call for binding spells, there are times when it is obviously appropriate to perform one: in essence when you need to protect yourself from a bully. In other words, when you need protection from someone is “habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable.”
If you’re concerned about the threefold law (that which you send out energetically comes back to you multiplied), you needn’t be, provided you keep some things in mind. First, you must actually be binding a bully: if you’re binding someone who doesn’t deserve to be bound, you may indeed bring negative karma upon yourself. On the other hand, if someone is indeed being a bully, you have the opportunity to perform your binding as an act of sending out pure positivity.
In other words, you’ll be sending out the bright, positive light of justice and protection on your own behalf, and/or on behalf of anyone else who is being threatened and unfairly treated.
As long as you’re using a binding spell exclusively for justice and protection – and as long as you hold the intention that your spell is for the ultimate good of all concerned – you will be safe from undesirable karmic backlash.
An excellent time to perform a binding spell is when the waning moon is in the fourth quarter. So that’s the last week of a moon cycle, or the week before the new moon. But sometimes, you can’t wait. So you can go ahead and follow your intuition and perform one of these spells when you feel the moment is right.
No matter who the bully is, remember that they are only a human, and humans can be magically bound.
Here are 3 simple, easy, powerful spells for binding a bully.
Choose the one that feels intuitively right to you.
Please be sure to cast a circle before doing any of these, and to open it when you are through.
Binding #1: Easy Salt and String Spell
For this binding spell, write the bully’s name on a slip of paper and place it on a table.
Light a black candle. In a clockwise direction, surround the name with a circle of sea salt.
With a short length of black embroidery floss, tie a knot tightly around the slip of paper, allowing it to crumple. As you tie the knot, say, “I bind you [name of bully]. You are powerless to harm other people or the planet. Your insults are powerless. Your hostility is powerless. You shall cause no harm from this day forth.”
Repeat 7 more times, with 7 more lengths of black thread.
Extinguish the candle. Leave the paper and string in the ring of salt overnight. In the morning, flush the salt down the toilet and throw the bound name on a fire.
Binding #2: Simple Tarot Spell
You’ll be working closely with the archetype of justice for this binding spell.
Place the Justice card from any Tarot deck on your altar.
Light a white pillar candle as you say, “[Name of bully], on behalf of all those you would harm, insult, or overpower, I call on the archetypal energy of Justice. With this ancient, swift, and thorough power, I now bind all your power to harm.”
Safely use the light of the candle to burn the bully’s full name and/or image on a piece of paper, perhaps in a cauldron or pot. As it burns, say, “Just as this paper is now reduced to ashes, your power to harm is now fully revoked and reduced to nothing.”
When the ashes are cool, mix them with sea salt and flush them down the toilet. Extinguish the candle after you’ve opened the circle.
Bully #3: Freezer Binding Spell
Freeze out a bully and put his or her power on ice with this freezer binding spell.
Obtain a picture of the bully, or just write the bully’s name on a piece of paper. Place it in a small mason jar.
Pour water over it as you say, “[Name of bully], if your power to harm is like fire, I now extinguish that power completely. It burns no more.” Seal the jar with the lid.
Wrap and tie it tightly with black ribbon as you say, “[Name of bully], if your power to harm is like wings, I now bind and immobilize that power completely. It flies no more.”
Rotate the jar in a counterclockwise direction three times as you say, “[Name of bully], your power is now unwound. It has no momentum. It has no force. It now returns to the native nothingness from which it came.” Now place the jar in your freezer.
Remember: no one has any power over you. You have all the power over your own life. Do any of these binding spells (and indeed all your magical work) from this strong inner knowing, and you will certainly prevail.
For lasting and holistic protection against bullies and other negative people, work with angels. My brand new ANGEL MAGIC ORACLE is coming so soon. You can pre-order it here.
Did you try one of these binding spells? Or do you have any questions about the spells in this post? Please share in the comments below.
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Thank you. Yes we have explored the possibility. We have reached out but have not heard anything. Our union is very strong but we’re in a bad position with the COVID-19 pandemic. The bankruptcy judge is not a friend to labor…and the company buying our hospital made statements that “We’re not doing this to save money.” Which means they are doing it because they just want to. These concessions will be life changing events for many. People will lose homes, some will not be able to afford college for their kids…and some will not be able to care for the extended family members that many of us do. You would think stories like this would be of interest…but we have not heard back from anyone.
Eight years ago, this same company attempted to buy our hospital but was contested all the way to the attorney general and the company walked away…Now they are back and just evil. This has always been their nature. Our nurses have always been involved with our community…many underserved patients here. And we fought for their rights to healthcare, now we are having to fight for our livlihood and the community. Just was hoping for some help somehow somewhere…thank you again.
Hi SJB! I see. This makes sense. I recommend invoking magic for the purpose of bringing these challenges and motivations to light, and sending as much positive energy and trust in divine timing to the situation as you can, rather than binding the people in charge. I think one of the lessons the magical community can learn from this present challenge with the pandemic is that binding leaders we don’t like perhaps isn’t the best course of action because the challenges related to the resulting ineffectiveness can spill over to the people and places they govern. There is a huge amount of transformational energy in the world right now, which can also be experienced as a feeling of instability, but I recommend working with it rather than against it. Here’s a video about how to do that energetically. All 3 ideas in this could be helpful.
Mrs. Whitehurst. I am a nurse at a charity based hospital which is about to be bought by a very nasty and greedy company. They are attempting to cut the nurse’s wages in half. Remove contract obligations. Our pension has already been cancelled. I have worked here for over 20 years. Our charity hospital is very profitable but the new owners want to make millions off of the backs of the people who care. We have over 15 RNs who have contracted COVID-19. We have some of the highest numbers of COVID-19 in Los Angeles.
The company has deliberately pushed for the sell during this horrible time so we cannot strike due to the current health needs of the community. We need help. Where do we go for some type of binding spell. How can we fight this nasty company with our spirit and magic? Any help would be great. We are at a loss…
Scott, I’m so sorry to hear about this. You’re right: this sounds nasty. I have the sense that exposing and redirecting this negativity (rather than binding it) could be the most efficient and effective way to deal with it. In Los Angeles, you are surrounded my many news organizations, podcasters, and documentarians who could be interested in sharing what’s happening with the world. If you can get the story to the right person or group, the exposure could help create change. (Michael Moore, Vice News, and 60 Minutes come to mind, but one or more local news organizations or less famous media personalities could also be effective.) Have you explored this possibility?
Hello, my dear.
Never thought I’d have to use one of these spells (mason jar) on my birthday, but I’m in a tough situation and I want to bind two bullies’ powers who have forced me to confront them right on this day. I really hope the spell will save it and give me enough courage to confront them without fearing their power. Does the spell activate instantly or does it take time.
Lots of love,
Yuna McHill
Hi Yuna! Happy birthday, and I’m sorry to hear about the tough situation. I would not expect these spells to take time to work – I would assume they begin working immediately.
Thank you so much, Tess.
I’m sure it will be a wonderful birthday. I’ll tell you if this spell works, which I believe it should.
It worked, Tessa!
They were as civil as lambs, well, not like lambs, but way more civil than before! I also called upon archangels Chamuel and Michael to give me strength and peace. Overall, not the worst conversation. I love your spells, they always work! <3
A dear friend is in a awful marriage. She is preparing heraelf to leave but has no option to leave for a little while. His hurtful words keep getting to her. I feel spell #2 would be appropriate for her situation. She is worried about not being able to stay neutral during the spell and asked if I would do it for her. I like her husband, he isn’t a terrible man but his words are mean, hurtful and said out of spite. He is a bully. Do you think it would be appropriate for me to do this spell in this situation?
Also, why do you use 8 pieces of thread?
Hi Colleen! I would not perform this spell in this situation, as the ideal outcome is not that she stay in this situation, but that she leave it. Performing a binding on someone you live with can be tricky, and if you’re doing magical work anyway, you may as well do magical work to speed up your ability to leave. So instead of you doing a spell on her behalf, I would recommend she do an unblocking spell on her own behalf if she feels up to it. Here is a post with 5 unblocking spells to choose from:
Hi Tess,
Apologies for the long message, I just want to explain exactly what I want.
I’m with a person who has a large mixed gender friendship group. I have no concerns about faithfulness, but one of his female friends is overbearing, dominates conversation and makes us newest girlfriends in the group feel left out by dwelling on old times and in-jokes or talking to her friends (our partners) in a way that isn’t inclusive. She’s not touchy feely in the ‘I’m stealing your man’ sense, but her actions towards myself and the other new girlfriends in the group remind me of an abusive ex-friend of mine who found all sorts of ways to remind you subtly that they are closer, have a history, see each other often etc. Like my ex friend, she even find ways to include herself in hobbies she doesn’t even like so she is there; I’d really rather she didn’t do that. My previous abuse makes me fear I’m disliked or being frozen out by someone I can’t compete against so her actions hurt. My partner is quiet, and doesn’t kick up a fuss even if she (or others in general) say or do things that make him uncomfortable, so he won’t tell her she’s being a bit much.
She seems unhappy (quitting her job, threatening to move country) and is single. I get the impression she’s clinging to her mates, especially the ones that paired up last (like my partner), and is perhaps a little resentful or jealous that they have grown up and have other responsibilities to fill their time and have partners to be close to. I’m not even sure that she’s aware that she’s sending negative vibes or making people feel unwelcome and I don’t think she’s a bad person necessarily. I’d really like to get to know her and to be on good terms with her.
I don’t wish her any harm; quite the opposite. I want her to be fulfilled and happy, go abroad if she wants to, and to move on with their life, find love if she wants it, get a job she loves, and still be friends with my partner and the others. Just not in this competitive clingy way but with healthy boundaries and respect for the partners in her friends’ lives.
I don’t want to banish her as a person physically (though she’s threatened to move abroad!), or bind her because I’m not sure she’s being malicious. But I wonder if It might help to banish the part of her that is overbearing, smothering, clingy, competitive, and non-inclusive so that she and I can grow a healthy friendship so that she doesn’t do things to hurt me or the other ladies. And that she can stop holding on too tight to her friendships and find new friends and hobbies and happiness whilst she lets her friends do their own thing and be happy and respects their relationships. I’d like her to let go and live her life, and let her friends live theirs. I don’t know if a freezing spell would help, or some kind of protection spell. I don’t know where she lives, and she doesn’t visit my house, so a mirror would be no good. I’ve considered placing her name in a jar of salt like you suggest. I want to set the intention for her to live her best life. I don’t want to cut the cords of their friendship but I’d like her tostop being clingy and intruding on mine and my partners’ (and our other friends’) lives and for there to be a healthy and appropriate distance between her and friends.
I just want to be able to deal with her in my life, and in my partner’s life without feeling that she’s trying to exclude me. Are there any spells or intentions you can recommend?
Hi Mellanthe! This sounds more like a situation that calls for setting boundaries in the physical world. You may want to talk to your partner about your feelings and choose not to hang out with the group when this person is around. If you don’t want to be friends with someone because they don’t resonate with you, it’s a better idea to stop hanging out with them instead of working magic on them. I can see that this may cause friction or issues in your relationship, but it will be much better in the long run to have these conversations now. Being in a relationship with someone who requires you to spend time with someone you don’t like is probably not a relationship you’d want to sustain.