Are you wondering how to do a binding spell, or looking for an easy binding spell for protection?
Reclaim your power and neutralize a bully’s ability to cause harm with one of these simple binding spells.
What is a binding spell? And how do you cast one?
According to author Judika Illes, the definition of a binding spell is magic performed for the purpose of “binding someone’s power, usually to prevent them from causing harm.” (Remember the chanted line in The Craft: “I bind you, Nancy, from doing harm: harm against other people and harm against yourself.”)
Merriam-Webster’s primary definition of bully is: a blustering, browbeating person; especially : one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable.
While we good witches generally do not prefer to bind other people’s power and therefore do not seek out situations that call for binding spells, there are times when it is obviously appropriate to perform one: in essence when you need to protect yourself from a bully. In other words, when you need protection from someone is “habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable.”
If you’re concerned about the threefold law (that which you send out energetically comes back to you multiplied), you needn’t be, provided you keep some things in mind. First, you must actually be binding a bully: if you’re binding someone who doesn’t deserve to be bound, you may indeed bring negative karma upon yourself. On the other hand, if someone is indeed being a bully, you have the opportunity to perform your binding as an act of sending out pure positivity.
In other words, you’ll be sending out the bright, positive light of justice and protection on your own behalf, and/or on behalf of anyone else who is being threatened and unfairly treated.
As long as you’re using a binding spell exclusively for justice and protection – and as long as you hold the intention that your spell is for the ultimate good of all concerned – you will be safe from undesirable karmic backlash.
An excellent time to perform a binding spell is when the waning moon is in the fourth quarter. So that’s the last week of a moon cycle, or the week before the new moon. But sometimes, you can’t wait. So you can go ahead and follow your intuition and perform one of these spells when you feel the moment is right.
No matter who the bully is, remember that they are only a human, and humans can be magically bound.
Here are 3 simple, easy, powerful spells for binding a bully.
Choose the one that feels intuitively right to you.
Please be sure to cast a circle before doing any of these, and to open it when you are through.
Binding #1: Easy Salt and String Spell
For this binding spell, write the bully’s name on a slip of paper and place it on a table.
Light a black candle. In a clockwise direction, surround the name with a circle of sea salt.
With a short length of black embroidery floss, tie a knot tightly around the slip of paper, allowing it to crumple. As you tie the knot, say, “I bind you [name of bully]. You are powerless to harm other people or the planet. Your insults are powerless. Your hostility is powerless. You shall cause no harm from this day forth.”
Repeat 7 more times, with 7 more lengths of black thread.
Extinguish the candle. Leave the paper and string in the ring of salt overnight. In the morning, flush the salt down the toilet and throw the bound name on a fire.
Binding #2: Simple Tarot Spell
You’ll be working closely with the archetype of justice for this binding spell.
Place the Justice card from any Tarot deck on your altar.
Light a white pillar candle as you say, “[Name of bully], on behalf of all those you would harm, insult, or overpower, I call on the archetypal energy of Justice. With this ancient, swift, and thorough power, I now bind all your power to harm.”
Safely use the light of the candle to burn the bully’s full name and/or image on a piece of paper, perhaps in a cauldron or pot. As it burns, say, “Just as this paper is now reduced to ashes, your power to harm is now fully revoked and reduced to nothing.”
When the ashes are cool, mix them with sea salt and flush them down the toilet. Extinguish the candle after you’ve opened the circle.
Bully #3: Freezer Binding Spell
Freeze out a bully and put his or her power on ice with this freezer binding spell.
Obtain a picture of the bully, or just write the bully’s name on a piece of paper. Place it in a small mason jar.
Pour water over it as you say, “[Name of bully], if your power to harm is like fire, I now extinguish that power completely. It burns no more.” Seal the jar with the lid.
Wrap and tie it tightly with black ribbon as you say, “[Name of bully], if your power to harm is like wings, I now bind and immobilize that power completely. It flies no more.”
Rotate the jar in a counterclockwise direction three times as you say, “[Name of bully], your power is now unwound. It has no momentum. It has no force. It now returns to the native nothingness from which it came.” Now place the jar in your freezer.
Remember: no one has any power over you. You have all the power over your own life. Do any of these binding spells (and indeed all your magical work) from this strong inner knowing, and you will certainly prevail.
For lasting and holistic protection against bullies and other negative people, work with angels. My brand new ANGEL MAGIC ORACLE is coming so soon. You can pre-order it here.
Did you try one of these binding spells? Or do you have any questions about the spells in this post? Please share in the comments below.
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Salutations Tess. I have a very toxic situation at work because I happen to be the only woman working with a team of men in an I.T. based job. There are 3 men which influence the rest of the group (my 2 Team Leads, and a former co-worker from a past job that never liked me) and they target me with their negative smear campaign to malign my reputation, keep me isolated from my co-workers with whispered gossip sessions that I can hear over my cubicle walls filling their heads with doubt and mistrust. They use under handed tactics to make me look bad, incompetent (such as erasing important notes i’ve placed on computer documents then showing them to our supervisor or not training me properly on a new process of the job which makes our supervisor question my abilities). They make belittling and insulting comments claiming they are just “joking” (like my team lead saying to me “must suck to be old and out of shape” but only when there was no one else around to hear him) or make a loud joke at my expense when they think i can’t hear them. They leave me out of the loop on important information, and are very good at covering their tracks when our supervisor comes around. I have been at this job for almost 2 years enduring this but it is starting to affect my health and, even though I am looking for another job, work is scarce out there. Especially for someone of my age. They claim to “follow the wiccan path” (or so i’ve heard them say) but I fail to see how when they have no problem inflicting such harm on another individual who has done nothing to them other then come to work, be reliable, and do a good job at it. Even though I stick to myself, try to be inconspicuous, and ignore the jibes they still won’t stop. If what they say is true and they are using spells, negativity, or just simply ill-wishing, I need something strong and effective to battle all 3 joined together in one common goal, damaging me. I understand the karmic backlash of wishing harm…but this is a case of self defense and survival. A few months ago I started having sporadic nosebleeds. Several times a day, every day, lasting 5-10 minutes every time with no obvious cause why they were happening. This went on for almost a month. My daughter finally dragged me to the emergency room because she was worried about all the blood loss. They said my blood pressure was 200/100 and put me on meds. I had to have a minor procedure to stop the nosebleeds and they could not find what caused them to start in the first place. They’re blaming the blood pressure. I need a spell strong enough to hold off all 3 of them or something to help me find a job doing something that gets me out of their reach. Or both would be ideal. Help?
Silver, I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through this! It sounds awful. Yes, a binding sounds called for, and so does a new job spell. I suggest doing any of the spells in this post on all three of them at once. You can also check out this spell for a new job:
Tess you are the best I’m Seeking how to bind my daughter from any harm emotionally she does towards my grandson and me. We my grandson and I have a bond that she works on taking away every now and then when I let her know how I feel about how she illy treats him he’s only 4 and it kills my soul . I don’t want to do this to harm her but yet protect him .
Heather, I’m so sorry you’re going through this! In this instance, I wouldn’t do a binding since they will continue to have a close relationship no matter what and a binding would either not work at all or just make things weird. Instead, I would ask the Divine to surround your grandson in protective light every day. Or, you could use the search feature on this blog and find a protection spell or charm that you like.
Due to the nature of the things happening in my life, within my immediate family, I am asking for a helping hand from anyone who can do so…I am unsure whether to believe accusations, in reality it not a open reality for me to believe them. However, it has become a very large issue. I am really looking for answers here. I really need a spell for immediate protection of life, I also need one for answers. As the person need answers from has lied to me for 3 years. I would feel more comfortable with easy levels, or even if someone could cast them on my behalf as I am beginner, though it’s in my blood. I am dealing with a real awful situation. Please 🙏 if you can help anyway…it is in fact a matter of preservation. Bless you
Lulu, I’m sorry for the delay here. I let the comments get away from me. I suggest the protection spell (#2) in this post:
Hi Tess,
I know this is an old post but hopefully you still keep an eye on it! I’m new to all of this. I have a new downstairs neighbor who is very angry and likes to randomly yell and swear at me for things that have nothing to do with me. It’s put a ton of stress on my life. I was hoping to do the freezer spell but quick question: do you have to leave the mason jar permanently in your freezer, if not how would you dispose of it? Also do you think this is a good spell for this situation. I have a little girl too and the way he gets so enraged I worry about our safety.
Thank you!
Hey Rebecca!
I dont see a response from anyone yet, and I know you posted this back in February. I had the same question, so I decided to look into it. I believe throwing the item in the garbage (jar, bag, what have you) that the frozen name is inside can be a form of a banishing ritual. Sometimes it’s best to properly dispose of those items in the garbage where they will be taken away from you and your home to decompose. You could also thaw the name and burn it. I hope that’s helpful!
Thank you so much Chloe! He is still in my freezer, so I think it’s time to take him out. Unfortunately I don’t think the spell worked for me : / I might not have been in the right mindset idk, I was a bit desperate for it to work. Thank u again!
Hi Tess,
I’m Zeta and i have a tricky situation. I made a bad decision during my pregnancy and lost custody of my son at birth. He’s been in foster care with my father for 2 years now. The social worker assigned to my case has told so many lies and has violated my rights and has never followed the court orders. The court knows this, but they don’t enforce her or the dept to follow policies and adhere to my parental rights. Last night, she and another social worker showed up at my house, Saturday around 8pm to spy on me. My husband was driving my car and they followed him 3 times around the block. Then they pulled up next to him and called me and asked if it was him and if i knew he had my car, saying they were concerned my car had been stolen. But if it was my husband, how does it make sense that he would steal my car? They left an consent form for me to sign so they can talk to my doctors, even though I’ve told them i don’t give permission. They also told me that my father’s girlfriend will be my son’s adopted mother, being the judge doesn’t grant me reunification reinstatement. The attorneys and county council have all slandered my name and have accused me of doing things I’ve never and will never done or do. Even my father and his evil girlfriend have said horrible things about me and my family was not far behind, doing the same. Is a binding spell appropriate for this type of situation, and if so, how do i bind all of them? I was thinking of two out of the three you have posted. The one with the judgement card and the freezer spell. I don’t want them saying anything else to assasinate my character and keep my son away from me any longer. I love him more than life and would do anything to have him here with me. I also am thinking of doing a honey jar to make the judge decide in my favor. He granted my hearing request, which is a good sign coming from this particular judge. I look forward to any advice you give me.
Hi Zeta! You know, there are so many people involved and so many ins and outs, that I would personally call on a saint, ascended master, or deity for this situation. If that’s something you’d be comfortable with, first choose the divine being that feels best to you. For this situation, I might choose Mother Mary or the Goddess Brigid, or perhaps my patron saint or one of my grandmothers on the other side. (I’m just offering this as an example – you might feel guided to choose someone else.) Then I would light a 7-day candle to them and invoke their support with the cause by praying to them daily until there is resolution. Does this sound like something that could work for you?
Hi Tess,
Thank you so much for your response! That’s definitely something I can do. Yesterday, my father became very verbally abusive in front of my son the nurse and the social worker and nobody intervened. I felt so humiliated and defeated. It seems that the situation is getting worse and I really need to stop it before it gets worse. I have so many people working against me, and the only people who can help me and my son is my new attorney and the judge. Do you think I should do a honey jar for them and one of your binding spells for my father? He took my son in the house and my baby was crying at the top of his lungs. I believe my father is hurting him but nobody listens to me. I just feel helpless now. I’ve tried so many things and no matter what, can’t seem to free myself and my baby from this terrible situation.
Zeta, do you have to let your dad be around you? Or is that a boundary you can set in the physical world? You could do a binding spell for him, but I always recommend starting by setting whatever boundaries you can in the physical world, i.e. not letting him around your child or yourself if this is possible. Of course, invoking divine support as I recommended before can help with EVERYTHING, so that’s another thought.
No, I can’t escape him unfortunately. He is my son’s foster parent. As well as his girlfriend, which they plan to adopt my son. He uses my son against me in every way and violates my parental rights. Dcfs does not enforce him to comply. I’m convinced his girlfriend has put some sort of spell on him and me. I thought about binding him, the girlfriend and the social worker.
The thing about binding is that it can be tricky if you have to interact with these people, especially for shared purposes like raising children. Instead, I would stick with invoking the divine for support.